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Re-Working Membership - Printable Version

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Re-Working Membership - Stoner_Steve - 05-23-2015

Firstly, if you want your vote to count on this thread your name had better be on This List

Secondly, if you want your vote to count on this thread, one of those ships from the previous link had also better be on here with a number above 5 hours. I have no interest in discussing this change with inactive members.

So here's the change, I have shown the current requirements below and the changed requirements below that.

(02-24-2009, 03:24 PM)Junker Congress Wrote: We are open for admissions with the following requirements:

You must find a current member to sponsor you.
- We take the best and brightest in our little enclosed society. We trust our members to find suitable representatives to carry our marker.
You must post here with vital information pertaining to yourself.
- We don't want to hear your height or weight. Simply a few lines about your house of origin, useful background information and any specialized skills you may possess.
You must have final approval by Arbiter James Trenton.
- This entails a waiting period as he is a busy man. Your patience will be rewarded well. We take only the best, and we ensure that we get it.

Junker Congress New Membership Requirements Wrote:We are open for admissions with the following requirements:

You must participate in a Congress Convoy.
- We take the best and brightest in our little enclosed society. By joining us on scrap runs to the orange fields of Malta, or the artifact driven Corsairs; we'll see what sort of stuff your made of. Click Here to join one of our Convoy Runs
You must post here with vital information pertaining to yourself.
- We don't want to hear your height or weight. Simply a few lines about your house of origin, useful background information and any specialized skills you may possess.
You must have final approval by an Arbiter or Director
- This entails a waiting period as things can get quite hectic. Your patience will be rewarded well. We take only the best, and we ensure that we get it.

You'll notice two major changes

1. The sponsorship requirement has been axed and in its place a convoy requirement has been added.
Convoys will be scheduled though though skype on an as needed bases, and the purpose of This Thread is to allow potential members to get onto the skype chat to join said convoys.
2. The Arbiter or any of the Directors can now approve membership.


RE: Re-Working Membership - Tyria Regalia - 05-23-2015

I'd like to see a more RP-element for the requirements... Something like

Why do you want to join us?

But that's me. I want to know what goals they hope to accomplish with us.

RE: Re-Working Membership - Stoner_Steve - 05-23-2015

(05-23-2015, 06:31 PM)Tyria.Regalia Wrote: I'd like to see a more RP-element for the requirements... Something like

Why do you want to join us?

But that's me. I want to know what goals they hope to accomplish with us.

I am hopeful that during these convoys such questions would be asked

RE: Re-Working Membership - WildBill - 05-23-2015

With the low numbers of players on the server, we do need to adjust our recruitment standards. As the current Arbiter (until JT decides if/when he will return) I support this. My vote is yes.