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To: Gov't of Bretonia, Subj: Junction Wreck, Kansas system - Printable Version

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To: Gov't of Bretonia, Subj: Junction Wreck, Kansas system - Hirschel Energy R and D - 04-20-2015

From: Charles Alestone
To: The Government of Bretonia

Subj: Junction wreck, Kansas system

Be it published and known:

I, Charles Alestone, am formally laying claim and ownership to the artifact in the Kansas system known as the Junction wreck.

I have performed a diligent search, using both a specific inquiry to the Government of Liberty and a Sirius wide broadcast. I have turned up no individual or other entity that lays claim to the wreck.

That being so, under Admiralty Law regarding Salvage of Derelict Wreckage in International Space, I hereby file my claim of the wreckage. It is my intention to use the wreck as the foundation for a new research station. That being so, I also file an intention to lay claim to the space immediately surrounding the proposed station in accordance with the standards put forth by the Coalition of Freeports.

I specifically am not laying claim to any other assets in the Kansas system, although it is my expressed intention to perform research on various system bodies.

Should the Government of Bretonia have reservations or concerns that need addressing, now is the time to set them forth. Should no response be offered by 822/4/28, I will take it that the Government of Bretonia concedes me this claim, and will begin operations to claim and refurbish the facility.

With Respect,

Charles Alestone