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"Remember who you once were..." - Printable Version

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"Remember who you once were..." - Geoffacake - 05-17-2015

[Image: L9e4Hm0.png]
Sigma-19, quiet space, only the odd corporation ship that flies by. But somewhere out in the sector... A lone liner stands by, active and online, but the windows show barely anyone on board. Two figures are waiting on the bridge, one man made of both metal and flesh, the other, a woman of metal and light. The two seem to be peacefully waiting by the windows of the bridge, observing the space outside.
The green aurora of the Sigma space that touches the edge of Sirius, emphasize the loneliness that they both feel. The man turns to the Hologram, holding her hands, but she doesn't to react or show any sort of understanding.
"Zeal... When this is over, i feels as if i need to be by you, all the time... I can't even imagine how long i can go on like this." She doesn't respond to him... Still facing out the window towards the empty Edge Nebula.

RE: "Remember who you once were..." - HuggieSunrise - 05-18-2015

The Emissary. A ship spotted in the depths of unknown space by itself, and with "company" of spirits as they are called by her crew.

Acolytes, Windcallers, and Exarchs all with their appointed specialties walk quietly.. as the battleship prepared for a maximum range jump.

"Shivus has spotted the liner. Orin do you think we can jump in close enough?"

Diagrams on the bridge showed a rough illustration of the fold between spaces.

+There will be significant drift, recommending we target a safe zone.+

"Vary well." Ships alert sounded.

The ship was a mix of well cared for parts of great age and newer replacements. It wasn't necessarily.. dirty but improvisations where done. Some were plainly visible, quirks such as the sinks on the main level turning on by themselves before a jump were indications things were just fine.

Relatively fine.

Bursting to existence into Sigma-19 all the monitors were reset... Lights came up.

Drift indeed. Leonard thought. That was a rough jump.

+Location confirmed. Safezone on target... well. As much as can be expected.+

"Helm to course eight eight zero, were moving away from the lanes to the rendezvous. Open the barn door for Shivus. Do not hail until we are visually sure it is our renzu liner." Leonard and his big red cybernetic eye noticed a shimmer. An oracle shrouded was already waiting to come in.

An hour later, A renzu was spotted.

The ship matched up. she had not been moving.

+One lifesign, and..something else. I am prepping the lab.+

"Good to know shine a tightbeam on our friend tell them where to dock to the ship. power down weapons we don't want to make anyone paranoid."


:::Emissary ready to receive port 2A Docking clamps are standard use appropriate approach , we are stationary.:::

RE: "Remember who you once were..." - Geoffacake - 05-18-2015

The hologram takes notice of the ship, before responding as her eyes moves along with the ships movements. "Docking bay 'Two Alpha' is cleared, welcome aboard, please mind yourself, Mr Enfield will be responding to your hanger bay shortly."

The man gives only a nod and tells the Hologram. "I want you to be in the Medical bay, await only my further orders, then put the ship on lock down alert for 10 minutes before initiating the lock down procedure."

"Affirmative." She turns to him, still giving no expression on her face, hopefully that was about to change with the help of the new visitors.

Enfield moves off to an elevator located on the bridge. "Vergil, hanger bay Two Alpha." The intercom in the elevator responds with a tone, before the elevator doors slide shut and move towards another deck of the ship.

As he arrives at the hanger bay, waiting for the ships to arrive through the hangers airlock.

RE: "Remember who you once were..." - HuggieSunrise - 05-18-2015

Probably the ugliest Dromedary floated its way in.. Black streaks of re entries and crossfire of several types mark up its hull. On the side the nameplate was missing letters "Churchbus" stencilled in yellow paint on the front and back loading door was visible.

The ship settled in and opened up revealing a sight rarely seen, a form designed by an alien intellect from a culture that had only left bones and ruins.

[Image: AI-784199.jpg]

The body seemed to be crystalline in nature, One thing was for sure was it was solid as the figure stepped off the ramp.

Audibly the swirls of light moved when it spoke.

+This one is Orin.+

RE: "Remember who you once were..." - Geoffacake - 05-18-2015

"Orin..." He holds his arms behind his back and lowers his head, before looking back up in the eyes with a weak smile.
"I'm sure you understand what I'm requesting, as difficult as it sounds... But it seems with the sizable ship that you've brought, i'm guessing that... the task will be fulfilled on that ship, unless you request that it be done mine?" He places two fingers on his head, looking up into the ceiling.
"No, bring the serums down here... I feel as if we're doing it aboard their ship." He brings his hand down, looking back at Orin.
"Now, what i've requested is that the crew members and some guests are under lock down, Jammers are in place and have scrambled the video feed all over the ship. No one will know of your presence on board." The elevator soon opens, showing a female hologram that seems to be carrying a small bag with her, seeming to give no expression or emotion. She seems plain. "Awaiting commands."

RE: "Remember who you once were..." - HuggieSunrise - 05-19-2015

Orin regarded the human.

::Stress Levels are elevated, desperation has compromised metabolism, symptoms of guilt, repression, --::

Orin took in the room. the hanger was clean.. Oh boy.. leonard would be embarrassed if this guy saw what a mess the ship was in. imperative 15. thous shalt not show new people how dirty the emissary gets.

+Mr.Enfield. This one is prepared for several possibilities. If it is needed to bring her to the ships labs aboard the Emissary, we can.. but this one must interface with her core first.+

The reflections of the deck and the people around his body shimmer back in a odd digital representation as the lights inside the body seem to "take in" the environment. Specifically however.. the female hologram seems to be actively crying in orins reflections.. whether it was an observation or orin subconscious showing. well thats up to interpretation.

Orin held out a small 4 digit hand that seemed like it was made in a glassblowers kiln.

+It is up to her.. after all.+

RE: "Remember who you once were..." - Geoffacake - 05-19-2015

"Okay..." He looks at Zeal, just staring into her eyes. Enfield shakes his head lightly, giving a small sigh... She returns in nodding her head. She grabs his hand and pulls it towards the center of her torso. "My units decision is conformed." The hologram, disables, leaving just a large blue glowing chip, held in his hands. "Thanks... Okay, I'll do it on your ship... I'm sure it'll be easier for the equipment on there to be set up." He holds out the chip to orin. "But you need her unit... Its difficult for me... But if you say you can bring back her happiness, sadness, anger, and..." He starts to seem a little tense... "Bringing back what she once was... I'd be in your debt."

RE: "Remember who you once were..." - HuggieSunrise - 05-20-2015

Orins hand took the chip, noticing superficial imperfections. it was the first clue.

+Fascinating. happiness, sadness, and anger all have varying degrees of depth.. This one suspects being human.. you may have encountered similar states that cannot be outwardly apparent as any one feeling.. and be outwardly.. visable.+

A head peeked out from the loading dock a younger man with a small tattoo on his left cheek.

"Eh.. sinore. Tu..? "

Orin Regarded him.

+Geoff be our guest.. This one suspects it will be a short trip. and we can ask what you know of her origins.+

Orin strided back on board the young pilot skipped back to the forward cabin to take everyone to the ship.

The rear door heavily shut and sealed.

+Initial observations Mr.Enfield several reference hint that there is an expiry date to her functions? is this by design? oversight? or policy?+

RE: "Remember who you once were..." - Geoffacake - 05-20-2015

"The Order had claimed and stolen something those feelings from her. Their actions were... Extreme to say the least..." He walks onto the vessel allowing the door to shut behind them. "She is... Not aging, the date of rampancy has already been foretold." He looks at the chip in orins hands before looking back at him. "She was a little... "Lab Accident" that became my savior of my life in later endeavors. I should thank her for all the times shes saved me from the depths of death, and i have done. I've taught her how to feel... to blend in amongst those who don't point the finger of suspicion at her" He siffs his hands into his pockets, trying to get comfortable. "Again, my teachings were stolen from her, i just hope that you can take what i know of those feelings... and join them with her memories, so she remembered how she felt... Giving her a true motive for anything, like anyone else."

RE: "Remember who you once were..." - HuggieSunrise - 05-20-2015

A few bumps and the church bus was on its way.

+Rampancy.. Noun. State Of uncontrollable and erratic functions. Common to AI constructs.... Tell me Mr. Enfield.. are you verging on homicidal or schizophrenic behaviour? Do you have Bi Polar tendencies.? Do you want your family and friends to shoot you when you do?+

he thought it was a fair question.... Remotely elements of small nanomechanical connections to the hardware were giving off signals that Orin recognised as "blatant tampering" dirty code on top of the pure code scurrying about catching and rerouting impulses.. the same pains replying over and over uncontrollably.

+Regardless Mr. Enfield I am sensing recursive algorithms manifesting as circuit truncating code in her memory sectors. To remove these parts would be a start.. diagnosing how she processes feelings and processes memories is like trying to cut out parts of your body until the feelings stopped..

To be succinct.. as we remove the corruption we must.. attempt regenerating a new matrix... your brainwaves have likely mutated since her origins... she may... evolve differently.. then she "had" . do you understand?+

Oh.. yes.. that "rampancy" issue.

+I would also recommend a solid state body... or.. a mainframe with enough space for her.. "rampancy" which is caused by a digital signature expanding beyond the capacity of its housing.+