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To: Bretonia Armed Forces & War Cabinet - Printable Version

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To: Bretonia Armed Forces & War Cabinet - Shinju - 03-10-2015

CommID: Christine "Scherbie" Scherbatsky
Location: Oh CALI! 23th Maltese System
To: Our "heroes"? War cabinet or whatever you are now
Subject: Hey?

Hey there Ladies and ...

Waste of words! "Scherbie" reporting from Taus. I have some nice kills for you, but also I would like to point out how funny OUR allies... Moment! YOUR allies are. I really don't care about Imperialistic and Homeless Kusarians lurking around, however I mind them trying to kill me... So simply they died... Then I mind LSF agent shooting my GC friend in Taus! And I would love to tell you, GC means much more for me with their knowledge and help in Kusari and Taus than some random LSF guy who tries to be a hero. Then I mind Liberty Carrier storming in and trying to kill me and my Maquis friend as well in TAU-23?! Seriously now... Make it easier for us or I will just shoot everything in Taus, si?

29th Tau: Hue?
23rd Tau: Get rid of it

~Your lil' Privateer!!

RE: To: Bretonia Armed Forces & War Cabinet - FallenKnight - 03-10-2015

Greetings Christine "Scherbie" Scherbatsky.
We have received your message on top of few hundreds from other subjects, nevertheless you got our attention. Congratulations on interrupting our enemies in the distant Taus. Still, what troubles me is this ship "Reenao". We do not have any information about it and by the look of your guncams it seems to be a member of the independent liberty navy. The reasons for this ship to open fire on you are definitely unclear but there is always possibility the captain to be a rogue and violatior of the Liberty law. If you encounter this aggressor again and he is looking for a brawl with you, feel free to neutralize it. Those that do not follow the laws of their Governments are called unlawfuls for a reason.
Good job again. Keep up the front of North!

Office Secretary,
Ministry of Defence of House Bretonia

//ps: there is no need to report such indies as if they are officials causing troubles. thanks for the understanding.