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To: Blood Dragon Leadership // CC: BD| Shogun - Printable Version

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To: Blood Dragon Leadership // CC: BD| Shogun - Sciamach - 03-20-2015

[Image: WKsW1Bf.png]



::The Ambassador has begun transmitting--

Redirecting Comm Feed--

Establishing Link--

Link Confirmed::

To: Blood Dragon Shogunate
From: High Inquisitor Espinosa
Subject: The Dawn of the Fall

In all my years along the fringes of civilization, scouring the edges of humanity's influence among the stars and beyond, I have borne witness to countless conflicts; numerous wars. Each with their own misguided youths killing each other for bearing a different painted stripe affixed to their uniforms or vessels.

I've watched friends turn on each other for the simplest of reasons, for the most basic of causes. The reason one fights is just as, if not more important than the fight itself or the end result of said conflict.

To quote a rhetoric I'm fairly certain we've all heard: "Causes come and go"

Yet, as I peer into the void and observe the scurrying of those within Sirius, I see a cause that inspires such burning passion within it's followers that it refuses to burn out; refuses to falter in the face of insurmountable odds, even for a moment. From my remote sanctuary aboard Valetta, I see the Dragons, alive and well within the cesspit of idiocy that is Kusari, blazing a path of glory and honor simply carving out their own existence.

I see you, and your peoples locked in conflict with many of the very same evils that I myself have sought to drive a sword through.

So I am left to wonder:

Be we friend, or foe?

Malta's children and the Shogunate have not always been the best of friends, I understand this. But I tell you: our allies and goals are too closely intertwined, we can no longer afford to ignore each other. I see before us, the promise of an alliance maybe powerful enough to bring the Imperials to their knees, one that -if solidified- could leave the Dragons stronger than ever, with the most dedicated fleet in all of Sirius.

I trust you all will ponder my question wisely. Consider if you will alongside my question, the presence (or now, lack thereof) of Musashino.
Like I said about the Imperials: "brought to their knees"

Think about it, I'll leave you to ponder the possibilities.

-- Inquisitor Espinosa

RE: To: Blood Dragon Leadership // CC: BD| Shogun - Big_B - 03-29-2015

Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Kohaku Hokama

Opening Video feed...

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ4iLtMt65gymX1v6ui1QJ...zCq16qqzSO]

Konbanwa Espinosa-sama,

first off I want to apologize that it took me so long to answer this transmission from yours but there are a lot of other matters that need my attention.

Now, I know that the relation between our Dragons and your Outcasts hasn't been always the best. And the constant trespassing of Outcast Capital ships into Blood Dragon territory did not help to make this relation a better one.
The actions from the outcasts can't be ignored and that's why we need to set conditions so this alliance can be:
  1. Outcast Capital ships are not allowed in kusari space without permission from the Shogunate. This is not negotiable and all capital ships without permission will be treated as hostiles.
  2. The Civilians stand under the protection of the Blood Dragons and any act of piracy or hostility against civilians vessels is prohibited. Blood Dragon forces will protect the Civilians in case of an attack.
  3. The Tohoku and Chugoku systems are off-limits to outcast vessels without permission, except in cases of diplomatic approach.
  4. Cardamine shall not be found outside of Outcast and GC hands, and their only destination being the GC bases. Cardamine found to be delivered anywhere else then a GC base will be confiscated and destroyed.
  5. GMG space is not to be trespassed through Blood Dragons territory. Any hostile actions against GMG will be counted as hostility against Civilians.
  6. Battles between The Order forces and Outcasts forces are not allowed in Kusari space.
If you can agree with these condition, maybe then we can continue to talk about a alliance.
For now I will wait for your answer.

Shogun of the Blood Dragons,
Kohaku Hokama

End of the Transmission

RE: To: Blood Dragon Leadership // CC: BD| Shogun - Sciamach - 04-05-2015

[Image: WKsW1Bf.png]



To: Blood Dragon Shogunate
From: High Inquisitor Espinosa
Subject: The Dawn of the Fall

You use a name the Sirians attempt to shame us with in spite as mere recompense for the slights of a peoples ignorant to our true state... a pity. Put simply: Outcasts from the rest of Humanity you may believe us, but take a moment and think: when the Orange Dream has spread it's enlightening power to all of Humanity; who will be the true Outcasts?

That unplesant-ness aside, there are a number of... issues here that need be addressed. I merely asked for a diplomatic query and suddenly I have most of a contract before me-- No wonder your response was so delayed (not taking into account my own delay in this missive but I digress.)

To elaborate; I was expecting more truth be told. Isolation out in the cold black of the void can leave one feeling.. "lonely", even in the presence of others. I would have thought your peoples to be more open to the ideas of a possible neutrality agreement in your current state, but apparently I've been made a fool of.

Your people's diplomacy capabilities seem askew; you seem to believe that this was an attempt to bow to a new power when in reality, we seek only to lay down arms in an unnecessary fight. I will not willfully lay down all rights of my peoples in the hopes of being released at a future point.

To summarize, my grievances with your "agreement" are these:

1: The Cross does not control the wills of the Maltese fleet and will not be held accountable for the actions of ships not held under Cross command. Furthermore; I will not submit the actions of my own fleet for "approval" to a third party. Our actions are sound and should an alliance be struck, will only ever act in defense of said alliance. If you cannot trust us of this, then it may indeed be you with the issue rather than us.

2: I can promise nothing of those who fail to steer clear. Our goals are for cargo, not lives here. Having a child is a blessing on Malta; a rarity to be celebrated at every possible juncture. To experience this is to value human life to a greater capacity than one such as your average Sirian. Are we too far gone from the rest of humanity because of this? Maybe, but I do not hold all the answers.

3: We have no interest in barren rock fields; your security zones are safe. The Ambassador is an un-manned comm-relay drone that simply acts to boost signals and maintain contact off of the Trade Accelerator Network. A necessity to one such as us that do not need the Accelerators to maneuver our way around.

4: Cardamine distribution throughout Kusari is the will of the Chrysanthemums. Your grievance with the Orange Dream must be settled with them. I would caution you to not press the issue with me however.

5: I can promise nothing.

6: Again, I can promise nothing of the vile wretches. Their foul deeds are their own, but we will defend ourselves from their blight, should it come to that.

We contacted you to ally and lay down arms, not submit to new rule. Think carefully of your response; a lot hinges on it's tone. I look forward to discovering whether or not the Dragons can see to reason.

-- Inquisitor Espinosa

RE: To: Blood Dragon Leadership // CC: BD| Shogun - Big_B - 04-05-2015

Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Kohaku Hokama

Opening Video feed...

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ4iLtMt65gymX1v6ui1QJ...zCq16qqzSO]

Konbanwa again Espinosa-sama,

I used the most common name to us for the Maltese without the intention to insult someone but I will refrain to use it from now on.

The Cross want to lay down their arms with the Blood Dragons but the actions from the Maltese people in the past makes it difficult for us to get on a friendlier term but it was not impossible.
Still we needed to make preparations to make sure no unpleasant actions would come between us and thats why I put up these "agreements" for the territory of the Blood Dragons alone.

On the matter, I'm aware that the Cross can not control the will of the whole Maltese fleet however it should be expected that you can control your own forces. To get "approval" to enter Blood Dragon territory with your Capital vessels was only to hold formalities. Capital vessels are machines of war and a Maltese ship from the size of a station would only cause panic in the civil population and draw unnecessary attention from enemy forces. We simply want that this does not happen.

Furthermore It is clear that those who do not steer clear will always cause problems but I simply asked to to hold you pilots back as best as you can to prevent fights with our warriors who wish to protect the civilians.

About the Cardamine, it is what the Chrysanthemums need to survive and we allow them to transport it to their bases but I'm sure you are well aware of its side effects and we do not want that it spreads within our Dragons or the civilians through a smuggling Maltese ship.

Now to the thing that surprised me. "I can promise nothing."
The Dragons respect the GMG space and this was set up for your own safety. The Dragons can not guarantee for anything that happens in GMG space and if your forces were caught in a fight with them, we would be forced to take the GMG side, to uphold the economy of Kusari.

I also understand that the Maltese have their difficulties with the Order but fights should not happen in vital areas of Blood Dragon supply routes or bases to not draw the enemies attention.

All these "agreements" where only put up for Blood Dragon territory and applying to the laws of the host is a matter of respect.
I hope this made things a bit more clear

Shogun of the Blood Dragons,
Kohaku Hokama

End of the Transmission

RE: To: Blood Dragon Leadership // CC: BD| Shogun - Sciamach - 05-16-2015

[Image: YjbpLB6.png]




To: Kohaku Hokama
From: High Cardinal Armando
Subject: RE: Our time was wasted here
Encryption: [Image: DancingLock_zps5utskosj.gif]

Espinosa has been instructed to cease this little diplomatic endeavor of hers. Her time is better spent elsewhere.

Your peoples difficulties to a Non-Agression Pact have been noted. Your chance to spare yourselves in the coming fire of the Crusades has passed.

We're done here.

[Image: wuHqwHC.png]

RE: To: Blood Dragon Leadership // CC: BD| Shogun - Arbs - 05-17-2015


- - - - -
[Image: QgplPo6.jpg]
- - - - -

Comm ID: May Ling, Roju
Receiver ID: High Cardinal Armando

Was that a threat Cardinal? Your arrogance blinds you.

Your worthless threats are but futile to us. The Dragons have well proven themselves on anything thrown at them and a bunch of religious outcasts are not going to fair any different. Yet we don't take lightly to your threats and arrogance.

So, in accordance to that any Cross ( |+| ) tagged vessel, representative or vessel under their command, will be considered as hostile and if found in Kusari space, the Sigmas, or any system directly bordering Kusari, will be shot without exception.

Best of luck in your "Crusade" and endeavours, Cardinal.

May Ling, Roju
The Blood Dragons


[Image: DragonsLogo.png]

RE: To: Blood Dragon Leadership // CC: BD| Shogun - Shizune - 05-18-2015

A new ping shows up on the screen, this time is not from the shogun himself but rather his sister or the second in command as it were. "I do apologize for how my brother has acted but it is clear to me that the Cross will do anything to get something done. My brother was rather unhappy with the turn out that happened so I personally have been tasked to extending the olive branch to the Cross. I understand after all that happened, that you'll have a general miss trust of what we'll say or do but I personally think we can find a way to work around the past differences made by those that called themselves the leaders of each group.."

She seems to sit down and smiling "How about a meeting maybe? Maybe talk to Daimyo May Ling if you will? Hopefully something can come of this. Please understand, a ceasefire cant from threatening so I hope you understand. Please talk to May Ling, she'll answer this comm next.""

RE: To: Blood Dragon Leadership // CC: BD| Shogun - Arbs - 05-18-2015
