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To: The Core ; Sender : Republican Shipping - Printable Version

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To: The Core ; Sender : Republican Shipping - Morigan - 02-28-2015

[Image: johnnyTb_zps6e330456.png]

To: The Core
Encrypted: Medium
Priority: Medium
Subject: AP-385000 “Orca”

Guten Tag

Our company now has some freedom in respect of finance and from that that the credits are on the bank account there is no advantage. I some time reflected over that where to enclose them with the greatest advantage for us. Probably if we get access to the good gunboat it will bring benefit.

The most suitable for escort and patrol is AP-385000 “Orca” . We would like to buy a rights to use this ship . I offer one bill S.C. and will perhaps a little increase .

Separately we would also like to have an opportunity to use BHG Core weapons that we had an opportunity to setup our's ships with good arms . Payment for this will be made in addition .

With the best regards

[Image: tbFooterNew_zps6b51ddce.png]

RE: To: The Core ; Sender : Republican Shipping - Lythrilux - 02-28-2015

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ID: Jessica Holland
Location: Alabama Shipyard, Omicron Rho
Subject: Purchase


So, your order is an Orca plus unlimited access to APM weapons, correct? What classes of weapons are you looking into?

-J. Holland
Customer Inquiries, AP Manufacturing

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RE: To: The Core ; Sender : Republican Shipping - Morigan - 02-28-2015

[Image: johnnyTb_zps6e330456.png]

To: Jessica Holland
Encrypted: Medium
Priority: Medium

Guten Tag

Yes, it is correct , we would like to acquire an unlimited rights to AP-385000 “Orca" , only this ship type . And as for weapons , we would like to acquire also unlimited rights to use weapons , but not all types. Only for a fighters (bombers) class and gunboats ( gunships ) class weapons .

With the best regards

[Image: tbFooterNew_zps6b51ddce.png]

RE: To: The Core ; Sender : Republican Shipping - Lythrilux - 03-01-2015

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ID: Jessica Holland
Location: Alabama Shipyard, Omicron Rho
Subject: Purchase


Unfortunately we cannot permit you to have an unlimited supply of Orcas, as keeping track of such will be an extremely ardeous and complicated task. We can however permit you to have a set limit of Orcas and guns per month once. The company has thought up this deal:
  • • Republican Shipping will be permitted to obtain a maximum of 15 Orcas per month. Each time one is obtained, Republican Shipping must submit details of the ships callsign and area of operation and/or purpose. At the end of the year, the contract will need to be renewed.
  • • Republican Shipping will be permitted to freely obtain APM weapons up to Gunboat class, which we will catalog ourselves.
  • • If Republican Shipping accepts this deal, then they may transfer 1.5 billion Sirian Credits to Core|Bank.1
-J. Holland
Customer Inquiries, AP Manufacturing

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RE: To: The Core ; Sender : Republican Shipping - Morigan - 03-01-2015

[Image: johnnyTb_zps6e330456.png]

To: Jessica Holland
Encrypted: Medium
Priority: Medium

Guten Tag

Thanks for a prompt reply. I understood the concern reason. Actually, of course, we don't need such big quantity. But reporting and providing any information about using this ships - an unacceptable condition. It is trade or military secret, depending on a situation. Therefore probably it is worth changing conditions of our transaction. We will buy 3 ships with weapons. But without any conditions . We pay the credits, we take away the ships. How we will use ships and where, i will repeat, it is trade or military secret, depending on a situation. These ships and weapons, after completion of the transaction will be property of the Republican Shipping without any conditions and restrictions . If such conditions are acceptable, i would like to know an amount of transaction and into what account it is necessary to send the credits.

With the best regards

[Image: tbFooterNew_zps6b51ddce.png]

RE: To: The Core ; Sender : Republican Shipping - Lythrilux - 03-01-2015

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ID: Jessica Holland
Location: Alabama Shipyard, Omicron Rho
Subject: Purchase


You must give us the information of the ships in accordance to this form when you purchase our ships:
Quote:Ship Owner: ---------------
Affiliation: ---------------
Ship: ---------------
Ship Callsign: ---------------
Ship Purpose: ---------------
Proof Of Purchase: ---------------

This allows us to keep track of the vessels, so that neither party runs into trouble should any issues occur. We cannot keep secrets between each other as to how they are used, otherwise we'll both have issues.

I have set down the policy of the company, are you still interested?

-J. Holland
Customer Inquiries, AP Manufacturing

:::[Closing Transmission]:::

RE: To: The Core ; Sender : Republican Shipping - Morigan - 03-01-2015

[Image: johnnyTb_zps6e330456.png]

To: Jessica Holland
Encrypted: Medium
Priority: Medium

Guten Tag

It suits us , especially as we usually don't change the names of our ships. We agreed . Seems necessary to discuss an amount of transaction.

With the best regards

[Image: tbFooterNew_zps6b51ddce.png]

RE: To: The Core ; Sender : Republican Shipping - Morigan - 03-02-2015

[Image: johnnyTb_zps6e330456.png]

To: Jessica Holland
Encrypted: Medium
Priority: Medium

Guten Tag

I has take one . We will use this channel if we need to buy more ships. Payment of 300 mill S.C. will be made for every AP-385000 “Orca” .

Quote:Ship Owner: Johnny Smirnoff
Affiliation: Republican Shipping
Ship: AP-385000 “Orca”
Ship Callsign: RS|RSD-Nassau
Ship Purpose: Security
Proof Of Purchase:

[Image: cp_1_zpsxk2drini.jpg]

Inform me plz in this channel , if something .

With the best regards

[Image: tbFooterNew_zps6b51ddce.png]

RE: To: The Core ; Sender : Republican Shipping - Lythrilux - 03-02-2015

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ID: Jessica Holland
Location: Alabama Shipyard, Omicron Rho
Subject: Purchase


Uh, transaction complete, even if it was a bit rushed. Your Orca will be added to our database. Thank you for choosing AP Manufacturing.

-J. Holland
Customer Inquiries, AP Manufacturing

:::[Closing Transmission]:::