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The Division 7 Archives - Vape - 04-15-2015

Division 7 Database Search Term: Division 7... ONLINE.

Display File: DIVISION 7.

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Within the Order Wedjat, there officially exist four Divisions, dividing up the separate duties, from strike ops to Signals intelligence.

However what is not known is that there was a fifth, hidden Division, Division 7.

Upon his accession to the Directorship of the Wedjat in 818 A.S., Director Kell Tainer established Division 7 as a failsafe measure in case of a compromise of the Wedjat itself, or worst case, the entire Order. The Division (as it is known among its members) was to work apart from the Wedjat as a whole and establish its own assets and bases across the sector, so that in case of crisis, it could fill gaps in the Order's operational capability.

Prior to the fall of Toledo, it number some 800 operatives spread across the sector. This number was reduced to a mere 300 after the battle of Omicron Minor and the Theta-7 Complex incident.

After the battle of Omicron Minor, in part due to mistrust between the Director, and the horrific casualties suffered by the Order, the Director and the Division went into hiding, disappearing completely from the face of the sector, the only evidence of their survival highly encrypted communications sent to a few trusted agents within the Order.

By its nature, Division 7 was incredibly secretive and no mention of it was ever made outside of the walls of its bases and ships. Outside of the Division, only the head of the Order itself, Michal Golanski has knowledge of its existence, and even then, its strength and capabilities are a carefully guarded secret.

Currently the Division has rebuilt itself and numbers approximately 500, spread across the sector, but primarily focused in Liberty, Rheinland and Kusari.

Known Bases:
Avalon Complex, Planet California Minor
Inverness Annex, Invergordon Spaceport

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End of file.

RE: The Division 7 Archives - Vape - 04-15-2015

Division 7 Database Search Term: Archangel... ONLINE.

Display File: The Director.

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Writing about Director Kell Tainer is no easy task. Due to his highly placed position in the Order, most information on his background and activities is either highly classified or no longer in existence. Such are things for one of the most shady and powerful individuals in the sector.

What is known about his background via his official personnel file is presented. Due to his occupation, most of this file is purely conjecture based upon mission reports and interviews with his subordinates

Prior to defecting to the Order, the Director served as an analyst aboard the secretive Eureka research facility. He has never told anyone save his wife and some members of his senior staff what happened there. It is believed that not even Golanski, Kell's former protege knows the extent of what Kell witnessed. What is known is that his assignment there left a scar upon his psyche and instilled a grim determination to either make peace with or exterminate any threats to humanity's survival. This includes both the Nomads and his fellow humans, especially the Gauls.

During the period prior to the invasion of the Taus, the Director was a leading advocate for joining the conflict with Gallia. While his warnings went largely unheeded by the majority of the Order, a small cabal including current High Command members Golanski and Hunter shared his views. This led to a massive buildup of war materiel that eventually led to the intelligence section displacing a total tonnage on par with the primary fleet itself. This was spread out between directly controlled warships and assets spread through Sirius, notably including the commanders of several Liberty Navy warships.

This materiel was later largely destroyed by the Nomads during the battle of Omicron Minor. Between the horrible losses suffered in the main battle at Toledo and at ancillary locations such as the Theta-7 installation, approximately 90% of the Wedjat's strength was eliminated. The only survivors being those few about the ships fleeing Toledo and those aboard the flagship, the Neith II.

The Director subsequently went off the radar with most of these survivors to rebuild the Wedjat as an organization apart from the Order. During this time, those who remained with the Order were integrated with the Primary Fleet during the post-Minor reorganization. Little from this period onward is known as the Director never returned to the Order, at least not in an acknowledged capacity.

It is rumored that this is due to both a falling out between the Director and Golanski due to the latter's handling of the aftermath of the fall of Toledo. The second reason is due to an (un)acknowledged need for the Order to have an autonomous branch operating in the shadows, beneath even the view of the reconstituted Wedjat.

For more information see the Division 7 file.


The Director is a multifaceted individual, a trait gained by the horrors he has witnessed over the years. At the core, his actions have demonstrated a compassion uncommon among his colleagues. By contrast to most Order personnel, the Director has employed a primarily diplomatic approach when dealing with the Nomads. This trait is shared by few others within the Order and was limited primarily to those members of his cabal. Golanski is the exception due to his increasingly ruthless behavioral patterns since the fall of Toledo.

Despite this outlook, the Director is capable of using force were required, typically once all non-violent options have been exhausted. However, the Director is willing to make the hard choices when required.

Despite this, the Director will typically not order the use of excessive force. The only exception to this rule is when dealing with those known as Das Wilde. The Director has no tolerance for human traitors within the ranks and will deal with them ruthlessly.

It is becoming clearer that in the wake of the Toledo and Theta-7 tragedies that the Director has become more determined to hunt down and eradicate threats to humanity's existence. He may be willing in the future to resort to more extreme measures to root out Nomad infiltrators and other threats.

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End of file.