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To:Rheinland Government - Printable Version

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To:Rheinland Government - Atka Research Station - 04-10-2015

...Incoming Transmission...
...Security Strength: Strong...
...Sender: Dr.Miracle...
...Location: Atka Research Station...Sigma-19...

Greetings, Sir/Ma’am,

I am Doctor Lydia Miracle, the Director of Trades and Relations of the Cryer Pharamceuticals. I was appointed by Doctor Sarah Cryer to discuss with you about a few matters on behalf of our corporation.

We’ve noticed that our employees can only be allowed to carry Stabiline, Human Organs, and Synthetic Marijuana in Rheinland. The wars and battles, however, are still happening nowadays inside and outside Rheinland Republic, and the causalities can be seen every day, so we wish to be permitted to carry more types of medical commodities such as nanotubes, and causalities/patients to the hospitals and clinics in Rheinland. I am sure the doctors and scientists in Rheinland would love to use our finest products for their treatments and researches.

Second of all, we wish to be classified as a trans-Sirius corporation rather than a Libertorian corporation, because of the fact that Cryer does not own a single station in Liberty space. The only two stations we have built are located in Cambridge and Sigma-19. In that case, we would love to employ all of the intelligent medical graduates or scientists who are willing to join our company from Rheinland, so a recruitment office would be opened as soon as you approve the proposal.

At last...the biggest problem we are facing now is that, all of our security department pilots had been trained well already in Liberty Navy ships when we used to be a Liberty Corporation. They certainly can be trained in other ships, but it would take up to 6 years to finish the training session, and now they have to be responsible for escorting a lot of transports hauling hazardous goods. Speaking of the said hazardous goods, such as human organs, I assure that we both do not want to see them to be captured by the wrong hands. Thus, we wish Cryer escort pilots could be allowed to fly Liberty Navy ships.

Thank you very much.

...Transmission Terminated...

RE: To:Rheinland Government - Sturmwind - 04-12-2015

SOURCE: Planet New Berlin, New Berlin
ENCRYPTION: Medium, port BDSTG-NPD-KDR-19-18

[Image: SiegfriedHeilner.gif]

SUBMITTER: Siegfried Heilner, Rheinland Bundestag
RECIPIENT: Dr. Miracle

Guten Tag.

My name is Siegfried Heilner, I am a representative of the Rheinland Bundestag. I have been elected to respond to your transmission.

As far as I am aware, Cryer Pharmaceuticals is headquartered on Planet Manhattan and one of the corporation's most important research institutes is located on Planet Denver, Colorado. I see no reason why the locations of space stations are supposed to determine the affiliation of your company anyway; if you submit the Bundestag the full list of companies and individuals with share ownership within your company, then will we be able to determine who, so to say, pulls the strings within your organization. Needless to say, if we witness representatives of the Liberty government, or the Liberty government itself owning a major part of your shares, or your organization buying Liberty government bonds, we can easily conclude that you have quite a huge degree of cooperation with our adversaries. As thus, unless you can hand us the above list, your request to be classified as a Trans-Sirius corporation is denied.

In addition, there is absolutely no way we are going to allow Liberty Navy vessels into our space, unless they are being transferred to one of our research stations for disassembly and analysis. The Bundestag is already divided when it comes to allowing non-combatant vessels of Liberty make into Rheinland, but to allow ones that are capable of combat is absolutely unthinkable. Trust your security to the hands of our able Rheinwehr Soldaten and our ever-vigilant Bundespolizisten when maneuvering around Rheinland.

Despite that, bringing more medicine and medical products (as well as trained personnel) into the war-thorn parts of Rheinland is something we may be able to negotiate about. Await our response.


Siegfried Heilner,
Nationaldemokratische Partei Rheinland,
Rheinland Bundestag.


RE: To:Rheinland Government - Sturmwind - 04-12-2015

SOURCE: Planet New Berlin, New Berlin
ENCRYPTION: Medium, port BDSTG-NPD-KDR-19-18

[Image: SiegfriedHeilner.gif]

SUBMITTER: Siegfried Heilner, Rheinland Bundestag
RECIPIENT: Dr. Miracle

Following a quick debate in the Bundestag, Cryer has been permitted to transport the following shipment cathegories within Rheinland:

  1. Nanotubes
  2. Casualties
  3. Scientists (for medical purposes only, all scientists entering Rheinland via Cryer vessels will be double-checked upon entry, if any expertise, past experience or relation to other scientific fields than medicine application and medical treatment is found, Cryer will immediately lose these rights)

The Rheinland government reserves the right to reverse these amendments if deemed fit.

Have a nice day.


Siegfried Heilner,
Nationaldemokratische Partei Rheinland,
Rheinland Bundestag.
