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{MoR} Mercenaries of Rheinland - recruitment - Printable Version

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{MoR} Mercenaries of Rheinland - recruitment - Mercenaries of Rheinland - 05-20-2015

Mercenaries of Rheinland - recruitment

[Image: YkS8kIH.png]

If you are new in Rheinland and don’t have much fighting skills, be sure that won’t be a problem. If you help the fatherland, the fatherland will help you.
It’s your decision which of the allowed ships you will take, but don't forget to pimp it like it is written on the main page under section "V. Ship regulation".
If you have a criminal history, then we have a blind eye for that, but you have to chance a bit. Just be sure to do a lot of mission to repair your reputation to the friendly houses & corporations.

Like everywhere in Rheinland space our main languages are English & German.
If you are from the Kusari system, or the Hispania system, that won’t be a problem, communication will be 95% in English.

There are no ranks, because they are not needed. Just remember to help your brothers and the pilots from Rheinland. Obey the orders from the triumvirate.

Their are two big section you can work in. The first is the soldier class in which you scout the far away systems and the enemy terretory. You protect friendly corporations and if their is a chance you give Liberty economy a hard time though pirating.
The second is the arms dealer class, in which your primary task is to make money by selling weapons & munition to every friendly or neutral group which can pay. You don't need another character for this, just get out of your Sabre and into your DL Border World Transport. Time to sell some tanks.

For more information, please visit our main page.

Keep it sort and informative (copy the text & fill it out):

Discovery Forum Name: ***
Name: ***
Gender: ***
Planet/Station of Origin: ***
Military/Paramilitary/Personal Background: ***
Ship Class: ***
What reason do you have for joining?: ***
Primary Role: Soldier/Arms Dealer
Fighting experience: 1-10
Trade/Smuggling experience: 1-10
PvP experience: 1-10
RP experience: 1-10
Skype: ***

For example:

Discovery Forum Name: Maximilian Musterknabe
Name: Max_Mustermann
Gender: Male
Planet/Station of Origin: Planet Stuttgart
Military/Paramilitary/Personal Background: Basic training as a fighter pilot. Spent some years as a Freelancer. Joined Samura Industries. Quitted after 2 years. Tried as a pirate. Disliked it. Started working as a security officer for Daumann. Now looking for something new.
Ship Class: Very Heavy Fighter Wraith
What reason do you have for joining? I want to do something for the republic but don't want to suffer by so many laws.
Primary Role: Soldier
Fighting experience: 8
Trade/Smuggling experience: 10
PvP experience: 4
RP experience: 7
Skype: *max.mustermann*

***This is not a Feedback Thread***

RE: {MoR} Mercenaries of Rheinland - recruitment - Stefan_Stahl - 06-02-2015

Discovery Forum Name: Stefan_Stahl
Name: {MOR}Stefan_Stahl
Gender: Male
Planet/Station of Origin: Planet Hamburg
Military/Paramilitary/Personal Background: Born and raised on Hamburg 22 years ago. I was working for Daumann and GMG as indie and looking for a new and higher duty.
Ship Class: Gunboat Oder, Cruiser Donau
What reason do you have for joining? Taking new opportunities and tasks. Taking out criminals and smugglers which are harming Rheinland
Primary Role: Second in command: Chosen of Battle
Fighting experience: 8
Trade/Smuggling experience: 0
PvP experience: 8
RP experience: 10
Skype: already known

RE: {MoR} Mercenaries of Rheinland - recruitment - Loki 666 - 06-02-2015

Discovery Forum Name: Loki 666
Name: Loki_Asentreu
Gender: Male
Planet/Station of Origin: Planet Nuremberg
Military/Paramilitary/Personal Background: Worked as an indie for DHC & RS & MND. Trading with diamonds & stuff for the first two, and long range scouting for the third.
Ship Class: Sunrider, Montante, Corvo, DL-Transport, Bustard.
What reason do you have for joining?: I only want to work for one corporation, and don't want too follow so much laws.
Primary Role: Soldier
Fighting experience: 9
Trade/Smuggling experience: 8
PvP experience: 5
RP experience: 7
Skype: exists, but I use TeamSpeak

RE: {MoR} Mercenaries of Rheinland - recruitment - Kitsu - 06-02-2015

(06-02-2015, 07:48 AM)Golan Trevize Wrote: Discovery Forum Name: Kitsu (Golan Trevize)
Name: {MOR}_Skidbladnir
Gender: Male
Planet/Station of Origin: Stuttgart
Military/Paramilitary/Personal Background: Born on Stuttgart, bretonian mother and rheinland father. My parents disappeared during a passage in Omega systems, cause a pirate attack. I vowed to avenge them.
Ship Class: Uruz
What reason do you have for joining? Participating in the glory of the Rheinland, pacify neighboring regions.
Primary Role: Third in command: Chosen of Business (Logistic Coordinator)
Fighting experience: 7
Trade/Smuggling experience: 8
PvP experience: 7 (rusted)
RP experience: 6 (English server) - 9,5 (French server)
Skype: Classified information

RE: {MoR} Mercenaries of Rheinland - recruitment - Kyrm - 06-02-2015


RE: {MoR} Mercenaries of Rheinland - recruitment - Isambard Kingdom Brunel - 07-11-2015

. . . Incoming Transmission

Some Personal Informations:

Discoverygc Forum Name:
Isambard Kingdom Brunel

Ingame Charakter Name:




Skype Contact ID:


Home Country time:
UTC+02:00 (germany), it's +2 hours on the server time

Planet and Station of Origin:
Planet Holstein

What reason do you have for joining?:
I'm addicted with your faction and their rules, i've the same meaning about your writings and rules,
that's the reason why i left the RMD, i was searching for a new faction or group with the same interests,
so i'm here and want to help out and fly with your members.

Primary Role:
First as a Soldier and Protector of our traders and maybe i'm trading too.

Military, Paramilitary and personal Background:
I was born on Planet Holstein and was living there for 18 years,
after some years on the military academy i started working for the Rheinland MND,
was flying for em and with the Rheinlandy Militarys - doing some patrols and many fights against unlawfuls and others,
i was using an old Wraith fighter, the name of the ship was ''SMS_Koenigsberg'',
so i know how to fight, was fighting in many battles near Planet Housten in Texas against the Liberty Navy.

Fighting experience: 8
PvP experience: 8
RP experience: 7
Trading, mining and smuggling experience: 10

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Ship Informations:
My ship equipment is set for a antisnub role.

Ship Class:
CTE-12400 ''Condor'' Civilian Gunboat

Ship Weapons:
5x Solaris Gunboat Turret
1x Basic Gunboat Missile Turret
Hornet Cruise Disrupter
Fortress Countermeassure Dropper

Ship Equipment:
Cheetah Thruster
Capital Ship Armor Upgrade MK VIII
VP-G3 MOX Intermix Chamber MK I - Engine (Rheinland green)
Advanced Deep Scanner

ending transmission . . .

RE: {MoR} Mercenaries of Rheinland - recruitment - Sigmar - 07-19-2015

Discovery Forum Name:Sigmar
Name: Will Woods
Gender: Male
Planet/Station of Origin: UNKNOWN
Military/Paramilitary/Personal Background: Private Millatary Contractor
Ship Class: Light Fighter
What reason do you have for joining?: Want to wipe my slate clean and to have a change , Being a PMC you make enemies in Liberty , so i saw that Rheinland would be the best place for me to go , and i see your new and i want to help you make your Faction a strong force in Sirus
Primary Role: Soldier
Fighting experience: 7
Trade/Smuggling experience: 9
PvP experience: 6/7
RP experience: 9
Skype: Will Woods

RE: {MoR} Mercenaries of Rheinland - recruitment - Bastian - 07-27-2015

Discovery Forum Name: Listed Above
Name: 21
Gender: Males
Planet/Station of Origin:New London
Military/Paramilitary/Personal Background:Batlleship and Heavy fighter training
Ship Class: Battleship
What reason do you have for joining?:Looking for something new
Primary Role: Soldier/Trader:Soldier
Fighting experience: 7
Trade/Smuggling experience: 7
PvP experience:7
RP experience: 7
Skype: ChrisBastian147

RE: {MoR} Mercenaries of Rheinland - recruitment - Tigertank - 03-13-2016

Discovery Forum Name: Tigertank
Name: {MoR}Surt_Kraftschlag
Gender: male
Planet/Station of Origin: Planet Hamburg
Military/Paramilitary/Personal Background: I worked for Republican Shipping. Traded all kind of things and had some shoot outs with pirates.
Ship Class: VHF Sunrider
What reason do you have for joining?: I dislike the cops and I really like do trade weapons. Fighting on you side and for Rheinland is the right thing.
Primary Role: Soldier
Fighting experience: 7
Trade/Smuggling experience: 7
PvP experience: 5
RP experience: 5
Skype: not used, but TeamSpeak

RE: {MoR} Mercenaries of Rheinland - recruitment - Casuality - 03-13-2016

Discovery Forum Name: Casuality
Name: {MoR}Hymir_Siegglanz
Gender: male
Planet/Station of Origin: Planet New Berlin
Military/Paramilitary/Personal Background: Primary I worked for the Bounty Hunters, secondary a lived a very long time as a Freelancer and travelled Sirius.
Ship Class: VHF Sunrider
What reason do you have for joining?: I dislike Liberty and really hate those socialistic terrorist in Rheinland.
Primary Role: Soldier
Fighting experience: 8
Trade/Smuggling experience: 6
PvP experience: 8
RP experience: 6
Skype: TeamSpeak