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VWA Restricted Technology & Warship Deployment Requests - Printable Version

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VWA Restricted Technology & Warship Deployment Requests - VWA - 03-22-2015

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VWA Restricted Technology & Warship Deployment Requests

Quartiermeister's Office

The Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee has always made use of a diverse fleet. There's no true standard equipment for our squadrons and Aktivists are known to use everything from civilian vessels to Military ships brought to us by deserters. This variation is the result of necessity. We use everything we can.

While members of the Widerstand are for a large part free to use whatever they want there are some exceptions to this. Allies that are not part of the Volksrevolution may provide us with expensive and extremely high-tech equipment for example. Such equipment will only be provided to a limited group of members. In addition we do not have the financial means to acquire many larger vessels nor do we have the facilities to maintain a lot of those larger combat vessels. As such all usage of gunboat-class vessels is restricted as well.

Here follows a complete list of restricted equipment.

List of restricted equipment
  • - All The Order weaponry
  • - All Coalition weaponry
  • - All CODENAME weaponry except ASURAS
  • - All The Order ships
  • - All Coalition ships
  • - All gunboat and gunship-class ships

Anyone who wishes to make use of restricted equipment or has found a means to acquire a gunboat or gunship and wishes to deploy it will have to ask for permission through this channel. Below you may find the relevant forms to use when applying as well as a database detailing all granted requests.

- Quartiermeister Jakob Goldschmidt

Request forms
Technology quest form
[indent][indent][size=medium][font=Courier][color=#FFFFFF]Request for use of restricted technology[/color][/font][/size][hr]
[indent][font=Courier][color=#FFFFFF]Requested by:[/color] [color=#006400](name of pilot requesting it)[/color]
[color=#FFFFFF]Ship callsign:[/color] [color=#006400](name of the ship that will use the technology)[/color]
[color=#FFFFFF]Technology requested:[/color] [color=#006400](list all technology requested)[/color]
[color=#FFFFFF]Reason:[/color] [color=#006400](short reason for the request and why it should be approved)[/color][/font]

Gunboat deployment request form
[indent][indent][size=medium][font=Courier][color=#FFFFFF]Request for the deployment of a warship[/color][/font][/size][hr]
[indent][font=Courier][color=#FFFFFF]Requested by:[/color] [color=#006400](name of pilot requesting it)[/color]
[color=#FFFFFF]Ship callsign:[/color] [color=#006400](name that the ship will bear)[/color]
[color=#FFFFFF]Ship type:[/color] [color=#006400](full name of the ship that's to be deployed)[/color]
[color=#FFFFFF]Reason:[/color] [color=#006400](reason for the request and why it should be approved)[/color][/font]

Approved requests
List of approved technology requests
Granted to: Freya Eistochter
Ship callsign: VWA|OCV-Sekhmet
Date granted: 22-03-822
Technology granted:
  • - 8x Order Gunboat Turret
  • - 1x "Hathor" Order Gunboat

Granted to: Freya Eistochter
Ship callsign: VWA|Freya:Eistochter
Date granted: 03-06-822
Technology granted:
  • - 1x 042D "Bastet" The Order Heavy Fighter
  • - Accompanying armament

Granted to: Annika Jana Haupt
Ship callsign: VWA|Nika,Haupt
Date granted: 03-06-822
Technology granted:
  • - 1x 042D "Bastet" The Order Heavy Fighter
  • - Accompanying armament

List of warships in use
Ship commander: Freya Eistochter
Ship callsign: VWA|OCV-Sekhmet
Ship type: "Hathor" Order Gunboat
Date approved: 22-03-822

Ship commander: Various
Ship callsign: VWA|RNC-Nieuwenhuis
Ship type: "Oder" Rheinland Gunboat
Date approved: 07-04-822

RE: VWA Restricted Technology & Warship Deployment Requests - Char Aznable - 05-16-2015

Request for use of restricted technology
Requested by: Nika Haupt
Ship callsign: VWA|Nika.Haupt
Technology requested: 042D "Bastet" The Order Heavy Fighter
Order guns (//Placeholder, will be updated once I decided on the loadout

Reason: Simple... With my current experience, I don't go along well with the fighter craft we have available. Most are clunky, slow and... not suitable for my needs. The Bastet offers the opportunity to hit hard and dodge while doing so... as well as leaving me in the ability to get better in what I do, and freeing a sabre fighter for someone who can make better use of it.

RE: VWA Restricted Technology & Warship Deployment Requests - Flashâ„¢ - 06-11-2015

Request for use of restricted technology
Requested by: Rainer Braun
Ship callsign: VWA|Rainer.Braun.
Technology requested: Light Cloaking Device and x3 HELLION CODENAME weapons.
Reason: When I left the BDM, I took all that belonged to me, and these items are it. The Light Cloaking Device was built on Schatten for 'Quick Strike Bomber' operations, and it was never tested due to lack of missions that required such a force. As for the CODENAME weaponry, it was given to me by the BDM after I was promoted to the rank of Komissar. I wish to use these items to give me a upper hand in combat situations, considering what happened today with the "Donau" Class Cruiser in Hamburg.

RE: VWA Restricted Technology & Warship Deployment Requests - Ichiru - 01-12-2016

Request for use of restricted technology
Requested by: Alexander Fuchs
Ship callsign: VWA|Alexander'Fuchs
Technology requested: 4x ONYX Codename Weapons
Reason: Flammenwerfer and Luger class weaponry have many issues when mounted on Scimitar-class light fighter crafts. The recently developed ONYX-type weaponry from engineers on Freeport 6 address these issues, improving damage output while also reducing risk of overheating and power usage.

RE: VWA Restricted Technology & Warship Deployment Requests - LunaticOnTheGrass - 01-12-2016

[Image: fpWz1t2.png]


Pushing forth the Oberst's approval for all of the following registrations:

- Nika Haupt
- Rainer Braun
- Alexander Fuchs

Looks like this all fell behind and got lost in management hell. I've been assigned to oversee this and as such replies will be more prompt in the future.

[Image: JG7K1os.png]

RE: VWA Restricted Technology & Warship Deployment Requests - Omicron - 11-24-2016

Request for use of restricted technology
Requested by: Kommendant Michael Wolf
Ship callsign: VWA|Michael.Wolf
Technology requested: "Reaper" class Order neutron weapons
Reason: I dutifuly believe that by extending our configuration choice with nonstandard equipment such as The Order's alongside our ussual arsenal will take our foes unaware and increase general effectivness of our fighters. The last word from the Omicrons that we can get excess equipment practically free. God damn it Nika, technically I am supposed to be in charge of issuing that stuff to our pilots.

RE: VWA Restricted Technology & Warship Deployment Requests - Char Aznable - 11-24-2016

[Image: 2bCBnk1.png]

Technology request


Your request is granted. I would prefer it, however, if you would let complaints about the protocol, especially in this intimate a tone, out of official channels.

Oberst Annika J. Haupt

[Image: JG7K1os.png]