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To: Aramaki Hideo [Private Channel] - Printable Version

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To: Aramaki Hideo [Private Channel] - Fluffyball - 04-23-2015

||||private channel opened||||
||||Mori Tsuzumi||||
||||location UNKNOWN||||
||||Recepient: Aramaki Hideo, Kaigun Daii||||

You arse-born filthy dog.

You went too far today. Sharing the most private image from my VERY intimate time, during the crucial mission, to ALL members of the convoy. It is not your matter with whom I spend time, especially in the very private moments, be it her or... him.

If this photo will somehow spread around the Nagasaki...

I will kill you for that, damn all-spying low-life ungrateful dog...

森 Mori
鼓 Tsuzumi
343rd Kaigun-Chusa

||||connection terminated||||
||||private channel closed||||
||||reply POSSIBLE||||

RE: To: Aramaki Hideo [Private Channel] - Char Aznable - 04-23-2015

::Transmission established::

::Source of Transmission: Battleship Nagasaki, Location: Tau-29 System::

::Sender ID: Aramaki Hideo, Kaigun Daii::

::Recipient: Mori Tsuzumi, Kaigun Chusa; CC: 343rd Daihon'ei, Hattori Katsu, Kaigun Daii::

I am quite surprised about your quick response, and I am really surprised about the fact that you chose to insult and almost attack me in this kind of way.
You asked what I was talking about, and I provided evidence, like you ordered, on a private channel that you opened. Being the one initiating the conversation, you should be the one taking care of its safety.
Your behaviour right now is neither worthy of your rank nor the uniform you're wearing. Since I am of the opinion that this has become a problematic matter endangering both morale and the functioning of the Kokutai, I relayed this transmission to the Daihon'ei. They should decide your fate.

Without regards

荒巻 日出夫, 海軍大尉
[Aramaki Hideo, Kaigun Daii]

::Transmission terminated::

RE: To: Aramaki Hideo [Private Channel] - Fluffyball - 04-23-2015

||||private channel opened||||
||||Mori Tsuzumi||||
||||location UNKNOWN||||
||||Recepient: Aramaki Hideo, Kaigun Daii||||

||||ERROR, connection cannot be established; Reason: sender has insufficient rank to access the High Rank Officer private channel.||||

||||connection terminated||||
||||private channel closed||||
||||reply POSSIBLE||||


||||private channel opened||||
||||Mori Tsuzumi||||
||||location UNKNOWN||||
||||Recepient: Aramaki Hideo, Kaigun Daii||||

||||ERROR, connection cannot be established; Reason: sender has insufficient rank to access the High Rank Officer private channel.||||

||||connection terminated||||
||||private channel closed||||
||||reply POSSIBLE||||


||||private channel opened||||
||||Mori Tsuzumi||||
||||location UNKNOWN||||
||||Recepient: Aramaki Hideo, Kaigun Daii||||

||||ERROR, connection cannot be established; Reason: sender has insufficient rank to access the High Rank Officer private channel.||||

||||connection terminated||||
||||private channel closed||||
||||reply POSSIBLE||||


||||User "Mori Tsuzumi" has been put on a blacklist; Reason: multiple unrestricted access onto High Rank Officer private channel||||