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What faction you would like to try out? - Printable Version

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What faction you would like to try out? - looqas - 10-05-2008


Do you have faction you have always been intrigued what it would be like to be flying it's role? That one faction that fascinates you? But for some reason or the other you haven't had time to try out yet. This is not about faction you have tried already (and which is coolest), but rather your own perception.

If you need help deciding where one faction fits you can use this list

I'm including a poll, but it's rough since naming all the factions would require two posts and last time I did that was enough. The poll options will be limited but give you a hint regardless. So you need to post here and tell people. The choice might also be another criminal faction operating in your current char's ZOI. Preferably with some explanation of course.

My personal choice.

I have to say I'm a bit fascinated of Outcasts. They got a completely different ZOI, have plenty to do and Dagger/Stiletto/Sabre which are still looking good for me. Especially Stiletto. I just wish it would be more competitive out there.

If I got to choose another one it would be a lawful char probably in Bretonia.

What faction you would like to try out? - Tenacity - 10-05-2008

always wanted a rheinland lawful character... but the two factions that control them are too strict here.

Back when I played vanilla freelancer on the RAW server, my main character flew a banshee =P

What faction you would like to try out? - Monk - 10-05-2008

Actually...done about all of them

Coalition would be something I could try...but never would...damn commies

What faction you would like to try out? - pchwang - 10-05-2008

Give it a shot, Monk.

I have strong personal issues against communism, and I'm still there. This isn't real life, it's a roleplaying experience. Go for it if you want to.


Whoops, forgot the actual point of the thread... heh...

I really want to try a stint as a Blood Dragon, not part of the NPG, but just as an indy, Dragon. Their faction RP is definitely one of the most interesting, especially considering the fact that their roots hail more from an outcast political entity than a pirate group.

What faction you would like to try out? - Lupusy - 10-05-2008

admin faction --- so cool and i hear u get special cannons that shoot pink balls of bubblegum

What faction you would like to try out? - Primus Avatar - 10-05-2008

' Wrote:Actually...done about all of them

Coalition would be something I could try...but never would...damn commies

Communism is good.
Think BIG....
Think China!
Think CCCP!

What faction you would like to try out? - Jacob S. - 10-05-2008

Admin Faction, just because I find it hilarious to watch the people stare at the admins sitting over Newark for around 5-10 minutes straight.

What faction you would like to try out? - n00bl3t - 10-05-2008

The Order.

What faction you would like to try out? - Etaphreven - 10-05-2008

' Wrote:The Order.

Try it!


Anyway, what I'd like to try out is probably Coalition, or Nomads/Wilde.

What faction you would like to try out? - Saigo.Watanabe - 10-05-2008

id liike to try out the junkers personally but then again im working on that, since ive already started the story for the char and its rp, along with already got its junkers id and iff