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The Galaxy Pub at Greenlane Station - Printable Version

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The Galaxy Pub at Greenlane Station - Roxanne K. Cashwell - 05-12-2015

.:|The Galaxy Pub|:.
Bartender: Caty & Drake Droov - The home for the holo-dragons

[Image: c5f4a1312b3cbc12e17160d90dbeba01.jpg]

The bar is builded inside the Greenlane Galaxy Station. This is not a simply sit and drink bar. Its got its own magic, the interrioir is full of Holo-Emitters for the special pets. This bar is the home for some well programed, realistick dragon, and also the interrior is changeing with time. Good music and tasty drinks, what else do you need? *giggles* -Caty

Rules of the Pub
If you enter, leave all your weapons in the auto-storage next to the entrance
In this pub, there is no enemies, just drinking buddies and people who want some fun and some luxury
Please dont mess with the holo-emitters. Other wise you get kicked
Be gentle to our holo pets, for your safty.
Be happy and fresh
Donations are always accapted
[Image: 0bd856947faf575cd1518123ad98efad.jpg]
Serving List

Red-Wine "The taste of Manhattan"
Red-Wine "Gala Mix"
White-Wine "Government Tail"
White-Wine "Last Box"

Liberty Ale /Half-Brown beer/
Half-White Beers
Galaxy Premium Beer

Fancy Drinks
Today's bartender: Caty

Please, Enjoy your stay! And be our guest anytime!