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LNS-Yosemite - Printable Version

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LNS-Yosemite - James Blake - 03-20-2015

//Search Complete: Displaying Result//

/Start File/

Shipname: Liberty Navy Ship Yosemite
Type: Atlantis Class Carrier
Commission Date: 02/15/821 A.S.

Ship Information:
Ship Role: Forward Operation Platform
Ship Offensive Systems:
118th Bomber Wing
332nd Bomber Wing
512th Recon Wing
423rd Figher Wing

Ship Defensive Systems:
Cerberus Battleship Turretx2
Liberty Battleship Turretx4
Liberty Battleship Light Turretx18
Liberty Battleship Flak Turretx2

Armor: Classified
Propulsion System: Classified
Auxiliary Systems: Classified

Ship History:
Ordered during the height of the Rhineland Liberty War the Yosemite was the 8th of her class of Atlantis Carriers. Rather than being outfitted as a mainline Carrier the Yosemite received more focused upgrades to her Electronic Operations Facility. These upgrades allowed the Yosemite to perform specialized operations that her mainline counterparts could only dream of. When not on special operations the Yosemite is seen actively patrolling the California System working on Secondary Fleet preparations for the rumored Gallic assault.

/End File/

/Mission Logs/

Mission Debriefing: 021-A - Click To Read
Mission Debriefing: 026-D - Click To Read

RE: LNS-Yosemite - James Blake - 03-21-2015

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/Start Mission Debriefing: 021-A/

The Operational Orders were quite simple to say the least. The Yosemite was to leave Washington Shipyard following the competition of her shakedown. After assisting in a drill in orbit of Planet Hampton the Yosemite would then report to Willard Research Station to begin her tour of duty.

[Image: UYqJ3NL.jpg?1]
Location: Washington Shipyard, Virginia
Status: Undergoing Final Shakedown

/Captains Log/
The Yosemite is nearing completion of her post build shakedown. Things have been moving along hurriedly, many of the retrofits that needed to be done were mainly to the aiming system on the weapons and final software patches to the ship's main computer. Additionally I have received my operational orders from NAVCOMM. We are to proceed to Rally Point Zulu upon completion of our shakedown. I’ll be meeting with the XO, Wyatt Jarvis, to discuss our participation with the scheduled drill.
/End Log/

[Image: aevh411.jpg?1]
Location: Planet Hampton, Virginia
Status: Undergoing Weapons Drills

/Captains Log +03:40/
We’ve entered orbit of Planet Hampton as we’ve approached rally point zulu. We are to participate in mock ship to ship combat and end by deploying a contingent of marines to an enemy ship and capture it. Strike teams alpha and bravo have already begun preparations for boarding operations. The gunners that were assigned are skilled and show excellent results in training sessions. I expect the Yosemite to easlly overpower the red force. At the completion of the exercise we will be proceeding to our active duty station, Willard Research Station, California.
/End Log/

[Image: 3Ncd7Ia.png?1]
Location: Willard Research Station, California
Status: Active

/Captains Log +01:18:11/
Early this morning while the night watch was still up we reached Willard and took up our posting. I expect us to be on station for the next few days unless anything unexpected crops up
/End Log/

RE: LNS-Yosemite - James Blake - 05-03-2015

//Search Complete: Displaying Result//
/Start Mission Debriefing: 026-D/

We have been issued new operational orders from HIGHCOMM. The LNS-Yosemite has now been quickly recalled to Norfolk Shipyard to have additional armor added for the pending operation.

[Image: 3Ncd7Ia.png?1]
Location: Willard Research Station, California
Status: Active

/Captains Log/

We have unmoored from Willard Research Station following our new operational orders. The crew is anxious following rumors of our vessel actually entering combat with the Gallics. I have ordered the vessel to muster at relaxed battlestations while we cruise to Norfolk Shipyard, we will be conducting shipwide fire, damage control, and practice firing solutions for the duration of the trip.

/End Log/

[Image: CBcLa5J.jpg?1]
Location: Norfolk Shipyard, New York
Status: Undergoing Retrofit
/Captains Log +4:45/

We have arrived on Norfolk Shipyard, the crews have already begun the armor additions. The Yardmaster expects us to be underway within 8 hours. It has been interesting to see Norfolk at full capacity, it looks like they are trying to retrofit and armor as much of the fleet as possible. I look forward to our redeployment to the front.

/End Log/