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Question about Borderworld shipline technerf - Printable Version

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Question about Borderworld shipline technerf - AceofSpades - 03-07-2015

Was flying a Freelancer ID'ed Broadsword for awhile and enjoyed it alot.
I changed it over to a Junker ID so I could do some... nefarious activities, and was surprised to see it gets a 90% technerf.

I dont believe the Pirate ID carries any sort of powercore downgrade either for Borderworlds ships.. and considering the quasi-legal standing of Junkers, I was surprised to see it reduced.
It seems more like the Civilian/House-Civy shiplines would be nerfed to Junkers before the borderworlds ships they'd be operating around..

Anyways, I was wondering if this is something that has been discussed previously, or what the established reasoning might be for said techchart?
Not that 10% is a massive drag, and there's always SRP opportunities, but it just seemed a bit outta place

RE: Question about Borderworld shipline technerf - Lythrilux - 03-07-2015

No mainstream faction has 100% on both Borderworlds and Civilian cells for balance reasons. Hence why JM has 100% on BWs and 90% on civ, though we're looking to change that.

RE: Question about Borderworld shipline technerf - AceofSpades - 03-07-2015

Ohhh makes sense, that would be a lot of ships for any faction to have available.

Gahh I dig that JM reputation then it seems to make a lot more sense for the Junker ID's shipline.
Best o' luck on getting that freed up though the Faction IDs sure are useful in that regard

RE: Question about Borderworld shipline technerf - Fluffyball - 03-07-2015

Quote:I changed it over to a Junker ID so I could do some... nefarious activities, and was surprised to see it gets a 90% technerf.

I believe this is to avoid situations like these in the past, at which the best ship was Sabre with Nomad weaponry.

RE: Question about Borderworld shipline technerf - Sanctions - 03-07-2015

CSV must be the most expensive thing that any scrap-addicted bum could afford.

RE: Question about Borderworld shipline technerf - AceofSpades - 03-07-2015

(03-07-2015, 10:49 PM)Sanctions Wrote: CSV must be the most expensive thing that any scrap-addicted bum could afford.

lol this, or a Recycler but no more bomber torpedoes *sobs*

Sabre with nomad weapons g'lord, I just wanted to do some piracy not infect myself with squid fever Big Grin