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disable! - NoMe - 04-12-2015

hello again Admins! Wink

i've already asked you to disable my bases, it seems that is no possible, fortunately a connection was at my *disposition to see one of my two bases follow down at 89, 88, 87; how much times do i ask you to disable the supplying ?

it's not a menace, but i have a serious problem!

please comply! Smile

the work is bad, i am very potentially irritated! i mean about the work, for me!

so, disable my bases for a *moment* like 15 days please

tanks for your answers


RE: disable! - Remnant - 04-12-2015

Hire a cooperation to supply your playerbase. There are many inRP methods to go about this. If we disabled yours due to work, we'd have to do it for everyone. The only time we actually disable playerbases is over the holidays or other times when the majority of people should be doing things other than Discovery.

Make an inRP deal. I'm sure people would love to supply it if you pay 'em

RE: disable! - NoMe - 04-12-2015

too much funny your answer mister! man, i, since a moment asked something, sometime, often some help, but when i ask, why, not have an answer who say, yes NoMe we seen your problem, we can help you! Wink

do you want to know how much time, i've passed in your game mister? you could as well be afraid by it!

so it's not a *faveur* but a *nécéssité*


RE: disable! - StarRaven - 04-15-2015

Do you need someone to run your base 'life-giving' supplies
while you are at you real life job? Is that what you are saying NoMe?
Do you have any money to pay for such supplies? I am willing to help
you if you need help but you need to tell me exactly what's going on
and what exactly you need! I would also need to know where your base is
and need docking access to it....tell me what's going on NoMe.....

-StarRaven out-

RE: disable! - NoMe - 04-15-2015

yes, it's almost it, exactly, the 2 bases are lawfuls, and can't work with any unlawfuls, the only allowed are maquis and brigands, answer me on it, i will pm you the détails

a dayly support is needed for now! for a base it is needed to have RA(reinforced alloy) and FOW (food, oxygen, water) one of these 2 bases is core4 and the other core2, this one need less FOW than the core4. the job is a bit difficult, but if you know a friend, it could help!

i am awaiting your answer to pm you


RE: disable! - StarRaven - 04-15-2015

(04-15-2015, 01:28 PM)NoMe Wrote: yes, it's almost it, exactly, the 2 bases are lawfuls, and can't work with any unlawfuls, the only allowed are maquis and brigands, answer me on it, i will pm you the détails

a dayly support is needed for now! for a base it is needed to have RA(reinforced alloy) and FOW (food, oxygen, water) one of these 2 bases is core4 and the other core2, this one need less FOW than the core4. the job is a bit difficult, but if you know a friend, it could help!

i am awaiting your answer to pm you


These are the things I need to know : - Can you get me docking rights to both as a freelancer? If not,
I will have to create a special character for just this which I don't really want to do.
- How much exactly of R/A and food, water, and oxygen does each base need to survive every day? and is
the base capable of paying me for the products? will I be making a little profit from the base on the
R/A, food, water, and oxygen?
- How far apart are the bases and where are they? What part of sirus are they in? If they are in Gallia,
I will definitely have to create a new character because all my characters are from britonia and Liberty.
- This is a big job, considering if I have to create a new character and buy a new much would
I be compensated for doing this for two weeks Nome?

I await your answers. -StarRaven out-

RE: disable! - NoMe - 04-15-2015

i can alredy give you 2 4000 cargo hold size! the 2 have the right access in the 2 bases! for this i must set 2 movecharcodes, do you know this ingame command? it's simple! and for money as you want i have one of these 2 bases who pay well the RA, and the other at normal price! you interest, could be the core4 who have some factories, but the contract is for the 2 bases, when i can again help you, i make it!

sound good?

more and less 1/2h to suplly it but for now the bases can run since again 2 days so if you deliver the first with RA the 2 is easy to supply after only 30 km

let me know

RE: disable! - StarRaven - 04-15-2015

(04-15-2015, 01:54 PM)NoMe Wrote: i can alredy give you 2 4000 cargo hold size! the 2 have the right access in the 2 bases! for this i must set 2 movecharcodes, do you know this ingame command? it's simple! and for money as you want i have one of these 2 bases who pay well the RA, and the other at normal price! you interest, could be the core4 who have some factories, but the contract is for the 2 bases, when i can again help you, i make it!

sound good?

more and less 1/2h to suplly it but for now the bases can run since again 2 days so if you deliver the first with RA the 2 is easy to supply after only 30 km

let me know

I'm thinking on it....just so you know, I'll need some sort of money up front
for this big job Nome, even though one base may pay well for the R/A, normally
that's just a bonus customers give to me as I do this exact thing for a living
in you think what is fair for this big job up front while you have access
to computer and let me know....I will take ONE of those 4k transports, as that will help.
I will have to create a whole new character for this. I know you maybe poor, but it is a big
job for 2 whole weeks and you cannot expect me to do for next to nothing NoMe......I await
your reply my friend....
-StarRaven out-

RE: disable! - Laura C. - 04-15-2015

(04-15-2015, 01:40 PM)StarRaven Wrote: - How much exactly of R/A and food, water, and oxygen does each base need to survive every day? and is
the base capable of paying me for the products? will I be making a little profit from the base on the
R/A, food, water, and oxygen?
Base which is not under attack needs 8640 RA per 24 hours if I remember correctly, and 400 food/oxygen/water every 10 hours (that´s for level 2 base, level 4 needs 800 of each).

RE: disable! - NoMe - 04-15-2015

no worries, by exemple i can give you a JD2 or something who could interest you! there are some codes or if you are in need of money i can also!

for now, i try to log to set the movechar code


i pm you when it's done