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Kathrin. Koch(Oracle) - Cupcake - 03-09-2015

Kathrin Koch

[Image: 6MuCMX2.png]

Pressure, Cardamine, and Addiction

I am an agent from the Buro. I devoted 10 years of my life to serve my homeland. I once felt proud of myself as I climbed to the rank of Inspektor smoothly. However, that feeling did not last long and I did not feel the real pressure until the point when I was a Oberinspektor. From that point on, I realized the fact that the higher the rank I am, the heavier the burden on my shoulder.

The missions that our squadron received became harder and harder. I even passed out in my ship once in a mission where we were assigned to collect information of the Liberty Navy. My superior officer recommended me to visit a shrink. I did go there one hour a day, twice a week. Unfortunately, it never worked out, although his accurate analysis stated that I had too much pressure, which was the problem, and we did try to find out approaches to overcome the problem. I gave up and began to hang out in the bars, where I completely relied on the alcohol to relax myself, but it only got even worse. The pressure came from both the work and life. It was so heavy that I could not breathe easily.

One Friday night, as usual, I walked to the bar that was only two blocks away from where I lived. I ordered the same wine as I did previous time. I perched on the bar stool, kept the same posture, sipped the wine when my eyes closed, as if I was drunk. Then someone poked my right shoulder. I opened eyes and turned my head to see who it was. It was a stranger apparently, a tall man with gray-and-white hair, which could tell he was around 40, and blue eyes, which were so attractive that every woman would fall in love with him. I could not recall how he exactly looked like, because the bar was a bit dark. He smiled at me, and began to speak. I thought he would be another playboy who wanted to flirt with me, but it turned out it was true. I was really drunk by that time, and could not clearly hear what he was saying. He handed me over something and asked me to smell it. I did....After that, I became addicted to cardamine.

Chapter 2 - Cupcake - 03-10-2015

Father & Daughter

We have not had a face-to-face conversation since five years ago. My father, Volker Koch, the current Direktor of the Buro, is always busy dealing with every kind of matters that take place inside and outside Rheinland. Every time when we talk, we have to use transmission, which is the communication tool that I hate the most. The transmissions indeed help us talk with someone we really want to more efficiently, but when we want to talk with our beloved ones, they are as useless as trash. What is the point to use them when you cannot touch your biological father’s face physically?

He does not know I am addicted to the cardamine. He does not know about the pressure I am suffering. He does not even know how lonely I am. Of course, I have tons of friends, but they will never replace him. I’ve not told him because I love my father, and I don’t want to distract him while he’s at work. I have to tell him I’m doing great every time through transmissions.

One Wednesday evening, to my surprise, he came to see me when I was just ready to take a shower I opened the door as I heard the knocks. To be honest, it was not his arrival that shocked me, but his unusual smile instead. Apparently he was not busy with those businesses then, which means you do not need to worry he will be mad at you because his thought is interrupted by your “pointless” statements. I felt relaxed and even forgot to turn off the water in the bathroom until he reminded me. I did want to tell him what was happening to me these days, but as I looked at his smile, and the way how he looked at me, I hesitated and finally gave up the idea. I did not want him to worry about me again. The “old man” sitting in front of me has suffered more than he could afford, especially the disappearance of his wife. Regardless, that night was the longest one I’ve ever experienced.

RE: Kathrin. Koch(Oracle) - Cupcake - 03-10-2015

The Dealer

The day after that night when I first touched that thing was the first appointment with my dealer. I flew my ship to Sigma-13, sat where we discussed about at that night, waiting for him to show up.
It took really long, and it didn’t bother me at all. Half an hour later, he finally arrived, as an Outcast. For the first few seconds, I was wondering if it could be a trap, but it turned out I was too suspicious when he answered my question. His name is Leonel Ferrera.
Quote:Kathrin.Koch: I suppose you are the one who was mentioned by that junker?
Leonel.Ferrera: Yes indeed, it was me.
Leonel.Ferrera: Our mutual friend mentioned..
Leonel.Ferrera: You might be in need of things I can supply you with.
Kathrin.Koch: Ja. I would be pleased if you do bring them here.
Kathrin.Koch: How was your day, sir?
Leonel.Ferrera: Good so far, getting better day by the looks of it.
Leonel.Ferrera: Getting to know more people is always a good thing.
Leonel.Ferrera: Gives you a.. -wider perspective on the world, I must say.
Kathrin.Koch: Indeed. No matter which part of this whole secter they are from.
Kathrin.Koch: I see. You do have -them- on your cargo hold.
Leonel.Ferrera: Yes, I do, and I'm guessing our friend informed you about the, more delicate parts of the deal.
Leonel.Ferrera: The encouragement, I'd like to call it.
Kathrin.Koch: True. It's rare to see a Buro agent making a deal with an Outcast, which is a hostile house of Rheinland.
Leonel.Ferrera: Lets refrain from using such words, it's not all black and white out there.
Kathrin.Koch: but it's just relationship between houses, not peope.
Leonel.Ferrera: True.
Leonel.Ferrera: So, here's your package.
Kathrin.Koch: How much will it be?
Leonel.Ferrera: Prying eyes, anyways.
Leonel.Ferrera: None for the first time, it's on the house. Take it as a gesture, if you will.
Leonel.Ferrera: Appreciated.
Kathrin.Koch: I'm glad you do.
Kathrin.Koch: Let's discuss about the next appointment then, shall we?
Leonel.Ferrera: I'm listening, or you can send me a message through private comms. Your call
Kathrin.Koch: *she opens the package, grabs one of them, and begins to smell them*
Kathrin.Koch: *it seems she's been waiting for them for a long time.*
Kathrin.Koch: Quality is good as I expected.
Leonel.Ferrera: I'm glad you like it. We have the reputation for a reason. *smiles*
Kathrin.Koch: Danke.
Kathrin.Koch: I think I will return to Frankfurt now. See you next time.
Leonel.Ferrera: See you soon, senora.
Leonel.Ferrera: I'll look forward to it.
After I was done with payment and we broke up, I hurriedly turned on the engine, turned around and flew back to New Berlin as quickly as I could, as if a thief who just stole something valuable successfully and doesn’t want to be discovered.
I unlocked my apartment’s door, dropped my bag on the ground, rushed to my bedroom and closed its door behind me. I opened the package, and grabbed one of them in my hand. Its flavor filled this room immediately. I could not help myself, and started smelling.

RE: Kathrin. Koch(Oracle) - Cupcake - 03-11-2015


As the pressure applied on my should gets heavier, I can no longer keep my mind organized. I began to pass out in my fighter more often, and finally was told to resign a few days ago. Probably my father was involved in as well, because he doesn’t want her daughter to fight in the battles, which is quite understandable.

I told my father that I got a job in a kindergarten as a teacher. He was impressed. I knew he was excited as well, although he pretended to calm as if he was giving orders. I, however, was feeling upset deep inside my heart for not telling him the truth. Although I tried to control myself, tears still managed to escape out of my eyes.

“Hey, what is going on, Kathrin? Are you crying?” asked my worried father.

“Oh, nothing is wrong, dad. I’m just happy that you are happy.” replied I with a reluctant smile.

After he left, I sent a transmission to the Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee to tell them I was willing and determined to join them. Before the conversation with my father, I had already contacted with them for a few times to see if it was a perfect place to hide my secrets, and fortunately it was. I gave them a wrong name Charlotte Winter so that my father would not find out.
They accepted me unexpectedly. On my first day as an Aktivist, I was led by one of them for a tour. I made an oath for my loyalty to the revolution, completed the other procedures to join this party, and finally I was offered the “Sabre”, a Very Heavy Fighter. On top of those parts, and what made me extremely excited was their neutrality towards the Junkers allowed me to dock with one of the bases in New Berlin, and that’s the closest place where I would sneak one or two package of cardamine, no matter how much it would cost. How could I never know that before?
I have to find out ways to not let the Bundschuh people find out my addiction. Because the Junker base has been noticed, I would no longer need to contact the Outcast dealer. Before the end of our last conversation, he told me that a Lane Hacker would talk to me some time, and I should be prepared.

From that point on, I had two roles in this universe-Charlotte and Kathrin. I really hope that the secrets of me will always be kept hidden.

RE: Kathrin. Koch(Oracle) - Cupcake - 03-14-2015

The "Journey" Begins

Two days ago, I was assigned to a mission where I should steal some intel from the BDM. I was recommended to disguise myself to infiltrate, however, the fact that Bundschuh had no idea about my real identity as the daughter of the BDM Direktor would be a perfect advantage I should take to accomplish the mission more easily. I did not want to be a traitor, but I had to do it to save myself.

I told my father that I would visit him in private, and he agreed. I smoothly entered the HQ building where my father worked, and no guards tried to stop me as if they had been given order to stand still.I knocked at the door of my father’s office after I made my way getting there. “Come in.” Replied a familiar voice.

I opened the door from outside, and both of us smiled at each other. Silence followed , and it did not feel awkward at all although it lasted really long time. At that point when I realized I was my father’s enemy, I heard something broke into fragments inside me, I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply to relax.

“Kathrin? Are you alright?” his words woke me up.
“I’m really well. Thank you, dad,” replied I, opening my eyes and giving a natural short smile,“It’s just I was thinking of an approach to teach the children how to memorize some words more easily.”

We hugged tightly, and took seats for ourselves. The atmosphere was full of happiness, not until we mentioned about Mum. He was pissed off obviously. He slammed the door behind him when he got out.
Here came the chance. The best chance. I quietly got to his computer as I realized he was not near around. I plugged in the “Infiltrator”, and started looking for the files I should find. As

I quickly browsed the files, I found the transmissions between a person named Yoshida and him. Very interesting.
A few minutes later, the door was opened. I was found sitting in the same place in the sofa. He smiled at me without a single word. He smiled not because he knew what happened a few minutes earlier, but for the love of his daughter.

RE: Kathrin. Koch(Oracle) - Cupcake - 03-18-2015

Unexpected Message

Surprisingly, this Lane Hacker sent me a message before I was going to do the same thing. Is it a coincidence? In the message, he said he would meet me near the Freeport in Bering some time, where I usually park my Bundschuh Sabre, but he was a bit hurried and did not tell me when the meeting would be taken place.

I asked one of my new friends whom I just made on the Bundschuh base who Yoshida was. Fortunately, according to his knowledge, Yoshida was a Lane Hacker whom Herr Erich Klugmann, the current leader of VWA, contacted with recently. So, after I thanked him, I sent a private message at once to Herr Klugmann to for Yoshida’s contact details. I knew I could not tell the truth, so I told him that Yoshida would meet me near the Bruchsal base instead. I wished he would believe what I said, although he was a bit suspicious. He was right. Why would a Lane Hacker contact a new recruit?

At that night, I lied in the bed on my back, staring at the ceiling, trying to find out how I was supposed to tell Herr Yoshida, and what I should tell him. My roommate Calia, who was sitting behind the desk and reading a novel, noticed that I was not asleep yet.

“You can’t fall asleep, Kathrin?” asked Calia with a worried tone.
“No...I-I can’t, something just reminded me of.....” replied I hesitantly,”my boyfriend...who I just broke up with last year.”

Hah, that was not expected at all, her sudden appearance scared me a little, to be honest. Luckily I was quick enough to make up a reason or excuse.

“You scared me, Calia!” I almost screamed.

”I’m sorry to hear that....I didn’t want to bother you.”

“It is alright, Calia. Why don’t you sit here and listen to my story, so that it will be probably a way to help me sleep?”

She nods with a happy smile, and sat on the edge of my bed next to me. You might ask if I did have a boyfriend, then I have to tell you that the answer will be yes. I’ve been in relationship with him since we were in Grade 9 (officially in Grade 10). The reason why we broke up because he went to study in the University of New London and he would be a doctor. And I was still determined to stay in Rheinland.

Eventually, I managed to enter my dream after I told her what we had experienced....