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To: Kishiro, USI, IMG, FL-ER, Junker Congress, Zoner groups - Printable Version

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To: Kishiro, USI, IMG, FL-ER, Junker Congress, Zoner groups - Highland Laddie - 05-09-2015

::Incoming Transmission::
Source: Oceana Shipping Platform, Cortez System

Greetings lads n' lasses.

Due to recent increases in demand for Docking Modules, Gateway is looking to get its hands on as many construction supplies as it can, as our own supply ships can't really handle the demand. Thus, we're INCREASING our buying prices on OSP accordingly to help give you all some incentive.

As of now, our materials needed and prices are as follows:

Industrial Hardware - 2,500
Plasfoam Conduits - 3,500
Hull Segments - 1,000
High Performance Alloys - 1,500

With the exception of the Plasfoams, all of these can be found within 2 systems from Cortez, thus the potential for you to make some good income is incredible.

If you have any questions, or if you perhaps need a bit more...incentive...feel free to contact me for negotiations.

-Stuart out

::End Transmission::

RE: To: Kishiro, USI, IMG, FL-ER, Junker Congress, Zoner groups - Yoshi.Sato - 05-10-2015

[Incoming transmission]
[To: Oceana Shipping Platform Administration]
[From: Yoshi Sato, Captain of Kishiro|Dokuritsu.Shi]
[Subject: Logistical Support]

Dear Stuart,

My name is Yoshi Sato, employee of Kishiro Technologies, first of all i would like to express our gratitude for considering our company.
As of this writing Kishiro is operating with a skeleton crew, however we are glad to assist as much as we can. Noticing that you are in need of Plasfoam Conduits struck my attention, I believe a couple of deliveries can be made from Kusari to Oceana. If i have to, i will personally ensure that we deliver as many as we can.

Yoshi Sato
Kishiro Technologies

[End of the transmission]

RE: To: Kishiro, USI, IMG, FL-ER, Junker Congress, Zoner groups - [FL-ER] - 05-10-2015

############ INCOMING TRANSMISSION ############

[Image: vkMkAzH__b0D6qkZnDG-JOIAQVxSUuBcca-Suz8b...0-h1080-no]
User ID: Chief Engineer Wallace Emmerich
Location: Unknown
Encryption: HIGH

Good day

I am Wallace Emmerich, Chief Engineer of FreeLancing Escorts and Repairs.
We accept your offer but we have one question regarding this generous increase of prices from Oceana: How much of each of these supplys does the Oceana facility require at the moment?


[Image: 44.png]

RE: To: Kishiro, USI, IMG, FL-ER, Junker Congress, Zoner groups - DkJericho - 05-11-2015

***Transmission Active***

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTMi3WI3dv4v-Uz3D8indB...Po1pDf8pHs]

Good day, we at Universal Shipping Incorporated have received your quota and have documented and reviewed them. After a brief meeting we have decided to ACCEPT your demands and have dispatched a few traders to fulfill the requested commodities.


Frank Tanner, Chief Logistic's Officer

***Transmission Terminated***

RE: To: Kishiro, USI, IMG, FL-ER, Junker Congress, Zoner groups - Yoshi.Sato - 05-11-2015

[Incoming Transmission]
[To: Oceana Shipping Platform Administration]
[From: Yoshi Sato]
[Subject: Logistical Support]
[Encryption: LOW]

Dear Stuart,

Just wanted to keep you posted with the progress. Yesterday a cargo full of Plasfoam Conduits where delivered to the station, and it was completely unloaded today. As i was glancing at the construction progress, it struck my attention that it needed some High Performance Alloy to complete the process. So i have taken the liberty to deliver the missing last components.
Please note the delivery logs linked below.

Delivery I.
Delivery II.

Yoshi Sato
Kishiro Technologies

[End of transmission]

RE: To: Kishiro, USI, IMG, FL-ER, Junker Congress, Zoner groups - Highland Laddie - 05-11-2015

::Incoming Transmission::
Source: Oceana Shipping Platform, Cortez System

Well, I must say that got a much quicker response than I anticipated. It's nice to see you folks out and jaunty on the spot.

@ Mr. Emmerich - I would like to extend these prices for as long as the demand remains high, so for now I'm going to assume that's a least a months time period, or at least as long as we can keep cranking out Docking Modules as fast as the materials can come in. Each module takes about 20,000 units of Industrial Hardware, so you can do the math on that one, eh?

That being said, even now I've had to make a slight price adjustment based upon what is needed most, so Reinforced Alloys, High Performance Alloys and Hull Segment Prices are going to be lowered a bit (// you'll note the changes above), but the prices for IHs and Plasfoams shall remain for now.

@ Mr. Sato - your work and deliveries have been greatly appreciated, and we hope that you and Kishiro have benefited from your efforts!

@ Mr. Tanner - we welcome your assistance and your business as always, sir! I would like to make an effort to keep Oceana stocked with Platinum and Gold Ores to make these supply runs profitable both ways.

Thanks again, my friends!

-Stuart out.

::End Transmission::

RE: To: Kishiro, USI, IMG, FL-ER, Junker Congress, Zoner groups - Yoshi.Sato - 05-13-2015

[Incoming Transmission]
[To: Oceana Shipping Platform Administration]
[From: Yoshi Sato, Kishiro Technologies]
[Subject: Logistical Support]
[Encryption: LOW]

Konnichiwa Stuart,

Please allow me to submit the latest delivery logs, looks like no more Plasfoam Conduits required for this module. And to answer your question, Kishiro is very pleased with the compensation. And it is a pleasure to do business with you.

Delivery I.
Delivery II.

Yoshi Sato
Director of HR & Public Relations
Kishiro Technologies

[End of transmission]

RE: To: Kishiro, USI, IMG, FL-ER, Junker Congress, Zoner groups - [FL-ER] - 05-14-2015


Sender ID: Achille Voclain
Location: Cortez

Bonjour Bonjour, mon ami

I have hauled sum Industrrial Materrials today in'zo your lovely base. My frriend [FL-ER]Engr.Mycroft, also made 1 deliverry, but then sumthing came up and he had to leave.
I will upload ze proof...

Mycroft's Delivery
My delivery 1
My delivery 2

Au Revoir!

############ Voice-Transmission terminated ##########

RE: To: Kishiro, USI, IMG, FL-ER, Junker Congress, Zoner groups - Highland Laddie - 05-15-2015

::Incoming Transmission::
Source: Kensington Shipping Platform

Excellent job, folks! Keep 'em coming! We can't spit these Dock Modules out fast enough! Oh, and for all your folks running supplies from Bretonia, we have a good stock of Platinum Ore in the holds to help make an extra profitable return trip!

-Stuart out

::End Transmission::

RE: To: Kishiro, USI, IMG, FL-ER, Junker Congress, Zoner groups - Yoshi.Sato - 05-17-2015

[Incoming Transmission]
[To: Oceana Shipping Platform Administration]
[From: Yoshi Sato, Kishiro Technologies]
[Subject: Logistical Support, continued...]
[Encryption: LOW]

Konnichiwa Stuart,

I would like to report a productive day Stuart, as I stopped at Oceana Shipping Platform to check the components required to complete the next Module. I have noticed that there was quite a few units of materials needed. So I got busy and fetched the missing ~4400 Plasfoam Conduits, ~9600 Robotic Hardware, ~2400 Hull Segments, and ~4800 Reinforced Alloy.
As my ships audio system was playing Classic Jazz from Sol at a loud volume, I got quite immersed into gathering all the pieces. Before I realized, it was all done. Please see the delivery logs below, and when you check the station the module should be waiting for you.

Thank you for choosing Kishiro as your partner.

Delivery I.
Delivery II.
Delivery III.
Delivery IV.
Delivery V.
Delivery VI.
Delivery VII.
Delivery VIII.

Yoshi Sato
Director of HR & Public Relations
Kishiro Technologies

[End of transmission]