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Sakari Vesika - Independent Pirate - Printable Version

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Sakari Vesika - Independent Pirate - JakeSG - 10-06-2008

Name: Sakari Vesika
Age: 23
Origin: Appears to be of Liberty or Brettonian decent.
Appearance: (Seen below in my Sig.)
Psychological Analysis: Mentally unstable as a result from frequent abuse at a young age. Mildly sadistic, although her upbringing has taught her to be honorable. May suffer from slight mood swings or other bipolar disorders. Harbours an obvious distaste for men, and yet knows her assets and hows to use them to her benefit.
Faction: Independent pirate, although swings towards Liberty Rogues.
Personal Allegiances: (Will be explained below)
Friendly with Zoners, Corsairs and Liberty Rogues.
Enemies with Outcasts.
Tends to be more aggressive towards men than women, especially those who treat her without due respect.
All other appropriate faction alignments apply.

OOC: Constructive criticism, ratings etc, please.

Sakari Vesika - Chapter 1
Slavers captured her family when she was at a young age. Her infant brother was slaughtered before her eyes because he would not be silent. Her parents were beaten and captured. Beaten, tortured, assaulted, humiliated.

Sold to a rich, corrupt Kusari lord with her family. Years passed. More abuse.
She is now twelve. She is kept healthy while her parents are led to starve. Father suspects Kusari lord may have evil intent. Father requests a fellow slave to teach Sakari how to defend herself. Slave is a fourteen year-old son of a martial artist, kidnapped from his family and goes by the name of Adimaru Kurisaki.
She becomes close friends with Adimaru. Secretly trains at night. Mother becomes seriously ill.

Sakari turns fourteen. One of the Kusari lord's friends develops an interest in her. He offers to let his friend bed with her. Sakari is revolted. Using the fighting skills taught her by Adimaru, she fights and knocks him unconscious, and causes minor brain damage to the Kusari lord's friend. Beaten, tortured, assaulted, humiliated.

Kusari lord learns of this, and as punishment has her routinely beaten. Reputation earned by the ordeal protects her from any further advances. Kusari lord does not kill her because he believes that not only are there punishments worse than death, but if he can break her she would make a fine whore. Beaten, tortured, assaulted, humiliated.

Kusari lord also makes her watch as her mother and father are beaten. One night, her mother does not recover. She dies shortly after and she is forced to watch while the corpse is desecrated and then burned. Beaten, tortured, assaulted, humiliated.

Father is outraged, and starts a small-scale rebellion. Three guards are killed. Kusari lord has him burned alive as punishment. Sakari is forced to watch. Beaten, tortured, assaulted, humiliated.

Sakari is fifteen. The only person she has left is Adimaru. They become good friends, nearly lovers. Together they plan to escape so that they may live together. She confides her fears, worries and sorrows in him, as she would nobody else.

Kusari lord learns that Adimaru had been the one to teach her how to fight, and after having him watched, that she was all that was left to him. He has Adimaru shipped out to one of his labor gangs. The last words he says to her are "I will return to you, I promise." Beaten, tortured, assaulted, humiliated.

Sakari is depressed, near broken. She withdraws into herself, hoping that one day she may be reunited with Adimaru, longing for the comfort he provides her with. Kusari lord takes her silence as a sign that she has been broken.

He sends for her to be brought to his chambers. She is prepared, she has a makeshift blade hidden in her clothing. He calls her over. She climbs onto the bed. He moves to grope her and, releasing all the anger and frustration caused by the loved ones she had lost, the life she never had, she withdraws the blade and stabs him in the chest repeatedly. Realizing the amount of noise he was making, she quickly slits his throat, regretting only that she could not listen to him suffer any longer.

She has only minutes. Quickly stealing clothing owned by the Kusari lord, choosing them for their practicality more than anything, and a hooded cloak to hide herself from the cameras, she slips from the room, stopping only to steal the traditional sword the Kusari lord had kept as decoration.

She heads for the docking chambers, where she had spent many hours working. She hears a scream, and only seconds later an alarm. The body had been found. Pulling the hood around her face to disguise herself, she rushes into the bay.

A single guard is on duty, busy looking at the communication systems, a frown on his face as he saw the message. She moved to slip into one of the Drakes. He turns around and spots her, shouting.
Throwing down her cloak, she removes the sword. He pulls out a gun and fires. She feels a stinging sensation across her cheek. She hits his sword hand with the flat of the blade, knocking the gun from his hand, then holds it to his throat. Gesturing to the Drake with her other hand, she disables the communication system.

He nods, sweating with terror. He climbs into the front, she sits in the co-pilots seat, keeping the blade in view at all times. He initiates the engines, moving slowly out of the bay. She gestures with the sword and he triples the speed.

She cannot believe it, she is about to be free, after she had spent her whole life as a slave. Her thoughts are interrupted by the static of the communication systems.
"Drake K3T-0785, there is a lockdown, please halt your engines."

Sweating, the pilot slows down, but after a gesture from her sword, doesn't stop. He gestures at the comms and she nods, but with another threatening gesture.

"Sir, this is Drake K3T-0785, on an urgent errand from master Hagatoshi. Please, I cannot stop right now, he will have my skin."

The voice came through the comms again, sounding a little uncertain. "Drake K3T-0785, I have just received word your master was murdered. The city is under lockdown so that we might find his assassin before he escapes."

The pilot glares at Sakari with hatred, realizing that it was she who had killed his master. Another sword gesture. "Please, sir, it was not the Master but the Mistress. Upon hearing of his death she sent me to contact the Bounty Hunters to find the assassin. As you are aware, they are not allowed into House Kusari, so I must leave the system to do so."

Crackle, uncertainty, silence, then: "Very well, we understand. We do not approve of you doing business with such pigs, but if it is the wish of your Mistress, then so be it. Please be aware the city will be under lockdown for a minimum twenty-four hours, so you will not be able to return till then."

"Thank you, sir, you may have just saved my life."

Sakari watches as he initiates the cruise engines, then they are out of the atmosphere. Up, up, out, escape, freedom! Such beauty, she had never imagined that space would be like this. She was free, and now her life was her own.

Sakari Vesika - Independent Pirate - JakeSG - 10-08-2008

Chapter 2

Cold Tired Hungry Betrayed Flying four hours, surely we can stop soon? Stomach growls So hungry A planet! There is green! Maybe we can land there?

She points. The planet is small, with lots of water, but large areas of green in places. The man growls and turns on the scanners. The planet is not registered on the Neural Net, and the docking ring is old and rusty at best. There is no traffic in sight. However, the scanners reveal that there is little or no radiation present, and high volumes of oxygen. He changes direction for the ring but doesnt bother hailing. It is probably abandoned.

As they fly through the atmosphere, slowly descending, she looks for a clearing. There is none. Still looking. There! A small plateau, surrounded by green. She points, and once again they change direction. The ship lands. As the engines slow and the cockpit opens, she stumbles out, falling over as she tries to get her balance. She looks around. So bright! So green! Never before has she seen so much life. As she staggers to her feet, her stomach rumbles. Hungry, need food. She looks around. Green means life, life means food.

Sakari drops down from the plateau, it is only raised by about a meter. She wanders off into the nearby forest to look for food. Berries, on that plant. They look edible. There are plenty of them. She starts to eat them, then stops and thinks. Maybe she should give some to the man? After all, she needs him to get out of here. She plucks several handfuls from the bush and wraps them in her coat.

She returns to the ship, eating some on the way. She offers some to the man but he grunts and looks away. She lays them on the ground. Dizziness Nausea Suddenly she doesnt feel so well. She sways and stumbles. Maybe she should take a rest. She moves away from the ship to a slab of rock, lying down beside it and curling up in her coat.

Sakari Vesika - Independent Pirate - JakeSG - 10-12-2008

Chapter 3

Im gonna kill er She killed Master Hagatoshi, and now Ill kill her Ill punish her good Ill have my way with her, then Ill slit her throat. He climbed back out of the cockpit, stroking the sidearm kept underneath the seat for emergency use.

Moving stealthily to Sakari, he kept his sidearm at the ready. When he reaches her, he examines her unusually pale fact. Even with thoughts of vengeance on his mind he realizes she should not be this pale. Never mind that. He pulls back his arm, preparing to swing his fists. Suddenly, Sakari wakes up, rolls over and vomits all over his shoes.

You filthy wench! he shouts, and lashes out with his fist. She screams as he strikes him, then once more each time he hits her until he covers her mouth. She is crying from the pain. Something she has not done in a long time. She struggles, but gives up when she realizes she has no choice.

He steps back, smirking at her distressed state. Im going to punish you for what you did to the Master. As he steps forward again, a loud crack rings out. The man looks up in surprise. There is a small ring of red on his chest, quickly growing.

An old man, with grey hair and a small amount of stubble, in slightly ragged clothing, steps past him and pushes the man to the ground. He spits on his now cold corpse. He is carrying a firearm like nothing Sakari has ever seen, it has a long barrel and could only be called primitive compared to what her guards had used.Pre-human scum, he scowls, Never hit a defenseless woman. Let me have a look at ya.

Sakari tries to move away, but he holds her head with a surprisingly hard grip for such an elderly creature. He eyes her down. Yell be fine. He says.

Sakari rolls over and vomits again. The man looks a little surprised, but then sees the berries. Ate some of the native berries did ya? No matter, Ill soon fix ye of that. He hands her a flask and forces her to drink. Moments after she consumed the liquid, she could feel herself sliding out of consciousness.

As she struggled to fight against it, she saw a look on his face that she had only ever seen before on her parents. It was nearly what she would call fatherly. Not expecting any harm, she let herself black out.