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To: Core Guildmaster - Printable Version

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To: Core Guildmaster - SkyNet - 03-26-2015

Büro der Marineintelligenz
Secured military channel

...RECIPIENTS: Core Guildmaster Erik Nodtviet
...SENDER: Direktor Volker Koch - BDM Oberkommando
...LOCATION: Bonn Station, New Berlin System
...PRIORITY: Normal
...SUBJECT: Exchange of technology

Sehr geehrter Herr Nodtviet,

My name is Volker Koch and i am temporarily responsible for the Büro, until Herr Amsel is back from vacation. Recently i stumbled upon documents regarding an exchange of technology between the Büro der Marineintelligenz and the Core.

You will not hear any complaints from my side. Anything looks fine. I would say we should finish what the Direktor began. That means... if you are still interested in a Donau class cruiser, of course.


Direktor Volker Koch
Büro der Marineintelligenz, Oberkommando

[Image: direktorzpui8.png]

Message End

RE: To: Core Guildmaster - Lythrilux - 03-30-2015

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ID: Erik Nodtviet
Location: Durban Station, Omicron Rho
Subject: Exchange of technology

Greetings Director Koch,

I am glad that the Buro has no issues with the technology exchange. Regarding the 'Donau' class cruiser, The Core is still interested.

-E. Nodtviet
Guildmaster, The Core

:::[Closing Transmission]:::

RE: To: Core Guildmaster - An'shur - 03-31-2015

[Image: meetingCore1_zpspmnxub3t.png]

Guten Tag Herr Guildmaster Nodtviet, I am Karl von Schlafenberg, Flottillenadmiral of the Buro der Marineintelligenz. I am sorry to inform you about the fact that Herr Direktor is currently not available, because he is busy with another issues. But good news is, that we are glad to hear that your organization is still looking for a Donau class cruiser. You may already figured out, that the technology exchange of this scale is really unique opportunity for both of us. We would like to take a closer look at the Bullhead class craft, if you don't mind showing us some technical details. It is understandable that I need to ask for them, if we are going to get one of your battlecruisers. In return, the Buro is willing to give you some specifications of the Donau class. I am not talking about complete construction plans of course, but about less major details such like weaponry, propulsion systems or armouring.
Auf Wiedersehen, Herr Nodtviet.

von Schlafenberg

[Image: termination_zps33954d04.png]

RE: To: Core Guildmaster - Lythrilux - 04-07-2015

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ID: Erik Nodtviet
Location: Durban Station, Omicron Rho
Subject: Exchange of technology

Greetings Mr. Schlafenberg,

I hate to nitpick Mr. Schlafenberg, however unless I am mistaken you are asking us to give you full Bullhead blueprints in exchange for more-or-less incomplete Donau blueprints? And with those, we are both meant to construct them ourselves?

My suggestion would be that we craft our own vessels ourselves, then exchange the vessels, rather than both of having mere blueprints (complete or incomplete).

-E. Nodtviet
Guildmaster, The Core

:::[Closing Transmission]:::

RE: To: Core Guildmaster - An'shur - 04-07-2015

[Image: meetingCore1_zpspmnxub3t.png]

Guten Tag again Herr Guildmaster Nodtviet.. You are mistaken, but the fault is on my side and I apologize for the great misunderstanding I caused. I was not talking about sharing any construction plans. I was talking about exchange of informations about the ships, about their abilities, so we both would know enough about the vessels before the actual exchange of completely operational ships.
The Buro Oberkommando decided what ship exactly will you get. it's the RNC-Herschel. The document below contains some data about it. Literally, that is the example of the informations I was talking about. You can likely make a complete image, but it doesn't include anything for the possible construction.

So, hopefully this is enough for you to form a comprehensive idea of what are you going to get under your command, Herr Guildmaster. Now I would expect something similar from you, because the Buro needs to know what's the deal about.
As you can notice, I didn't include any informations about Rheinland military-grade weaponry, that is because of the Oberkommando decision, which is that we are not going to supply the Core with our weapons. It is very unlikely that you would supply us with the Core weaponry, which is logical and I understand it. I hope you understand too.

von Schlafenberg

[Image: termination_zps33954d04.png]

To: Flottillenadmiral Karl von Schlafenberg - Lythrilux - 08-10-2015

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ID: Erik Nodtviet
Location: Durban Station, Omicron Rho
Subject: Exchange of Technology
Encryption: Invincible

Mr. Schlafenberg,

This is long overdue and I apologise. Attached are schematics of the Bullhead:

[Image: OSrLg3K.png]
POWER CORE: 3,600,000
RECHARGE: 170,000

(In a separate document Nodtviet lists the size specifications of the vessel and the individual parts involved, as well as materials required for it's construction)

The attached schematics should be enough to allow you to produce an earlier model of a Bullhead class Core Battlecruiser at one of your shipyards. If needed, APM can deliver some supplies to help with it's construction.

-E. Nodtviet
Guildmaster, The Core
CEO, AP Manufacturing

:::[Closing Transmission]:::

RE: To: Flottillenadmiral Karl von Schlafenberg - An'shur - 08-10-2015

[Image: Noviet_zpsprlqjkol.png]

"Guten Tag, good to get a hear from you again.
Interesting description... although, not as complex as mine, the hologram can tell me everything I need. Danke.
We are currently unable to launch the construction ourselves, because our shipyards are busy. With these circumstances, we would prefer getting one of your already existing battlecruisers or a new one constructed at your facilities. In this case, the Büro would deliver some needed materials. Lack of weapons and other important or unusual equipment would not mind at all. We will later adapt the Bullhead per our wishes. My cruiser has a lot of said equipment, if you don't wish to obtain it, we will strip it off the Herschel"
You can hear a button being presses, resulting in the message turning into silence.

[Image: termination_zps33954d04.png]

RE: To: Core Guildmaster - Lythrilux - 08-14-2015

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ID: Erik Nodtviet
Location: Durban Station, Omicron Rho
Subject: Exchange of Technology
Encryption: Invincible

Mr. Schlafenberg,

Very well then. It can be arranged so that the Buro will deliver the appropriate materials to Alabama Shipyard in Omicron Rho for the construction of the Bullhead. We will update you with the progress of the construction of the vessel periodically. Once the vessel has finished construction, we will inform you and it can be picked up.

In regards to the equipment on the Bullhead, we can tailor it to suit your specific needs, but if you wish to mount the equipment yourself then so be it. We would like the current equipment on the Herschel to remain however, as a means to preserve the 'spirit' of the vessel *he grins*.

When you are ready, we will create a special channel for Buro vessels to transport the goods to Alabama Shipyard. I await your response.

-E. Nodtviet
Guildmaster, The Core
CEO, AP Manufacturing

:::[Closing Transmission]:::

RE: To: Core Guildmaster - An'shur - 08-14-2015

[Image: Noviet_zpsprlqjkol.png]

"Ja Herr Nodtviet, as I said, we will help you construct the ship for us. Delivery reports will be made of course" Karl puts on a friendly smile, grabs a cup of coffee and takes a sip while caressesing a cat sitting on his legs.

"About the Bullhead equipment, shield working a on molecular base, suitable for the ship size, powerful thrusting systems, deep space sensor array and basic models of cruiser defense turrets should be enough. We would also prefer unique equipment, for example cloaking devices, docking bays and a really thick armour to be already present. If you or AP Manufacturing can't ensure the presence of the mentioned unique equipment, The Büro can make it itself without any issues"

"Equipment on the RNC-Herschel can remain, except for the weaponry unfortunately, due to the... I believe that I was talking about it, Oberkommando decision. We can mount some less special gunnery on the cruiser, but I am sure that your shipyard workers will adapt the turret structures to be compatible with the Core weapon technology with ease"
Karl gets interrupted by a loud behind him. It sounds like if someone accidentally dumped a box of screws on the floor. Karl turns around and slaps a button to terminate the transmission.

[Image: termination_zps33954d04.png]

RE: To: Core Guildmaster - Lythrilux - 08-17-2015

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ID: Erik Nodtviet
Location: Durban Station, Omicron Rho
Subject: Exchange of Technology
Encryption: Invincible

Mr. Schlafenberg,

AP Manufacturing can ensure sufficient armour upgrade as well as the other specifics you have mentioned with the exception of docking modules and a cloaking device. In regards to the gunnery on the Herschel, we will simply have to provide our own for now it seems.

I have opened up a communication channel for the Buro to complete it's deliveries within. We will provide regular status updates on your vessels construction. Good luck.

-E. Nodtviet
Guildmaster, The Core
CEO, AP Manufacturing

:::[Closing Transmission]:::