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Player Sanctioned: H@De$ - Printable Version

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Player Sanctioned: H@De$ - Hawk - 04-06-2015

H@De$ has been sanctioned for:

Quote: 2.2 Threatening other players with reports and sanctions or attempting to pose as an Admin is not allowed.

Ok, here's the deal. I know you were upset. I'd probably be upset too in the same situation. You are actually allowed to say that you are upset. When you say you are going to post it on the forum you have crossed the line. Your guns only have fallen off and that's actually pretty light. Hopefully you won't do this again.

Link to original report (Admin use only)



RE: Player Sanctioned: H@De$ - Nikolaumf - 04-06-2015

Sanctioning me but not the player that done this thing to me sounds legit.Nevermind i broke the rules i see and yes i wont do it again