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To : LD| - Printable Version

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To : LD| - Junker Marauders - 04-20-2015

[Image: vkiXtGH.png]

It's been awhile since anyone from our group has encountered even a member of the Gallic Brigands. Since I'm unsure if word of our own group has spread, allow me to tell you what I feel to be the most relevant details about us. We have issues with the Gallic Royal Navy for a variety of reasons, including them shooting at us on multiple occasions. We have no problems shooting them or anyone supporting them back and have access to a number of markets that you may find interesting.

Rather than give you a bunch of words that for all you know could be a blatant lie, I would like to prove both our intent and our competency by offering to transfer to you a shipment of roughly 4000 crates of unmarked munitions for either your own use or to be sold in your own markets. We are more than willing to submit to an escort to a base of your choosing or to transfer the cargo directly to one of your ships or whatever other arrangements you may require. Please let me know what you think.

~Cash Ivankov, Deputy Marauder
[Image: qff6ZIp.png]

RE: To : LD| - Catbert - 04-20-2015

*The viewscreen flickers to life revealing a sturdy dark-haired man in his early thirties sitting in a dimly-lit luxuriously furnished room, apparently in a club somewhere.*

Straight to the point, huh? Bien, I like that. The name's Claude Bertrand, first lieutenant of Les Damnés. You got us all interested when you mentioned those markets. I also like the idea with that shipment of munitions. We're always open for business opportunities, so give us some time to figure out the details like "how", "when" and "where" and then we'll contact you about the goods.

If you happen to fly near Boulogne at some point, feel free to drop by. "Le Chat Noir" is always open for potential partners, just tell the bartender that I invited you. With that being said, we'll be in touch.

*The message ends abruptly*

RE: To : LD| - Junker Marauders - 04-22-2015

[Image: vkiXtGH.png]

I'm glad to gain a favorable response. We too are always open for good business and hope to forge a mutually beneficial relationship. To make the transfer go smoother I've had the transport moved into as neutral and close of a position as I could think of, so the transport is currently docked at the Freeport in Tau 37. Whenever you get those details worked out it should be a relatively simple matter on our part to move the goods to you. I would recommend a more secure location for the transfer than the Freeport itself though, being open to you and I means it's open for everyone else as well.

~Cash Ivankov, Deputy Marauder
[Image: qff6ZIp.png]

RE: To : LD| - Decktare - 04-26-2015

Klara turns on the transceiver and sees the recent message.

-I have to read it, it might be something important.

She puts out the cigarette and starts reading the message.

-What a mess...

After reading the message she understands, that she should answer.

ID: Klara Fabento
Rank: Second Lieutenant
Subject: Sorry...


Sorry for the late reply. We had some problems with people who wanted to get our stuff.
But the problem is settled, so we can continue our talk about the those munitions.

We don't have the transports with the cargo hold large enough to pick the cargo up in one go. So we will have to do two runs if you don't mind.
My transport can carry up to 3500 units of cargo. We can pick up the remaining cargo next time or figure something out; we'll discuss the details in person.

My offer is to meet in Tau-44, Sector E3. I'll be there tomorrow at 19:00 SMT.
There'd better be no surprises.

RE: To : LD| - Junker Marauders - 04-27-2015

[Image: vkiXtGH.png]

It's good to hear that business is moving along, although I am a little concerned about your vessels cargo limitations. More trips means more exposure and more danger. Still, we'll manage to work around it somehow. I've already had one of our ships survey the meeting location and while I feel the system is adequate it is worryingly close to a Royal Navy battleship. I have every intention of ensuring that the transport is there for the transfer, however it would be best if both vessels do not linger in the area for too long.

~Cash Ivankov, Deputy Marauder
[Image: qff6ZIp.png]

RE: To : LD| - Junker Marauders - 04-28-2015

[Image: vkiXtGH.png]

I am happy to say at least from our perspective the exchange was successful and hopefully mutually profitable. However I would like to bring up another point for discussion which happened later after our transports had parted ways.

While flying through the Taus looking for salvage one of our transports managed to locate two vessels with the GRP| transponder hauling Nox. Though I dont particularly believe their story that they had confiscated it since it was flying OUT of Gallia, the cargo itself is of interest to me. After doing some probing of the market it seems that Nox is in high demand throughout much of Sirius and I was hoping that perhaps if the munitions we have provided you are of adequate value an exchange of these two goods could be made. If this is an issue for you in anyway I'm sure there are other goods you may wish to see making their way onto certain markets.

Oh, here are the cargo scan recordings in case you are interested.
1 2 3 4

~Cash Ivankov, Deputy Marauder
[Image: qff6ZIp.png]

RE: To : LD| - Catbert - 05-05-2015

*The viewscreen flickers to life revealing a sturdy dark-haired man in his early thirties sitting in a dimly-lit luxury furnished room, apparently in a club somewhere.*

Bonjour, it's Claude Bertrand again. Oui, the exchange was profitable for us both. Regarding Nox... well, it has proven to be a steady source of income for Brigands and Corse here in Gallia. It's no wonder that some Sirians want it badly, and even the Royal Police... Wait, what am I saying, -especially- the Royal Police can be tempted by the profits. Those scans might work as a nice leverage under the right circumstances.

But I digress, let's get back to business. Since the last exchange went smoothly, we'd be interested in more deals. It'd probably be more convenient to arrange meeting times on other channels though.

*The message ends abruptly*

RE: To : LD| - Junker Marauders - 01-19-2016

[img float=left][/img]
Transmission feed OPEN
► Sender ID: Deputy Marauder Cash Ivankov
► Location: Beaumont Spire, Texas
► Destination ID: LD
► Encryption: HIGH
► SUBJECT: Hypnotainment Bands


It's been awhile since we've seen your ships in space or really had any contact at all, so I hope this transmission reaches you safe and sound. It seems that a particular group is interested in acquiring 15,000 units of your Hypnotainment Bands. While we can from time to time obtain some from secondhand markets, we are unable to gather this amount and deliver them ourselves in a timely manner. With that said, I was hoping you could perhaps sell them to us. Should you see the value of this exchange, I can ensure that an equal amount of quality munitions are set aside to be handed over as payment.

Transmission feed CLOSED

RE: To : LD| - Catbert - 01-19-2016

*The viewscreen flickers to life revealing the same sturdy dark-haired man in his early thirties. The man hasn't shaved for a while, his has a couple of old scars, and an eyepatch covers his right eye. The transmission is occasionally interrupted by static. It appears that it comes from a ship moving through a dust field*

Bonjour. Oui, we're fine, merci. Had a a little problem back at the club, and it took us a lot of effort to solve it. But on to business: we can help you source some of those bands, but that's quite the number you're talking about... *sighs* Munitions are always nice though.

Anyway, L'Indomptable is still flying, so we can send some bands your way. Let's leave the time and place for other channels.

*The message ends abruptly*

RE: To : LD| - Junker Marauders - 03-13-2016

[img float=left][/img]
Transmission feed OPEN
► Sender ID: Deputy Marauder Cash Ivankov
► Location: Beaumont Spire, Texas
► Destination ID: LD
► Encryption: HIGH
► SUBJECT: LD|L'ecureuil


Apologies for the long quiet, we've had some issues of our own with obtaining such a large amount of munitions for trade, which I am thankfully able to say are in position and can be transferred at any time. Beyond that, a certain incident has reached me regarding one of our pilots finding one of your own transport captains lost and apparently very very confused. I'll be sending the full details in just a moment, but before I do I would like to offer my opinion that you should be very very cautious towards the person was flying that ship, and to the Omicrons in general. Hopefully this isn't overdue and they've made it home safely.

The place they parted ways was at Pelussin Base in Lyonnais, should Klara have not made it back safely. If needed we can discuss any details I may have left out during the actual transfer of goods.

Transmission feed CLOSED