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To : [RHA] Command / contact request - Printable Version

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To : [RHA] Command / contact request - FynnMcScrap - 04-18-2015

[Image: TampTtb_zps38c4b146.png]

Well met, meine Damen und Herren ,
and please let me introduce myself :

I am Fynn , called "McScrap" as I do not know my parents and have been given this name by the Junkers who respect me enough to follow me.
I lead the base called Tinkers Haven , located in Texas in the triangle between Shugarland, Planet Houston and the lane to Bering. And I represent a trade union called Tinker&Transport as one of the officials of this union.

My own contacts with individual members of your movement have been scarce but pleasurable, and some of my trade fleet skippers report the same.
So this is as much an intriduction as a question if it would be in the interest of both our groups to have a communication channel opened between us,
and to see if we will find opportunity for trade or support towards each other.

To this means I am attaching both some information on our trade union and our current diplomacy to this communication, and will gladly fly out to meet you or answer any questions.

Tinker&Transport is interested not only in profit, even if the funds we use to supply our more humanitarian efforts mostely stem from our trade with pre-sorted scrap or the diversity of our contacts and the work of the T&T/ trade fleet. We also support the effort against gallic opression, and try to ease inhumane conditions or weaken tyrrany and opression all over Sirius even if we opt to use violence only in self defense.
We work for a better life for all, and do not see this "all" as only our own family or our members.

While we do not fight against Rheinland officials at any time as we are civilian traders we do rather admire and cheer your efforts at change , and we do not support more agressive enemies of yours like the Corsair empire, even though we have brought Premium Scrap deliveries or food supplies there before. But so far we have had very little contact with you, and we see more reason to support or trade with you than with any of the mentioned groups.
And as we have no part in Artefact smuggle or Black Market Munition dealing...

We offer you trade support, mechanic services and even MedEvac assistance if needed.
And we are interested in export from your zone of Influence : both the fabled blood diamonds and the more mundane uncut white diamonds.
There might be interesting other commodities too, and we always work on humanitarian aid and relief too.

So with this communication I bid you to open communication with us for further contact or cooperation.

Yours respectfully


[Image: TampTte_zpse12cde9d.png]

RE: To : [RHA] Command. CC: Herr Muller - Salmin - 04-19-2015

Incoming Ttransmission.

Comm ID: Ellias Muller.
Location: Unknown.
Message to: Fynn "McScrap".

Transmission Established.

Guten tag. Ellias from Red Hessian Army here. I got your message and sent it to High Command. As my rank "Flieger", i do not have the rights to take such responsibility. In my vision your offer is interesting, any supplies of food, metal, medicaments would be good. Especially i want to taste Gallic Wines.

But here are few moments that we should decide:
1) We shoud be sure that you are not Rheinland spy.
2) Do not contact with Corsairs about PScrap Metal, and using our systems to deliver it to Gamma.
3) We will not protect you in Rheinland space, it will too oblivious to others about our contract.

Access to Diamonds you can get only from High Command.

Ellias out.

Transmission Terminated.

RE: To : [RHA] Command. CC: Herr Muller - FynnMcScrap - 04-19-2015

[Image: TampTtb_zps38c4b146.png]

Thank you for passing the message on, Herr Muller.

I will answer your points immediately :

  1. Not to my knowledge.
  2. We do not trade there recently, as we are fully occupied elsewhere. But I do not start a friendship by omitting facts.
  3. No need to and understood.

We valour integrity highly here at Tinkers, so I will answer any questions to my best possibility.

Yours respectfully


[Image: TampTte_zpse12cde9d.png]

RE: To : [RHA] Command. CC: Herr Muller - FynnMcScrap - 04-26-2015

<<< automatic comnet protocol check >>>
>>> status : pending <<<
>>> resending communication <<<

<<< handshake protocol enabled >>>

RE: To : [RHA] Command. CC: Herr Muller - FynnMcScrap - 05-06-2015

<<< automatic comnet protocol check >>>
>>> status : pending <<<
>>> resending communication <<<

<<< handshake protocol enabled >>>

RE: To : [RHA] Command / contact request - Tinker and Transport - 07-15-2015

<<< automatic comnet protocol check >>>
>>> status : pending <<<
>>> resending communication <<<

<<< handshake protocol enabled >>>

RE: To : [RHA] Command / contact request - Radio Freies Rheinland - 08-03-2015

:::Incomming Transmission:::

[Image: 264px-RHA_Logo.png]
[RHA] Red Hessian Army

Guten Tag Herr FynnMcScrap,
my name is Paul Stein, I'm the new Major from the Red Hessian Army, excuse me our delay.

Well, your offers sounds good and we accept your offer. You have now acces to Freital Base in Omega-11 System to export Blood Diamonds.

Have a nice day.


Major Paul Stein

:::Transmission End:::

RE: To : [RHA] Command / contact request - FynnMcScrap - 08-04-2015

[Image: TampTtb_zps38c4b146.png]

Thank you for the response and positive reaction,
Major Stein.

While I am bound to Texas due to my own representative work, I will send one of my most trusted Skippers to Freital to deliver a load of samples and to pick up some goods from you.

Lijay Bailey is a experienced trade fleet captain, and the crew of the T&T/.Tinkers.Pride are all full members of our group and discreet. If you wish to order specific commodities or pass along any information, pamphlets to be distributed or goods to be exported without advertisment of the fact they will be able to arrange everything "without Pauken und Trompeten" .
Feel free to use Bailey as a courier if necessary.

Yours respectfully


[Image: TampTte_zpse12cde9d.png]