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Move PoBs from the Mining Fields - Printable Version

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Move PoBs from the Mining Fields - SpaceTime - 04-16-2015

So when are they going to be moved elsewhere?

Devs created mining fields back in the day in order for people who worked in groups to make lots of profits (bigger than solo traders) but also at a higher risk. We know the current dev team is thinking about it, but unlike PoB rioting or other minor stuff, this is something important as it has to do with the server's gameplay balance.

Here is the list of the PoBs which has to be moved:

  1. Fortitudine - Manchester system - Owned by BMF|
  2. FortiSec - Manchester system - Owned by BMF|
  3. Platinum Incorporated - Alberta system - Owned by DSE) [not inside but literally right next to it]
  4. Rutherford Spaceport - Alberta system - Owned by DSE) [not inside but literally right next to it]
  5. Mont Blanc Storage Facility - Pirardy system - GMS|
  6. Saltese - Humboldt system - Owned by the Junker Congress
  7. Reutlingen Storage Facility - Omega-7 system - Owned by Kruger|
  8. Shiojiri Storage Depot - Nagano system - Owned by Samura|-
  9. Bauxite Minerial Extraction - Munich system - Owned by ??? (DHC indies)
  10. Hochschild Gold Mining PLC - Dublin system - Owned by ??? (BMM indies)

RE: Move PoBs from the Mining Fields - Lythrilux - 04-16-2015

I think all of those fields are actually getting moved so that the bases are no longer inside them. At least most of them are, to my knowledge.

RE: Move PoBs from the Mining Fields - Geolog - 04-16-2015

It's interesting how people demand POBs in mining field to be moved. Before the bases being built in the mining fields pirate used to F1 in those fields and wait on their other chars for miners to log in and start mining and then to do a quick relog to their pirate ships. I don't remember miners or transports screaming against F1ing in the field. And if someone did, that one usually got hammered down by those same pirates as the QQer and the guy who doesn't know how to counter the pirates. Now when the situation is reversed pirates are making an immense QQ to move POBs from mining fields but they say nothing about returning to their old habits of F1ing again in mining fields. All this debate about POBs in the mining fields is unnecessary. As if pirates don't have enough space and time to pirate transports anywhere between point A and B.

Said enough.

RE: Move PoBs from the Mining Fields - SpaceTime - 04-16-2015

(04-16-2015, 05:58 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: I think all of those fields are actually getting moved so that the bases are no longer inside them. At least most of them are, to my knowledge.

The mining fields were balanced where they were. So why change them instead of moving the PoBs elsewhere?

(04-16-2015, 06:44 PM)Geolog Wrote: As if pirates don't have enough space and time to pirate transports anywhere between point A and B.

You weren't around back then, but mining fields were created with the intention to be pirate-able. Right now, several of them, clearly are not. Which is a major balance issue. Please don't confuse piracy in the mining fields with lane piracy.

RE: Move PoBs from the Mining Fields - Geolog - 04-16-2015

Balanced in what way? Cruisers F1ing in fields and waiting for Hegemons? I don't see a balance in that.

RE: Move PoBs from the Mining Fields - jammi - 04-16-2015

To be fair, debating based on the most extreme minority case doesn't reveal a solid argument.

Currently, there are bases where you can mine sat on top of the docking point. There is literally no counter to that, save having a cloaking device and then raising the shield with your first shot. Of course, if the base has weapon platforms, the pirate is still up the creek, so to speak.

Your last post basically stated that miners should be immune seeing as pirates can simply hit the transports. Are you not seeing how that mentality is detrimental overall? If the majority of BMM mined like that, the Mollys would have nothing to do. If the majority of Kruger or Daumann mined like that, the Hessians would be starved of their logical enemies.

Miners are a part of the food chain too, that's just a fact of server life. Personally, I'd be happy with the bases being moved to 10k outside the fields. Still close enough to be convenient, and close enough for an eagle-eyed miner to escape. But not so close that escape is immediately a forgone conclusion that frankly makes piracy irrelevant.

Risk and reward determines price here, and that balance is currenly heavily askew.

RE: Move PoBs from the Mining Fields - SpaceTime - 04-16-2015

(04-16-2015, 06:48 PM)Geolog Wrote: Balanced in what way? Cruisers F1ing in fields and waiting for Hegemons? I don't see a balance in that.

You clearly confuse one issue with another. Unless of course you consider a fair balance to F1s the placement of PoBs inside mining fields.

RE: Move PoBs from the Mining Fields - Lythrilux - 04-16-2015

"Pirates F1 in fields and can quickly log in game and snag an 'easy' interaction with a miner - this is bad!

Miners mine right next to a POB with 99999999 Battleship weapons platforms and can quickly dock and log straight off whether they see the pirate approach them in the field, or if they see the pirate jump into the system (via playerlist metagaming) and thus completely avoiding any encounter whatsoever - this is good!"

Try to be less one-sided please Geolog.

Jammi ninja'd me.

RE: Move PoBs from the Mining Fields - Highland Laddie - 04-16-2015

Quote:Balanced in what way? Cruisers F1ing in fields and waiting for Hegemons? I don't see a balance in that.

One balance to that would be mining with security escorts in place. Whereas, with PoBs, it would require massive sieges against bases that, for all purposes, could not be destroyed.

But Jammi is correct - facing a potential F1ed pirate is a risk for anybody, be they miner in the field or transport along a well-traveled route.

I would note that Platinum Inc. and Rutherford are not technically "in" the plantium ore fields, but nearby them. So, I don't know that they would require being moved.

RE: Move PoBs from the Mining Fields - Fluffyball - 04-16-2015

Quote:Miners mine right next to a POB with 99999999 Battleship weapons platforms and can quickly dock and log straight off whether they see the pirate approach them in the field

Not to be rude here, but shouldn't it be considered "tactic"? Why placing a highly fortified base in the dangerous/important/Class A area is wrong? It's a tactical movement to secure areas and is more than valid, even more, LOGICAL for the roleplay.

To be fair here however, bases should not be overarmed for sake of balance as some people pointed it out.

I mean, come on. Benford was taken down by three LNSC units in, let's say, 30 minutes (in-game world time).