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To: LPI Command / From: Junkers Congress - Printable Version

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To: LPI Command / From: Junkers Congress - Junker Congress - 05-06-2015

::Powering Transmitter::
::Encryption Level - WTF::
::Adjusting Frequency--Locked::

[Image: IJ4D9Uo.jpg]

AndyH -- Acting Deputy Arbiter

Dear LPI Chief of Police and Staff,

Well, I got woke up this afternoon from a nap following my 'You're Overworking Again' therapy session at the bar. Seems some fools on your side of the 'law' (and I use the term very loosely right now), have been causing more trouble for all of us. So please excuse me if I sound a bit cranky.

This is what was relayed to us:
Hardliner Communication

Followed by a desperate distress signal from the poor traumatized and mute pilot:
Emergency Signal Recieved

Now there are several problems with this that we take exception to. First, this was an independent Junker. A disabled one at that and apparently fairly new enough that he does not understand what is going on. He panics while under fire, and by this blowhard's OWN ADMISSION, uses our station not as a safe harbor but as an asteroid to dodge around to preserve his life. Putting our station in the line of fire. And yet somehow we are guilty of sheltering this 'fugitive.'

We in Congress have taken enormous steps and effort to both show and prove that we can be of beneficial use within Liberty. We have put trust in your legal system to resolve disputes. We run supplies to your bases. We even haul in captured contraband at your request to LPI evidence lockers under your supervision.

I have never run illicit contraband and pride myself on being an honest and upright Junker even though I am not a native. Many Junkers are like myself, as is our traditional right to choose for ourselves how to lead our own individual lives. Yet these unprofessional and racist warmongers holding dangerous positions of authority look for any excuse to hold all Junkers as criminals under the "Jaywalking is a crime, therefore we will have you and your whole family shot" Gallic method of law enforcement. Which, by the way, is your jurisdiction. And last I checked we were still in Liberty.

Now let me list off some of the points we take exception with:
1) No evidence is shown identifying this ship's actual type. It could have been a lifeboat for all I know. No evidence of any cargo at all. No evidence of any kind other than his presence.

2) The "Officer" admits the "Fugitive" did NOT dock the Station.

3) No evidence presented that any Liberty ship was damaged in any way, let alone that Congress was responsible or even that there was no self-defense involved as a stray shot may well have activated the station automatic defenses. There is literally NOTHING.

4) The 'notice' was sent bypassing the Public LibGov channel, and I assume Liberty's own governmental authority. It was high military encryption directed at us using metadata scrambling tech to prevent anyone from discovering the originating location.

5) LN and LSF have Gallia knocking on Liberty's door, an active war with Rheinland, Nomads and Wilde trying to infect and infiltrate. Then on the inside, they have Xeno terrorists, Rogue Pirates, Lane Hackers, Hellfire Legions, and who knows what else while we are trying to help and gear up to support the Liberty Nation in the coming trials. Yet there is this unhealthy obsession with the Congress being the devil incarnate.

Now, after the last fisaco caused by incompetent warmongers, I discussed some issues with a member of your government using backdoor methods. He was surprised by our understanding of what was being required of us and his response was "Wha-? We weren't demanding that!" His advice for the future to prevent confusion and undo hostility is to ignore any demand that is NOT from the publicly recognized LibGov channel.

Now I don't know what is going on over on your side of the fence. This is your jurisdiction, but we haven't heard a peep from any appointed law enforcement official that should have been handling this apparently minor traffic violation by an independent ship. Could one of you folks look into this in an appropriate manner, please? We aren't sheltering anybody, but after looking at this from my end I am real tempted to do so for the sake of human decency.

Thank you for your attention,
Acting Deputy Arbiter, Junkers Congress

RE: To: LPI Command / From: Junkers Congress - Jonas Valent - 05-06-2015

[Image: 2cscv1e.jpg]

To : AndyH - Acting Deputy Arbiter, Junkers Congress
From : Chief Jonas Valent, Liberty Police Inc.
Priority : Medium
Subject : Message

Deputy Arbiter Andy,

LPI High Command has received your message. I am forwarding this communication to Lt. H.I.McDunnough who is the detective in charge of the Puerto Rico enforcement division. Expect a response from him soon.

Safe Skies,

Jonas Valent
Chief of Police
Liberty Police Inc.

[Image: 2zyik20.jpg]