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Hache du Roi - Recruitment - Printable Version

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Hache du Roi - Recruitment - LunaticOnTheGrass - 03-09-2015

The Maquis prove to be surprisingly difficult to find when they aren't attempting to be noticed, but at long last you have for reasons your own garnered a choice opportunity to ply your murderous craft among one of the most infamous and feared cells; the Haches du Roi. With the notification - Or was it a threat? - That you will have one week to "impress" the squadron's leaders, you begin filling out the form. From the moment you press "submit", you will be on the clock.

Knowing the Maquis, that metaphorical clock could very well be wired to an explosive.

[align=center][size=small][font=Lucida Console][color=#FFFFFF]Application[/color][/font][/size][/align][hr]

[color=#0055A4]Place and year of birth:[/color]


[color=#0055A4]Why shouldn't we simply shoot you dead for wasting our time?:[/color]

[color=#0055A4]By applying to the Haches du Roi, you acknowledge that you have one (1) week from the submission of your transmission to cause as much carnage to the Crown and its supporters as possible within the Maquis' Zone of Influence, prior to full acceptance. There are no fixed prerequisites or objectives, but attention is given to terror-spreading, skill, and efficiency. Images must be timestamped. Is this acceptable? [/color]

[color=#0055A4]Skype protocol communication code:[/color][/align][/indent]

[hr][align=center][size=small][font=Lucida Console][color=#FFFFFF]End of application[/color][/font][/size][/align]

RE: Hache du Roi - Recruitment - TheJarl - 03-10-2015


Adrienne Bellerose

Place and year of birth:
Planet Marne, 711 A.G.S. (age 27)

I haven't got any fancy or sad stories. I was born on Marne when rebellion was already breaking out, both my parents were with the Council. I was still a kid when I was already living in a free city. I flew around with the Council secondary fleet when I got 18. It wasn't the worst time of my life, I was fighting for a good cause no doubt. But often I felt incredibly useless. Always having to keep to rules and thinking about honour. Looking all pretty while fighting a bloody war out there. I kept it up for years regardless. Got shot out of the sky once though, when I was 25. Broke some bones got a bit of concussion. I had to stay planetside for a while. I then figured that having fought for seven years and getting wounded like that, it was perhaps time to slow down a bit. So I was trying to live a quiet life for the past 2 years. Going from job to job, living in an actual house. I wasn't so bad really, it wasn't. But seeing how the Council just doesn't seem to get any further in the struggle. I have had enough quiet days. It's time to actually send the king a message properly. He and his privileged buddies can shove a grenade up theirs. So that's why I'm here now sending this to les Haches du Roi.

Why shouldn't we simply shoot you dead for wasting our time?:
I know how to fire a gun, how to make bombs and how to make the most dedicated royalist scream "Vive le révolution"! Or... well... at least I'll get him to scream something... or cry. He won't be laughing either way.

By applying to the Haches du Roi, you acknowledge that you have one (1) week from the submission of your transmission to cause as much carnage to the Crown and its supporters as possible within the Maquis' Zone of Influence, prior to full acceptance. There are no fixed prerequisites or objectives, but attention is given to terror-spreading, skill, and efficiency. Images must be timestamped. Is this acceptable?

Skype protocol communication code:
jarltharog but you knew that already

End of application

RE: Hache du Roi - Recruitment - LunaticOnTheGrass - 03-10-2015

Message Received

To: Aedrienne Bellerose
Comm. ID: Alain Apollinaire
Source: Mazagran Depot, Champagne
Subject: Recruitment

[Image: NrC3C.jpg]

Fine. Get going, you have one week.

End Message