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Security Council - Security Council - 05-14-2015

Security Coucil

The Security Council of Sirius

[Image: Logo2.png]

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General Information

The Security Council of Sirius is an international organisation which can take action on the issues confronting humanity in the 9th century after settlement, such as peace and security, human rights, terrorism, humanitarian and health emergencies.

The Security Council also provides a forum for its members to express their views. By enabling dialogue between its members, and by hosting negotiations, the Organization has become a mechanism for individuals and organisations finding areas of agreement and solve problems together.

The Security Council of Sirius has primary responsibility to maintain international peace and security. The Security Council takes the lead in determining the existence of a threat to the peace or act of aggression. It calls upon the parties to a dispute to settle it by peaceful means and recommends methods of adjustment or terms of settlement. In some cases, the Security Council can resort to imposing sanctions or even authorize the use of force to maintain or restore international peace and security by deploying their "Peacekeepers".

The Security Council represents the Freelancers from the five houses at the moment.

Organisation Information

ID: Freelancer
IFF: Freelancer
Leader: Chancellor Birgitte Nyborg
Official Languages: English, Japanese, German, French
Founded: 822 A.S.
Kusari Transports : SC)KTS-(Asian City)
Gallia Transports : SC)GTS-(French/French Belgium City
Liberty Transports : SC)LTS-(American/Canadian City)
Bretonia Transports : SC)BTS-(UK/Australian City)
Rheinland Transports : SC)RTS-(German/Dutch/Dutch belgium City)
Security Freelancers: SC)Firstname.Lastname

Goals of the Security Council

Establish peace between the five main houses

Elimination of piracy, terrorism, smuggling and slavery

Protection of civilians

Protection of Human Rights

Deliver Humanitarian aid

Trade between the five main houses (without violating local laws)

Expand the security council by smaller organisations

Zones of Operations


Conflict regions (e.g. Leeds, Texas, Hamburg)
House Capital Systems


House Core Systems
Border worlds
Independent systems

Chancellor and Representatives

Chancellor Birgitte Nyborg

Birgitte Nyborg has been elected 822 A.S and remains chancellor until 825 A.S. Chancellor Nyborg is from Rheinland origin and has been minister of home affairs for the Federal Republic of Rheinland. Nyborg has got a democratic political background but does not let het origin affect here decisions regarding the Security Council.

She has got two children and is happily married with Philip Christensen. She's currently 38 years old. She studied sociology at the Borgen University.

Chancellor of the Security Council
Director of Diplomacy and International Conflicts

Masahito Hitachi

Masahito Hitachi is the representative for Kusari. He's a man with a lot of experience regarding international politics. Thanks to his education in international law. Hitachi is a hard man trying to archive everything in favor of the people. He believes in the power of the Security Council of Sirius to archive peace and economic progress within the Sirius Sector.

As Kusarian Representative he has got as well the administration of the peacekeepers operating in and from Kusari.

Representative for Kusari Peacekeepers
Director for war and terrorism affairs

Jean-Louis Michelle

Jean-Louis Michelle is the representative for the Gallic Freelancers. Jean-Louis will try to archive universal prosperity but always has his gallic background in mind. He is a rather irrational man that first takes his decisions and then thinks about them.

Jean-Louis has been Secretary of State for Public health on planet Mayenne. He studied microsurgery and biochemistry at the university of Bourges. He's married to Christelle Delanoite, they have 4 children together of which one didn't survived the birth. Jean-Louis Michelle leads the Gallic peacekeepers and those operating in Gallia.

Representative for Gallic Peacekeepers
Director of Human Rights and Medical Intervention

Kate Jones

Kate Jones is the only female head representative, she's a hard one. You won't be able to get around this young, hard but fair lady. She'll do everything to bring justice within the houses and surrounding regions. Mrs Jones has been elected by the freelancers of the Republic of Liberty to be the main representative for her republic. Though she's fair she'll do everything to bring kustice to those who need it. She's not married but she's having a relationship with Ellie harris. Mrs Jones has been given the command of the peacekeepers of Liberty and peacekeepers operating in Liberty.

Representative for Libertonian Peacekeepers
Director of economic affairs

Donald Lewis

Donald Lewis is the oldest leading representative, he might only be one month older then his Kusarian Colleague but he's older. Mr Lewis was Commodore within the Armed Forces. But quitted, in order to join the Security council. He even arranged secretly civilian evacuations with Gallia. Bretonian Peacekeepers and those operating in Bretonia are under command of Mr.Lewis

Representative for Bretionian Peacekeepers
Director of Ecology and Environment

Rheinland Representative

Kasper Juul is the head representative for the Federal Republic of Rheinland. He has been for quite some time the spin-doctor for Kanzler Schulte. He archived diplomas in political and communication sciences. Kasper Juul has been abused by his father when he was a child. That's why he'll fight for justice and security within the colonies and beyond. Juul always takes his time to overthink his decisions. That made him the ideal choice for Kanzler Schulte. Mr Juul has been assigned to lead the Peacekeepers operating within and from Rheinland.

Representative of Rheinland Peacekeepers
Director of Internal affairs and Communication

Ship and Equipment regularization

Equipment regularization

Civilian Weapons
House Government Weapons (NOT GRANTED YET!)
CODENAME weapons

Ship regularization

Transports (up to 3600)

Sirius Civilian Transports (e.g. Serenity)
Kusari Civilian Transports (e.g. Big Dragon) GRANTED
Gallic Civilian Transports (e.g. Aurochs) (NOT GRANTED YET!)
Bretonia Civilian Transports (e.g. Clydesdale) GRANTED
Rheinland Civilian Transports (e.g. Humpback) GRANTED
Liberty Civilian Transports (e.g. Grizzly) GRANTED
Prison Liner
Bretonia Cruise Liner (for diplomatic travels) GRANTED

Patrol Ships

Border Worlds snubs (e.g. Sabre, Cutlass)
Civilian snubs(e.g. Sutinga, Waran)
Bounty Hunter snubs (e.g. Manta, Moray) (NOT GRANTED YET!)
Kusari Naval Snubs (e.g. Chimaera, Umibozu) (NOT GRANTED YET!)
Royal Navy Snubs (e.g. Lynx, Cougar) (NOT GRANTED YET!)
Liberty Navy Snubs (e.g Guardian, Upholder) (NOT GRANTED YET!)
Armed Forces Snubs (e.g. Templar, Challenger) (NOT GRANTED YET!)
Rheinland Military Snubs (e.g. Wraith, Fafnir) (NOT GRANTED YET!)

Guard and Explore Ships

Kusari Explorer
Condor Civilian Gunboat
Kusari Gunboat (NOT GRANTED YET!)
Gallia Gunboat (NOT GRANTED YET!)
Liberty Gunboat (NOT GRANTED YET!)
Bretonia Gunboat (NOT GRANTED YET!)
Rheinland Gunboat (NOT GRANTED YET!)

These are not usual patrol craft, these gunships are used to protect the installations of the Council. As this organisation explores in edge and nomad worlds which are highly dangerous these ships will be deployed for research and protection of the research teams.



Lawful Freelancers


Bounty Hunters Guild


House Lawfuls
House Intelligence Services
Hogosha Association
House Corporations
Colonial Republic
The Core


Gallic Junkers


House Unlawfuls
Junker Marauders


Nomads and Infested Forces