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Thrawn's diary - A madman's song - Tarator - 03-26-2015

On board of OCV Tobruk, O'Rhu cell's Osiris light battleship, Omicron Major, Date Unknown

[Image: marsla10.jpg]

“In a mad world, only the mad are sane.”
- Akira Kurosawa

Day 1

We've been sealed down here for more than twenty four hours now, and I have decided we try break through the ventilation hatches, go through reactor cooling and in the crew's quarters. With a bit of luck, not having the ship's main power back on, we won't freeze to death on the way to there. Its not my brightest decision but we have no choice. Maybe its due the false sense of security that I'm feeling, but my instinct of self-preservation pulls me to stay here. I don't want to risk it either way, if a rescue party hasn't arrived in a twenty four hour period then it is very likely that it won't arrive any time soon, especially if Major is the case....Uh and that headache is reaching extreme levels.

Hill pulls an empty crate of light arms, sits on it and lights a cig "....At least life support's working fine and given its minimal power requirements, it'll last long enough, but what I'm afraid of is the ship's shielding which is supposed to be down due the reactor's death, I'm actually wondering how haven't we frozen to death already?"

"Ya won't have to worry about that anyways as we're goin to go thru the cooling, hope I don't get sick of cold" says Redwood while trying to unseal a hatch with a screwdriver and a pocket knife.

While looking worried and with lack of coordination due to headaches, William pulls out a device and projects a hologram of an Osiris' superstructure "Redwood, you opened the bastard already?" Shortly Neil cracks the hatch's cover, pulls it and holds it in his hands while staring at Hill "Here ya go, take that, maybe ya cud smash a monkey's head with it."

William throws an annoyed look at them "Cut the chatter and stay focused, now here we are...." He points at the hologram showing deck four's structure " order to get to the cooling, we would have to go all the way down through the ventilation, passing the storage area which is probably also sealed, maybe we could try do something about that when we get there and finally have our hands on some useful stuff."

"That's very unlikely...." Hill passes the cig to Neil " the ship is in a total lockdown, that's an usual safety procedure considering what we have to deal with, unfortunately there's no way for us to unseal a secured door unless we have access to ship's systems which is a long way from here."

"You don't say?" Neil takes a look inside the hatch and hits his head in the celling after an explosion quakes the whole section of the ship "Argh.... Wat da hell was that?" he stands up while throwing his cig on the floor

Kovalsky steps on it and looks at William "I think the threesome might be in trouble."

William takes the hologram off "Nah they're fine, it seems like the explosion came from the lower levels, I just hope it hasn't damaged the ventilation system upwards or we may have problems."

Kovalsky sits on the floor and stares at one of the doors "Whats taking them so long?" steps are heard from outside the room in the corridor and three marines enter the room "Took you long enough, I see you have managed to recover some stuff." he quickly stands up with his hands in his pockets

"That's all we could find, the mess hall is also locked down so we have no supplies for now." Said one of the marines while handling light arms to the officers "This would do for now." said Kovalsky while grabbing stuff

"Wonder where Miller is" William checked his holster and proceeded to the hatch "Last I saw him was when we were running down to deck two, he was shouting at something." says Hill

"Alright guys, have in mind that there are about eight hundred people on board and most of them are presumed infested, as ammunition is low, save your shots and shoot only when the job is sure. Let's move on now." William crouched at the hatch and entered the vent

All nod "My "jobs" are always trustworthy, so ya have nothin to worry about. Heh." said Neil while everybody slowly got through the hatch

Captain's Log, 822 A.S.
William 'Thrawn' Wright - Captain, Gary Kovalsky - Rear Captain, Oscar Miller - XO, Neil Redwood - Squad Leader, Edgar Hill - Engineer

RE: Thrawn's diary - A madman's song - Tarator - 03-26-2015

On board of OCV Tobruk, O'Rhu cell's Osiris light battleship, Omicron Major, Date Unknown

[Image: spaces11.jpg]

Between light and shadow, exists an entire world.
That world is not necessarily our own.
Get out. Now.

As we proceeded further into the "tunnels", a certain thought kept going through my mind again and again, like the chords of a song to which harmony your mind obeys and keeps repeating. Its something that you would call a "negative thought" and namely - Even if we do survive long enough for the rescue party to pick us up, there's no guarantee that any of us would remain with their sanity intact. All of us were experiencing headaches and I've already noticed some signs of odd behavior in one of the marines. Carrying arms inside an infested environment can be extremely dangerous to say the least, but having no arms at all may mean a certain death so considering the odds, I'll just have to play this one by my senses and recognize any signs of unwillingness and weird behavior.
Speaking of death, on the way we've noticed signs of blood on the vent's walls which of course doesn't necessarily mean we should be talking about death at all but since I've been down the road of negative thoughts for some time now, I couldn't care less about it.

Neil: "What's that stench.... few meters ahead Neil notices blood on the walls "....that's usually not a good sign, it looks like someone has been partying here recently."

The six men continue throughout the tunnel until they reach a section consisting of eight tunnels that meet in the center.

William: "Keep your eyes open, its possible that we're not alone down here."William aims his flashlight to a piece of paper left on the floor, picks and reads it partly, it appears to be some kind of a note "Its for certain now, we're definitely not alone....And judging by the way its written, it seems like its been left from someone with a working mind" the guys soon arrive in the center while William passes the paper to Neil behind him "What would you say?"

And it goes:
If you're reading this I guess you have found my last note.
We're through the thick of it now. If you, like me, have just escaped into the ventilation, you shouldn't be far from deck three. We've dig ourselves in one hall there. I've been marking my route, follow it and you'll be fine.

Neil reads it out loud and after a brief silence says "If ya ask me, its a load of crap. They might have been on their senses while writing it but who said they still are? We can't know for how long this has been sitting here. And even if it was left from an actual survivor, how da hell they'd know that we are going to end up here anyway? I just see more reasons to light up that thing...."

A longer silence follows while the sound of the air flowing through the vents is heard, suddenly Kovalsky looks around looking wondered and says "Still, we might be interpreting it out of the context, we should be assuming that the said survivor is trying to refer to anyone who might be coming this way, and infact the logic behind it can be seen clearly, as they have written "I guess you have found my last note."
Apparently there are other notes, and if so, its actually possible that the note is real, but.... What I'm wondering on is where that blood came from."

Neil throws the note on the floor "Well, if ya by any chance want to find out, then count me in, I'm pretty sure I've enough ammo to take out 200 of dem monkeys, one shot for each" he smiles willingly.

"William looks at Neil annoyed "Lets assume Kovalsky's right and there are survivors out there, I don't like the idea of risking everyone's life by wasting any more time and waiting on life support to go down. If there are any untouched people there, apparently they've no idea that the ship's shielding is actually dead and we're all going to have this ship as our grave if we don't do something about it."

"So what you have in mind?" asked Hill while staring at the note on the floor

William scratches his head while looking at the note "Alright, Neil you take the marines with you and check what those lads on deck three are up to, just take the way from here and follow the marks.
William: "Oh and also...." he throws a transponder towards Neil and he grabs it "....take this and should you need to contact us, do so at will. If you find any survivors, make sure they're secure. However, if its monkeys that you meet, make sure they bite the dust. In the mean time, me and the rest will make our way to Storage, will gather what we can and try to get to Engineering, we'll see what we can do about the power."

Neil: Understood. We shall pop down as many of them as possible, if that's where the things would lead to."
William: "The rest of you, its time for us to move ahead."

The silence once again prevails and only the air in the vents is heard as the two groups slowly turn and head towards their own path, when suddenly William looks back at Neil "Redwood!"Neil looks back at him William: Best of luck out there mate, and try not to get yourself killed, alright?"

....Neil nods confidently and soon after, both groups lose sight of each other

Captain's Log, 822 A.S.

RE: Thrawn's diary - A madman's song - Tarator - 03-28-2015

On board of OCV Tobruk, O'Rhu cell's Osiris light battleship, Omicron Major, Date Unknown

[Image: abando10.jpg]

There's no order without chaos.

Day 2

More than forty eight hours in this slime and my headaches are becoming rather severe. If the sphere does not drive me insane, the pain will certainly do. It took us more than two hours of crawling inside vents but we finally managed to get to Storage. On the way to there we dropped in a corridor leading to the Medical. I haven't been in that area since Toledo. Been there brought back a lot of memories, most of them bad. We had to break few windows, but we've got some medical supplies which use I believe, will be inevitable. We took some painkillers, and infact this has relieved me from some of the pain but unfortunately, only for a short while. I hope we don't get to the point when someone will decide to shoot himself.
I also have no contact with the outside world whatsoever, since the ship's main power is down, all navigation and external communications are cut off, we can only relay on our own transponders for communication within the ship. Speaking of which, I hope Neil's alright, we haven't had a word from him for a few hours now. But I believe he can handle any situation anyway, hes a hard nut to crack, still I should try contacting him.
As we're here, we finally found a good deal of supplies, water, food rations, synth paste, some ammunition and grenades, oh I love grenades, yeah that's what Neil would probably say, I hope hes not in a need of them right now. More and more I get the feeling that I did a mistake by sending him and his men that way. Nevertheless, what's done is done. What we also found was rather.... unpleasant and uncomfortable to see. I'm used to the sight of death and everything that might be left after it, but seeing the corpses of my men.... it's really hard to cope with, no matter if they've been infested or not.
Also the temperature on the ship is becoming a problem as it has decreased, I'm assuming the ship is moving on inertia further away from the local sun and soon we will have to figure out a way to warm ourselves as the ship's life support systems are slowly dying. With every passing minute, our chances of survival decrease and things are looking pretty bad all around.
We've gathered what we could and decided we will use the elevator shaft that connects the decks, to get to the crew's quarters, from there back into the vents that round up around the cooling system and end up in Engineering, hopefully we manage to restore the ship's power somehow or at least to fix the emergency.
We haven't had any encounters with either infested nor survivors, hopefully we'll find a member of the later on the way to there, else.... ammunition will come in handy.

"Pineapples! Pineapples! I've waited so long for you! And now that we are here, we can finally start to mess with the mess!"Kovalsky kept shouting while picking up grenades from a crate.
William: "The hell's wrong with you, keep it down" after a brief silence, Kovalsky walks out of the room and outside in the corridor

Hill sits on the floor, lights a cig and throws a worried look at William "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
William: "I'll go see what he's up to, in the mean time you see if you can link those charges, and for heavens sake! Take that cig away, we're sitting on explosives here."

Hill: "Aye Cap'n" William walks out of the room and finds Kovalsky sitting on the floor in the corridor.
William: "Is there something that bothers you?" He sits next to him.
Kovalsky looks at William and remains silent for a minute.

William: "What's the fascinating?" Kovalsky remains silent for some more time and says "I hear voices."
William: "Are you now? And what is it that they are saying?"
Kovalsky: "It's incomprehensible."
William looks down wondering for a moment "What can you recall from Toledo?"
Kovalsky: "Running down the stairs to get to my ship while the fire was falling down from the skies and later receiving that same fire from large bio-masses in orbit."
William looks back at him "And what would you say about that?"
Kovalsky: "I'd gladly see the scum rot"
William stands up and gives him a hand "You're fine, at least for now. Now lets see how Hill is doing, if we are ready we shall be on our way down to crew's quarters."

They both get back in the room full of crates, where Hill's poking a detonator with a screwdriver
William: What's the word? We ready?
Hill: Almost.... come on you bastard! There, think the last one's ready. The timing's fine, we'd only need to be careful when placing them on the door, one mistake and we're screwed. Unless you guys would be willing to climb back to Storage." he laughs

William: "And this is exactly why you're going to take care about th" suddenly a voice is heard coming from the transponder
Neil: "Ca-"n *static* Sir? Do you h-ar me? William pulls out the device in front of his face
William: Neil! What's your status? Have you found anybody?
Neil: "Inde--d we have, there are two survi-ors that have barricaded thems-lves in the mess hall."
William: Good. Well if you have enough supplies, remain there until further notice, and make sure they stay safe."
Neil: "Understood." *static*
William: "And Neil...." he lowers his voice " out for any signs of abnormal volatile behavior from normals."
Neil: "Aye, wait..." gun fire is heard "....we have visit-rs, let's giv- dem monkeys a warm welco-e guys!"
The signal dies

Hill: "Well at least Neil's having fun there."
William: "Don't worry about that, its almost certain that we'll also have our fun down in crew's quarters."
Kovalsky: "Well, should you need a grenade, you know where to find it." he smiles
William: "Now lets move" he takes some ropes from the table and the three men head for the elevator shaft

William sits on the edge of the floor at the broken elevator door while tying ropes up.
Kovalsky looks down the shaft and sees the crashed elevator cabin at the bottom, then looks behind his back and sees the signs of what possibly was an explosion around the elevator door
"At least now I know where I can hang myself."
William: "Don't be silly, its no more than fifteen meters down, just try to keep your legs against the wall and you'll be fine."
Kovalsky: "I guess we can use the elevator door to crew's quarters down in the shaft, if its opened."
William: "That's very unlikely as elevator doors are included in emergency lock down protocols, unless they've been damaged."

After a while, the three men find themselves hanging in the shaft. William gets in front of the door and checks it, while the other two are right above him.
Kovalsky: "Well?"

The door seems to be locked, he points his flashlight in right and notices a ventilation hatch.
Hill: "Its locked isn't it?"
William: "Indeed, we'll have to stick to the old plan. See if you can open up that thing."

Soon Hill cracks the cover while Hill sees a piece of paper at the and picks it.
Hill: "Jeremy Paterson's last words"
Kovalsky: "You're joking."
William: "Forget that now, lets move on."

the three men enter inside the vent.
Kovalsky: "Great, back to the rat like crawling."

Captain's Log, 822 A.S.

RE: Thrawn's diary - A madman's song - Tarator - 03-29-2015

Jeremy Paterson's last words

February 822 A.S.

I write this note in the knowledge that it may well serve as my last will and testament. Myself and two other men have been trapped beneath the elevator shaft for more than twenty four hours, with little light, and increasing dehydration. The only thing keeping us alive is the hope that there could be a rescue team already on the way. We were all so positive at the start, but that seems long ago now.

Taylor was the first to crack. We all just lay there, trying to sleep through the sound of his wailing and sobbing, trying to pretend his problems weren't our own, and that he was weak for having given up so soon. The fact was, he was dealing with the situation pretty realistically: our chance of survival gets smaller every hour. Since then, he hasn't said much, but the despair that gripped him seems to have spread through the rest of us.

We were such fools to ignore the Colonel, and he paid for that with his life. When he started changing security codes on all the doors, we thought he was crazy. It was a pain that's what it was. I had to trek all the way to that crazy biologist's office down in crew's quarters this morning, just to check the code for Storage.

But he obviously knew something about the ship that we didn't. Some of the guys started acting weird. Not crazy weird, just.... not normal. Right after the mess started, we were in Storage, when one of the guys who had seemed pretty straight just started shouting. It wasn't a normal kind of shouting. I'm not any kind of word smith, so I just don't know how to describe the noises he was making. We'll just have to stick with not normal. Anyway, he managed to hurt a couple of guys, damage some equipment before we got him under control. When we released him, he seemed okay. Phased, but alright. Didn't really know where he was, that far away look in his eyes. That look.... I'll remember that for the rest of my days, even if there aren't many more of them.

His pupils weren't dilated.... they just seemed to take up more space than should be possible: black, and horrible. Then he snapped and grabbed up one of the high rated explosive packs. We knew what he intended, saw it in those eyes. Those that could, made a run for it, but the guy was already beating down on the Colonel, he didn't have a chance. There were four of us who made it out to the elevator shaft. Only three survived the explosion. The shaft collapsed in on us, and now, its anyone's guess how many are still trapped down here.

The last thing I saw was those eyes. Seemed like they were staring at me, and me alone.

Jeremy Paterson

RE: Thrawn's diary - A madman's song - Shizune - 03-30-2015

Commanding Officer - Omicron Major - Date Unknown

The man walked through the halls of the desolate and war aggressive ship, those that were under his or the nomads control; let him pass unharmed. He went to the bridge first and waited in that before starting up some tools that he had received from those 'infected' on the vessel. It was a machine hard wired into the command controls, a large, rather odd looking thing. Through out the ship, people that were aggressive and hostile suddenly would change once the box was installed, it sent out a pulsing relay that bounced to everyone in the ship and those outside. Those that will still uneffected would begin to lose it once more before they felt...fine once more. Those under the nomads control however started to move about the ship as if they owned it, working together to bring the engine and reactor online and removing anyone in their path.

The XO stood once the box was installed and started walking once more, looking for the others. He would eventually find them wondering in the storage area, the slight glow vanishing as he concealed it from his eyes and procoeeded to them quickly "Dear god, its about time I found someone!" Stopping near them "How are you guys?" In truth it was nearly impossible to tell if this was him lying, the nomads controlling him or if he was actually himself