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[[CTE]] Incorporated - Our Products Listing - Printable Version

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[[CTE]] Incorporated - Our Products Listing - Bretonian Turncoats - 04-20-2015

[Image: CTE-Logo-v1.png]

You have aquired access to the offer held by the CTE Incorporated. Our products have gained the popularity inside House, Border World and Edge World spaces. Cannot afford casual corporate stuff from your house? Cannot go over the complicated design and interface of the space vessels? Are you short on money as a young and aspiring small private business? Are you the big and renowned corporation in your House? You got into right place, the CTE shipline is all you need!

How to make a purchase?
To make a purchase, please leave message on our NN channel (soon to be opened). The company will file you with additional costs.

Why would you pay the additional fee? It's simple! For this additional fee, we offer assembling ship to your taste and deliver it to base of your choice!

Offer #1 "Eagle Eye"
Cost of a ship + 2 Million SCr for delivery + cost of the optional equipment, engines = Total Price.
+1M delivery fee, if unlawful entity.

Offer #2 "Nostalgia Kick"
Cost of a ship + 1.5 Million SCr for delivery + cost of the optional equipment, engines = Total Price.
+1M delivery fee, if unlawful entity.

Offer #3 "Feel Like A Zoner!"
Cost of a ship + 2 Million SCr for delivery + cost of the optional equipment, engines = Total Price.
+1M delivery fee, if unlawful entity.

Offer #4A "Level Up!" - Roc and Kestrel
Cost of a ship + 4 Million SCr for delivery + cost of the optional equipment, engines = Total Price.
+2M delivery fee, if unlawful entity.

Offer #4B "Level Up!" - Condor
Cost of a ship + 6 Million SCr for delivery + cost of the optional equipment, engines = Total Price.
+2M delivery fee, if unlawful entity.

Offer "Eagle Eye"
This offer is directed to all those who are aspiring bounty hunters, corporate escort pilots or just people who are bored with daily life onto small piece of rock and steel.

CTE L-337-K Civilian Shuttle
[Image: 254px-Dsy_civilian_shuttle.png]
Based on a popular airship common to Libertonian skies for generations; the day to day travel needs, and wallets, of the clientele pushed the development of this ship from the household docking platform to the interstellar tradelanes. Considered a cut above the 'mundane' CTE 750AE "Starflea", as it's referred to with disdain by those who can afford not to own it, this vessel has earned its place as the go to interstellar transport for the up-and-comer flying from the villa on Denver to the office on Manhattan and back again before the synth's grown cold.

CTE-4000 "Griffin" Civilian Light Fighter
[Image: 254px-Cv_fighter.png]
Based on the popular Hawk, the Griffin's similar external appearance hides a completely rebuilt interior, with a lighter frame supporting expanded nanobot storage banks and an expanded cargo bay. The wings have been completely restructured, with reinforced armor struts and extra power cell storage to support its superior maneuvering thrusters and enhanced weaponry over its predecessor.

CTE-3000 "Falcon" Civilian Heavy Fighter
[Image: 254px-Cv_elite.png]
As the name attests, this ship is formidable and is well-deserving of the reputation that it enjoys. With a balanced combination of refined offensive and defensive technologies, the Falcon delivers an astonishing amount of potential firepower to potential adversaries quickly and efficiently.

Offer "Nostalgia Kick"
This offer is directed to the ones, who still remember the good old time of our earliest ships in the line - or the ones who want to touch real piece of history.

CTE 1440AV Starblazer Light Fighter
[Image: 220px-Cv_starblazer.png]

Boasting significant structural upgrades and a larger power core, the Starblazer improves the Startracker's core advantages while preserving its role as a light escort or scout fighter. While possessing only three gun mounts, its armor and agility enable it to compete with other light fighters, although it should not be relied on to form the core of an combat wing.

Offer "Feel like a Zoner!"
This offer is directed to the ones who seeks an alternative to the infamous Sabre shipline or just can't afford to pay fees to fly a Zoner vessel.

CTE-HF "Kingfisher" Civilian Heavy Fighter
[Image: 254px-Hw_p2_hf.png]
Crafted by a group of enterprising Zoner engineers seeking to innovate the next generation of deep space escort vessels; the Kingfisher sought to address many of the perceived issues that plagued the lauded Eagle which dominated the heavy escort market. Her simple borderworld design and civilian power rating attracted a show of interest within a number of manufacturers seeking to attract roaming freelancers and showboat daredevils.

Offer "Level Up!"
This offer is mostly directed to the ones who wants the most secure ships of the line for their business... ...or to the ones courageous enough to wander outside the known, safe space.

CTE-19000 "Roc" Civilian Bomber
[Image: 254px-Civbomb.png]
Ironically labelled a 'civilian' bomber by its Libertonian designers, who also developed such classics as the 'Eagle' fighter, there is little civil about this piece of kit. This ship is now being used by various civilian corporations that find themselves being pirated by gunboats and similar, who purchase this ship from construction yards or build it themselves after acquiring the rights to its patent.

CTE-12400 "Condor" Civilian Gunboat
[Image: 254px-Condor.png]
Designed with a generous power supply and adequate armor, the CTE-12400 Condor is still a rare sight in Sirius. The ship is a new design adapted from an obsolete Zoner model. Built and maintained by various organisations unable to develop or acquire military ships, the Condor is typically used for heavy escort, or, in the hands of terrorists, to deal with a heavy escort.

CTE-F-1050-A "Kestrel" Civilian Freigther

//model shot with transparent background required.

A logical progression in the line of popular CTE vessels, their designer now offers a model more focussed on commerce than combat superiority. However, this freighter makes few compromises in the protection of valuable cargo, and it is being used from the familiar lanes of House space to the depths of the Edge worlds.

The CTE Incorporated holds no responsibility for: the risk of being pirated, destruction of the vessel, fatal accidents, usage of unlicensed and prototype equipment (such as but not limited to Cloaking Devices, Jump Drives, Codename weaponry). The company also reserves the right to demand return of the vessels that were illegally obtained or/and used in illicit actions.

The CTE Incorporated - 822 A.S. - all rights reserved.