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Kusari State Police - KSP - 05-26-2015

History of the Kusari State Police

After the colonization of Kusari in 4 A.S., numerous planetary police forces were formed to maintain peace and order in the newly created settlements on Kusari soil. These local police organizations were responsible only for their own precincts, and held no authority outside of the areas they patrolled. After the successful Sakura Coup in 321, the new Shogun called for a reorganization of Kusari’s police forces, presumably as a chance to remove any remaining Hideyoshi loyalists. Combining all of the autonomous police organizations, the newly-christened Kusari State Police (KSP) was put under the direct control of the Machi-bugyo, or the magistrates of Kusari’s major urban centers. The KSP was tasked with policing civilian and samurai alike.
Several years after the founding of the KSP, the Machi-bugyo saw fit to create a separate branch of the police. The individuals in this new organization, known as the Ometsuke, were given the task of gathering intelligence from the Daimyo, the most highly-ranked lords of Kusari’s civilian society. The Ometsuke were masters of espionage, and were indispensible assets in keeping the various feudal lords of Kusari under police control. Over time, the Ometsuke evolved into a much greater intelligence organization, and are now known as the Kempeitai. Since its creation, the Kempeitai has expanded its horizons, and now engages in many other activities centered on the protection of Kusari’s interests, both inside and outside of its borders. They no longer serve under the KSP.

The most notable change in the history of the Kusari State Police was their expansion into outer-space, early in the fifth century. Previously, spaceborne law-enforcement was the job of the Kusari Naval Forces, who were tasked with patrolling Kusari-controlled systems and protecting civilian travelers within their space. However, with the emergence of new terrorist groups like the Blood Dragons, maintaining order along the trade lanes became much more difficult. The KSP offered its services in the form of providing pilots to patrol Kusari core space, keeping an eye out for potential threats and helping where they could. In the course of only a few years, the KSP became the primary law-enforcement officers in all of Kusari, both on planets and above them.

The Kusari State Police today
Today, Kusari State Police is comprised of a relatively small number of officers, as it has always been. They handle the delicate task of managing the daily politics of Kusari, and protect civilian vessels within their jurisdiction as well as controlling the foreigners, pirates, and disruptive elements such as the Golden Chrysanthemums or the Blood Dragons, and taking care of the cases where internal politics spill over into the public. In the days of the Ometsuke, KSP officers were also given the task of policing the Naval Forces. However, with the formation of the Kempeitai, this chore was taken out of the hands of the KSP. Instead, KSP and KNF forces can be seen cooperating on a daily basis, with very little friction between the two.

Internal organization

巡査 - Junsa (Officer)
The Junsa are the patrolling police officers. They patrol the lanes, enforce the law, and deal with the delicacies of implementing Kusari politics in real life. This may be the "lowest" rank within the Kusari State Police, but even the Junsa have authority over all civilian vessels within Kusari space. Each Junsa is given a Wyrm LF or a Chimaera HF for standard patrols.
巡査部長 - Junsa-bucho (Sergeant)
"Junsa-bucho" is more of an honorary title than an actual rank within the Kusari State Police. These officers are essentially just standard Junsa pilots with more experience in the field, or are Junsa who have shown great aptitude in their line of work. The Junsa-bucho are often regarded as some of the force's greatest pilots, though in the chain of command, they hold the same authority as any other Junsa pilot. Junsa-Bucho are given the option to pilot either a standard Wyrm LF or a Chimaera HF.
警部 - Keibu (Inspector)
The Keibu are some of the top officials in the ranks of the Kusari State Police. With their lofty position comes a great deal of responsibility in maintaining the internal affairs of the police forces, promoting publicity, and handling delicate diplomatic situations. They work closely with the Chokan to ensure that everything within the jurisdiction of the KSP runs smoothly and efficiently. All Keibu are given permission pilot both the Wyrm LF and the Chimaera HF, or a KSP gunboat (one of 2 available).
長官 - Chokan (High Commissioner)
The Chokan is the top-ranking officer in the Kusari State Police force. He works with the Council of the Rising Suns to create and maintain the laws of Kusari on a daily basis. To all Kusari Sate Police forces under his command, the Chokan's word is law. The Chokan has the final word on all matters regarding the structure and conduct of the KSP. He or she is allowed to fly any Kusari-built vessel, barring capital ships larger than a cruiser.
機動隊 - Kidotai (Riot Police)
"Kidotai" isn't quite as much a rank within the KSP as it is a specific job. All officers, regardless of rank, may apply to be a part of the Kidotai. These officers utilize heavier fighter-bomber craft, such as the Umibozu, to deal with the larger threats within their house. From super-transport smugglers to Blood Dragon capital vessels, the Kidotai are meant to quell some of the more heavily armored problems in Kusari space.

Kusari Naval Forces
Samura Industries
Kishiro Technologies

All organisations not treated as enemies by the Republic of Kusari

Colonial Republic
The Council

Junker Marauders
Kusari Exiles
Liberty Rogues

Blood Dragons
Farmers Alliance
Golden Crysanthemums

Naming convention: KSP-Name.Lastname[Rank]

//This is an attempt to revive the KSP. We've pretty much coppied the previous faction write-up, with a few minor adjustments. Feel free to throw some feedback at us. We are willing to listen to any constructive critisism. If anyone's interested, a recruitent page will be opened soon.

RE: Kusari State Police - WesternPeregrine - 05-27-2015

I would gladly help reinforce a KSP faction. However, I'm unsure of my current commitments to many other actors in Kusari to honestly join another faction at the moment.

One person commented to me that your diplomacy chart is quite partial, considering that there are more factions mentioned in the Laws of Kusari, specially in Section 6 of the same. Any reason for that?

RE: Kusari State Police - Radion - 05-27-2015

It's good to see another police faction pop up, and I wish you the best of luck with it. If you need help or support, feel free to contact me.

RE: Kusari State Police - Techpriest - 05-28-2015

I would gladly commit to the KSP if recruitment would be up.

RE: Kusari State Police - jammi - 05-28-2015

Out of interest, who's leading this revival attempt? That's one things a lot of groups leave out when they post on a newly created faction account, but it is important information. Knowing who the leader is will affect how much faith people have in the long term prospects of the group, etc. Often also determines the outlook and atmosphere of the group, which is another important consideration for potential recruits.

RE: Kusari State Police - Neonzumi - 05-28-2015

(05-27-2015, 07:29 PM)Radion Wrote: It's good to see another police faction pop up.

That and also,more thing for the Dragons to shoot at,and perhaps,maybie some RP wouldn't hurt! Smile

RE: Kusari State Police - Mister_X - 05-28-2015

(05-28-2015, 12:22 AM)jammi Wrote: Out of interest, who's leading this revival attempt? That's one things a lot of groups leave out when they post on a newly created faction account, but it is important information. Knowing who the leader is will affect how much faith people have in the long term prospects of the group, etc. Often also determines the outlook and atmosphere of the group, which is another important consideration for potential recruits.

Ah yes, well I am the leader of the let's say revival attempt and Karst is the 2ic (when he's not busy playing WoW with Quinn <.<) . For now there are 2-3 other players in it. Since I've had quite some experience being in RFP for 3 years now I hope it will enable me to kickstart this faction, since Kusari seems to be having encreased activity.

As for rep sheet, it will be updated, it's still pretty much wip.

Recruitment will be up, probably tomorrow.

RE: Kusari State Police - KSP - 05-12-2016

Well since I'm back in Disco, I figured why not give this another jolt.

RE: Kusari State Police - Mr.Badger - 05-12-2016

Welcome back I would say.

Would be nice to see some active Kusari players.