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The poor, the bad and the unlucky - Printable Version

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The poor, the bad and the unlucky - Connor - 05-20-2015

[Image: fxr3Ywg.png]

There is not much to say about me. For all you are concerned, I am a nobody. Though, since you are now reading my little tale I may as well explain the situation I am in. My name is Finn Tate. I live with my family in a small apartment aboard Freeport One, trying to make a small living. My father works as a waste collector on the station, my Mother, Sister, Brother and Grandma have no job. My father doesn't earn enough to feed us all so I have to use our only ship to make a living. I have had to resort to breaking the law by forcing innocent traders to give me their hard earned cash. It's horrible work, but I have to do it. I've only just started so lets see where this goes.

As I said, there is not much to know about me. That is it, nothing else.


RE: The poor, the bad and the unlucky - Connor - 05-20-2015



RE: The poor, the bad and the unlucky - Connor - 05-20-2015

The Roc Bomber

This is my only thing I have. My pride and joy and it has been passed down to me, from my father who is to old to use it now. This is what I use to make my money to feed my family.

Vessel Status: Operational
Vessel Name: Rottom.Bottom
Vessel Ownership: Finn Tate
Affiliation: Pirate/Freelancer
Economy: Closed
Bank Account: 400,000 SC (80% of credits earned goes back to the family)

Offensive Capabilities:

4x EMP Cannons
1x EMP Turret
1x Civilian Super Nova Anti-Matter Cannon
Ripper Mines
1x Train Cruise Disrupter

Defensive Capabilities:

No additional Armour Hull Plating
Adv. Protector H.F Shield
Silencer Countermeasure
Basic Scanner


This is how I see personally see people who I have come across so far and how I treat them when I'm flying. Others may see me slightly different.

Independent Pirates........|■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■


RE: The poor, the bad and the unlucky - Connor - 05-20-2015

Vessel Logs


RE: The poor, the bad and the unlucky - Connor - 05-20-2015

Log One

So. Ship logs. Lets see where this gets me.

At the moment, I'm still getting used to all of these buttons and controls. My father has done his best to teach me how to fly it on the ground using a small simulator, but nothing we have can prepare you to the real thing. I managed to get my broken Roc past the first obstacle, undocking from Freeport 1. Initiating trade lane procedures was thankfully easier. All I had to do was press a simple button. Magic!

I made my way down to this gate labeled as Omega 7. Never been there before, I don't plan on going there any time soon. As soon as I exited the trade lane, I found my first catch! 2 IMG transports. I have no idea who they are, but I decided to try my luck. I asked for 100,000 credits and that they did next just... just amazed me. There was a transport named "IMG|Falling.Teardrop" who said to me that if I was to leave their convoy alone (Apparently there was one), he'd send me 2,000,000 credits! That's... that's enough to repair my ship!

This... Well... Yeah! I'm still overwhelmed by this! I've never had this amount of money before. Just before I left, they asked me if I would like a job! I've considered it, but I can't leave my family. They need me. However, I will keep it in the back of my head just in case I ever need it!

Shortly after, I found another transport, from Daumann Mining and Transportation services, who happily gave me a small amount of credits, 200,000 to be precise. Then I found... this Bowex) vessel. I have no idea what his problem is but he was very aggressive to me. The bastard wasn't kind enough to to give me any credits. Well, I shall not be nice to them anymore if they're going to carry on and act like that!

Oh, I almost forgot. I met some Core| folk. I have no idea who they are. They asked for some pilots that I had found so I gave them it. I didn't want any trouble!
