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Carly Denver - pieguy259 - 10-02-2008

Name: Carly Denver
Age: 26
Nationality: Bretonian
Home Planet: Leeds
Occupation: Bounty Hunter (Search/Destroy Agency)
Current Ship: Manta

Carly Denver only had two things: a splitting headache, and no idea who she was. She'd woken up in a dumpster on planet Denver with these two things, and realised she'd probably been robbed. With this intense dislike for criminals in mind, she signed up for the Search/Destroy Agency, and was accepted.

Her first major accomplishment was making it from New York to Manchester in her Starflier, not dying once. Upon arrival at Sheffield, she was issued with her Sea Serpent, and with the help of two existing S/D members, obtained the necessary IFF and ID.

Leeds was a strange experience for her: she could not remember having been there, but at the same time it seemed she had lived there her whole life.

A minor scuffle with Mollys near Sheffield turned into a bigger problem when somebody misfired and armed forces, police and Bowex ships started attacking. She escaped to Sheffield, where she was grounded by an ion storm.

Carly Denver - pieguy259 - 10-02-2008

Location: Planet Denver, Colorado System


Back on Denver. 'S funny. It was probably here that I lost my memory, but this is the place I'm really drawn to. It feels almost... safe. That's why I came back here, after that encounter with the Outcast gunboat in California...

Well, the good news is I'm in the Strontium Dogs, at least. That's something to be thankful for. Now I have a solid income, and a chance to get back at the scum who robbed me of my life. Any scum. They're all the same.

Leeds. My past has something to do with Leeds. It fits my accent, and the place gives me that strange feeling of familiarity. But I just don't know why...

...ugh, now I'm all depressed.


Carly Denver - pieguy259 - 10-02-2008

Location: Planet Los Angeles, California System

Los Angeles is OK, I guess. Drinks are the same sodding Liberty Ale you can get anywhere. Yecch.

Rather boring patrol, aside from the scuffle with the Rogues near Alcatraz that had me sent back to LA in an escape pod. But, I've got a better shield now, so that shouldn't happen again.

Ho hum, not much else to say, really. Met another new S/D recruit in California, he seems to be doing alright...

Still don't remember anything, in case you were wondering. Kinda sad...

I wonder if anyone's looking for me?


Carly Denver - pieguy259 - 10-03-2008

Location: Denver Base Hospital, Planet Denver, Colorado System

Well, to cut a long story short, my leg's in plaster, so are my ribs, it hurts when I cough and my head's still spinning. Damn Xenos. They shot me down over Cali Minor. Interrupted my training and everything. Ran back to Denver. It's the only place I really know.

The other new guy, Ryans, got his first kill today, against a Corsair in Texas. Good for him. I, on the other hand, need a LOT more training.

Remembered something, by the way. Nothing important, unfortunately, just a stupid joke I must have heard one time, but it came back. Goes something like, "Why is Rheinland like an empty insane asylum? Because there's Nomad people there." No mad people, geddit? I'd laugh, but it hurts when I do that, and besides, it's not all that funny.


Carly Denver - pieguy259 - 10-05-2008

Location: Denver Base Hospital, Planet Denver, Colorado System

Ugh. This hospital is so dull. Longer I spend in here, the more I wish I was in space. Don't get me STARTED on where they've been sticking all these CATHETERS... *shudder*

Not surprised nobody's come to visit me. The other Dogs have their bounties to worry about, and it's not like I have anyone else...

Oh, brilliant. Here comes a nurse with another big pointy needle.


Carly Denver - pieguy259 - 10-06-2008

Location: Denver Base Hospital, Planet Denver, Colorado System

Well, that was unexpected. I got flowers from the other Dogs, which was nice, but what really threw me was the LPI girl dropping in. Andrea, her name was. I didn't even know her. Well, not like I'd know, but she didn't try to tell me I knew her. Had a good old moaning session about my injuries and my memory and that. She gave me a funny look as she left; wonder what that was about.

Doctors say I should be out of here soon. I bloody well hope so.


Carly Denver - pieguy259 - 10-07-2008

Location: Denver Base Hospital, Planet Denver, Colorado System

Well, the cheque from the insurance fund finally cleared, and I got an infusion of everybody's favourite miracle drug: nanites! Leg's better, ribs are better, concussion's gone, I'm OUTTA here. Farewell, Denver Base Hospital, hello enticing blackness of space!

Looks like my first stop is Sheffield for debriefing. To Manchester!


Carly Denver - pieguy259 - 10-09-2008

Location: Planet Los Angeles, California System

Well, today was a colossal waste of time. Parked above LA for about an hour hoping to pick up an escort job, but the most interesting things that happened were a Mafia schmuck faking his own death and another Navy patrol crashing into the planet. Might as well be back in the sodding hospital.

Maybe I'll have better luck on my next patrol.


Carly Denver - pieguy259 - 10-10-2008

Location: Planet California Minor, California System

Ugh. There are some days when you just wanna grab Lady Luck by the neck and punch her sodding lights out. Shot to pieces by Hackers in Magellan. Lost a Cardamine smuggler before I could take a picture. Shot down again by the Mafia. Had to let some jerk with Artifacts swan by in Colorado. And the Cardi smuggler shows up again, flaunting his hold full of perfectly legitimate items in my face. Damn him.

I'll be glad when I can get out of this sodding useless Sea Serpent and out of this sodding useless House. Just once I'd like to be the one gloating as the other guy's ship explodes...



Carly Denver - pieguy259 - 10-11-2008

Location: Planet Houston, Texas System

If I never see Rheinland again it'll be too soon. Sodding Rheinlanders with their sodding politics! Hessians, Unioners, LWB, Bundschuh... where the hell are the sodding police?!

Escorted the APM-Sagittarius all over Bretonia and Rheinland. Including... Leeds. That place still never fails to creep me out. Some old guy was giving me funny looks in the bar on LD-14. Weird...

Remembered a lot of useless stuff. Jump Hole locations. How to operate a Mammoth transport. Nothing about who I actually am. *sigh*... At least I'm out of Rheinland...