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To: Golanski - Printable Version

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To: Golanski - Shinju - 03-22-2015

[Image: M1LZh9v.jpg]

The Core Fugitive- Lucia Nielsen

Greetings Michal,

How are things in Mu? How are you and how's your The Order?

Alright, this would be so called little introduction. I know you might be kinda surprised, but don't worry. I am actually surprised as well, because I would have never thought about contacting you and asking your for a meeting. I can name 100 reasons why you shouldn't answer or meet me and my templars, but I can assure you, it's going to be a profit for you and The Order.

Do you have a place where We can meet you? Freeport or some kind of station?

Nielsen out.

RE: To: Golanski - Omicron - 03-24-2015

[Image: KAQ2z4i.png?1]
Comm ID: The Order Overwatch

I remember you well, and what you have done so far for 'us'.

Given your past, I can only assume it will involve head of yet another Guildmaster on a plate, perhaps even skull of Nodveit himself? Newport in Sigma 13 is far, through acceptable place of a meeting far from both Core and those deluded "Zoners". I will trust that what you have to say does bring benefit to The Order and thus - listen, For an individual of your capabilities, it will not be an issue to attend to that station, it is refurbished ex-Junker depot in Sigma 13. You might have known it as Yanagi.

Golanski out.