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im calling you out! - Printable Version

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im calling you out! - HunterZero - 10-10-2008

Alright, so you can beat my in freelancer. But, you may have the edge here, but come play in MY playground. I am challenging any one who thinks there good enough (more like dumb enough) to take me on in combat that i am more skilled in. This being that any of these games you can choose to challenge me on but there are going to be rules to these games like there are to Freelancer GC, now lets get down to business. I want to see what you so called "Ace" Pilots could offer against a true battle harddened war dog in the FPS gaming world, from what i see in freelancer it is moreless just run and gun and spray and pray. Sure there is SOME skill in free lancer but you would have a hell of a time keeping your target redical infront of or on the + sign in the game, now i want to see what you people could truly offer as ground pounders. You may be kings of the skys, but with me in 1 v 1 on the ground it would be a whole new ball game. Now im not trying to toot my own horn because there are people better then me, but i do hold me own in intense fighting.

Now i want to see if any of you players are TRULY as good as you think you are, but i do ask that you do stay in character. Just add a little RP to it saying that maybe "My character hears the challenge from planet gammu and desides to take this smuggler up on his offer" OR!! heres another thing i might as well put out there, depending on how many players have of the same game, there could be something ware the LN takes the SOB in a fight because the SOB invaded there territory" or which ever, im just adding a new twist to these things to make it more fun so its not just fly fly fly. Anyway here are the games i currently have installed on my computer

Halo PC (Retail Version)
Halo PC Custom Edition (Downloadable Version)
Halo 2 Vista (Retail Version)
Doom 3 (Retail Version)
Doom 3 reserrection of evil (Retail version expansion pack)
Quake III Arena (Retail Version)
Quake IV (Retail Version)
Call Of Duty 4 (Retail Version)
F.E.A.R (Retail Version)
F.E.A.R Extraction Point (Retail Version)
Counter Strike:Source (Retail Version)
Day OF Defeat:Source (Downloadable Mod for CS:S)
Half Life 2 Death Match (Downloadable Mod for CS:S
Home World (Retail Version)
Home World 2 (Retail Version)
Aliens Vs Predator (Retail Version)
Aliens Vs Predator 2 (Retail Version)
StarCraft (Retail Version)
StarCraft 2 (Retail Version (When released to public)
Command And Conqure 3 Tiberium Wars (Retail Version)
Command And Conqure 3 Kains Wrath (Retail Version)
Area 51 (Retail Version)

And some others, you could put the name of the FPS game you want here and i could put it up for you, i will be working on this thread plus keeping track of the stats in weeks time, but for right now, my computers are smoking something wacky. I will have more details later..

im calling you out! - Fletcher - 10-10-2008

Darn I got none of those. Old PC.

If you have Halo 2 on Xbox live, come into MY arena.:P

Remember, its not all about winning, its about having fun!

im calling you out! - HunterZero - 10-10-2008

' Wrote:Darn I got none of those. Old PC.

If you have Halo 2 on Xbox live, come into MY arena.:P

Remember, its not all about winning, its about having fun!

Halo 2 for the Xbox i use to be extreme pro, i played in a few leagues and what not, i even won second best in world international gaming, but i was beat by a japanese player. Damn he put up a good fight, and i almost had him. But the Xbox i had glitched and before i knew it i was dead, i said the Xbox glitched and they looked at it and they asked if i wanted to go again to see if i can come out first. But i stepped down, i enjoyed the fight and i looked right at him and said, "I will let you have this one my worthy opponant, but if i see you again. Expect me to go all out on you. From warrior to warrior"

but im going to bed, its 2:18 AM and i am not sleeping well AT ALL... this medication is screwing me up. Anywayt, goodnight fletcher

im calling you out! - Tenacity - 10-10-2008

y'know like 25% of what you listed are not FPS games...

anyhow, i'd take up the starcraft challenge but I havent played the game in like 4 years now.

I'll kick your ass in chess though! =P

im calling you out! - Caelum - 10-10-2008

Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. Gunplay, sabering, whatever you want;)

That is, if you're interested.

im calling you out! - xSecret01 - 10-10-2008

' Wrote:Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. Gunplay, sabering, whatever you want;)

That is, if you're interested.
ESL style? No force, no weapons and no mods.

On topic: I'd play some Quake 3, HunterZero.

im calling you out! - Bauer - 10-10-2008

Hmm...I think I'd be up for some Halo: Custom Edition.

im calling you out! - Caelum - 10-10-2008

' Wrote:ESL style? No force, no weapons and no mods.

On topic: I'd play some Quake 3, HunterZero.
Anything really. Preferably ESL style or ESL style with japlus mod, but anything will do.

im calling you out! - 13CentKiller - 10-10-2008

I play Battlefield 2. Such a sucky game....i hate it to bits. Yet I still play it.

But Only to see what other un-balanced weapons i can un-lock and pwn some n00bs with my DA0-12 or G36C.

And, its nice having a ping of 6 to your favorite server:)

im calling you out! - Caribe - 10-10-2008

Hmm Halo for pc ... when I find it. I used to be the best in my school however that was 3 years ago. I might have to play a bit by myself to remember.

Side note: Fear me in a banshee. :crazy: