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to: Stefan Steinar from: Rebecca Kamensky Subject: Vacations on Curacao - Printable Version

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to: Stefan Steinar from: Rebecca Kamensky Subject: Vacations on Curacao - Maya.McAscott - 05-18-2015

[Image: 21952101ym.png]

** Rebecca steps into the Picture **
** She`s wearing an swimingsuit and a strawhat **

** She looks happy and starts waving at the camera **

Hey there sweetheart !

Sorry for not contacting you for a long time but i was a bit stressed with all the escorts and so on.
So i decided to go on a vacation with my roommate Yisha and her sister Maya.

We´re having a great time on planet Curacao !

** She puts a finger on her lips **

Three sexy ladys on a vacation, what can go wrong ?

** Rebecca cant hold back and starts laughing **

If you have the time come visit me, i bet the two girls will be happy to meet you !

I`ve attached a picture of me having fun at the beach.
Yisha took it. I hope you like it.

[Image: 21952100rj.png]

** Rebecca blows a kiss at the camera **

See ya on Curacao, handsome !

** The Picture starts to blurr out as she starts running into the water **

RE: to: Stefan Steinar from: Rebecca Kamensky Subject: Vacations on Curacao - Stefan_Steinar - 05-18-2015

Sending Transmission…


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sending from: Omegas – Stefan Steinar
Topic: vacation


Hiiiii Becci... wow...
*still stares at her picture*

thanks for contacting me, i was also quite busy those days
some days off are really welcome and with you... what could be better?
I already packed my suitcase after reading your message and i'll be with you very soon honey

I'm looking forward to see you again, to admit i really missed you and your great smile
*sending kisses to his girl*

empties rum and runs to his ships sending a foto

...Connection closed....

RE: to: Stefan Steinar from: Rebecca Kamensky Subject: Vacations on Curacao - Maya.McAscott - 05-18-2015

** Rebecca steps into the picture **
** Her hair is still wet from the water and some sand sticks at her belly **

Hey there,

** She shakes her head to dry her hair **

i`m looking forward to see you soon.
Just ask for a key for room 158 at the hotel. I told them to give you one !

Oh and just to let you know, Maya and Yisha are members of the IMG.
But dont worry, i told them a bit about you but i skipped the pirate part.
So act like a normal boyfriend, will ya ?

** She giggles **

See ya soon, handsome.

** Rebecca blows a kiss at the camera.**

RE: to: Stefan Steinar from: Rebecca Kamensky Subject: Vacations on Curacao - Stefan_Steinar - 05-19-2015

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sending from: Omegas – Stefan Steinar
Topic: I'm here

*Stefan sneaks into the room after he got the Key downstairs*

I went behind the girls quietly. They were standing at the balcony talking and without any warning I kissed my girl on her neck.

*all three of them screamed*

'Baby I'm here' I said with a smile as she turned around to see what's going on.
Becci kissed me and whispered in my ear: 'I'm happy to see you... I missed you handsome'

*I felt great and afterwards she introducted me to her girls.
... ... ...
they are very hot looking too*

Together we went to dinner and we had a great time. Becci was holding my hand and we were kissing from time to time.

My girlfriend safed me a few times as she told them that I'm working for a big business company and that I'm a great escort pilot. She did that as Maya and Yisha were asking where all my credits are coming from as i paid all the bills and somehow they also knew what vessel i was flying.

My girl asked: 'And which ship is he flying at this given moment?'
Yisha replied like it was normal to know: 'He's piloting a heavily armored Corvo with massive firepower, a great beautiful ship.'

*silence for a few seconds*

Then Becci said: 'That's my man... always using the best crafts he can find'
I told them that I just bought it and wanted to show them later on if they want to. It was very great to see that she's standing behind me, supporting me.

Few drinks later I brought them back to their room and before they stepped in I asked: 'Baby... don't you wanna come over to my room with me?'

*Maya and Yisha were giggling and pushing her towards me*

...Connection closed....

RE: to: Stefan Steinar from: Rebecca Kamensky Subject: Vacations on Curacao - Maya.McAscott - 05-22-2015

Rebecca fell in his arms and he hold her tight.

** She turns her head to the two other girls **
** Rebecca starts arguing but didnt come very far as Stefan occupied her lips with a long kiss **

``You`re truely a pirate`` she whispers.
``First you stole a kiss and now youre stealing my heart``

Maya and Yisha where watching the scene.

Maya shakes her head slightly `` Young love `` she said.
`` Lets leave the two lovebirds alone Yish, i guess we`re not needed here anymore ``

The girls closed the door and Rebecca and Stefan where finally alone in the hallway.

Stefan still hold her tight as he would never let her go again.
`` Now we`re equal `` he said `` because you stole my heart long ago ``
`` So this makes you a pirate too ``

** Rebecca pushed him slowly in his room followed by a long kiss **

``Well Mr. Pirate, lets have a night we both wont forget `` Rebecca whispers.
`` Because we stole something important from each other and wont give it back ``

RE: to: Stefan Steinar from: Rebecca Kamensky Subject: Vacations on Curacao - Stefan_Steinar - 05-23-2015

Sending Transmission…


…max. signal strength reached...
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sending from: Omegas – Stefan Steinar
Topic: I'm here

*Stefan throws Becci onto his bed*

Stefan whispered: 'you're the most beautiful and amazing heart thief ever Becci... ...'
Becci kissed me again before I could say anything more.

'shut your mouth handsome, we don't need to speak any more words tonight' Becci said while lying on top of Stefan.

*both were kissing eachother and what might be happen after... well...*

...Connection closed....

RE: to: Stefan Steinar from: Rebecca Kamensky Subject: Vacations on Curacao - Maya.McAscott - 05-29-2015

The clock shows 10 a.m. as Rebecca wakes up from a knocking at the door.

*Hey sleepyhead !* It was Maya disrupting her sleep.

*What?* Rebecca mumbles *let me sleep, i had a exhausting night*

*We know ! We could hear you two clearly! Next time dont be so loud if you`re doing it the whole night!*

10 minutes passed without an answer from the other side of the room. So Maya decided to leave Rebecca alone with Stefan.

*Young People* she said to herself *when i was younger i can do it the whole night with Alex and can do my morning partol in Tau 23 at 8 a.m.

She shakes her head slightly.
Suddenly the door opens and Rebecca steps out in the hallway.
She really looked like she had fun with Stefan last night.
Her hair totally unkempt and wild, she was only wearing a panty and definitly one of his shirts she was able to find somewhere.

*Morning* Maya said *i see you had your fun during the night*

Rebecca didnt look directly to her *Need shower* where the only words Maya where able to understand.
Her view followed Rebecca as she walked in the girls room slowly.
*Is Stefan still sleeping?* she asked the walking zombiegirl Rebecca.

*He`s in there* the Zombiegirl points at the door she came from *guess he`s still sleeping or something*

*Yish and I will go to the beach now, if your feeling like your among the living people again you can join us*
*Oh, and bring Stefan with you. We can play beachvolleyball ! You two against Yish and me !*
*Anyway see ya there, sleepyhead*

Maya couldnt understand a word Rebecca mumbles and shakes her head slighly.
*Whatever* she said to herself *to the beach*.
She walked away, leaving Rebecca alone in the girls room.