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To: All Sirian Corporations, Freelancers, Zoners, Junkers - Printable Version

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To: All Sirian Corporations, Freelancers, Zoners, Junkers - The Core - 05-29-2015

:::[Initiating Rho Signal]:::
:::[Searching Bases...]:::
:::[Freeport Relays Found, Saar Relay Found, Amplifying Signal...]:::
:::[Signal Successfully Amplified Sending to Sirian Corporations, Freelancers, Zoners, Junkers across Sirius:::[/align]

Red Hessians
The Order

These factions ravage the Omicrons, Omegas and other Edge Worlds. Some of them have even made their homes there. They're intent on not only ensuring that those systems remain a hostile, dangerous and unfriendly place for all that is good, but some of them even have agendas which threaten the well-being of humanity.

With Law Enforcement keeping busy with their roles in houses, these scum fester in places where they cannot be touched by the Government. Left unchecked, these factions may destroy all that we care for.

And that is where The Core comes in.

The Core is a highly trained elite paramiltiary with the tools and technology to crush the evils lying in the Edge Worlds. The Core is intent on crushing the Red Hessian revolution and deterring the Communist Agenda of the Coalition from the Omegas. Rather than merely just pushing them out of Omega-3, Omega-7 and Omega-11, The Core will hit them at their hearts, crippling them as much as possible.

The Core refuses to let the Orange Dream come to fruition, Outcasts will be exterminated without mercy. The Corsair Armada will be contained within the Omicrons, and eventually snuffed out like a dying flame.

The Core will not let Order terrorists prey upon innocent civilians off the back of paranoid hunches. The Order have already initiated hostilities with Zoners and have wasted no time in showing off those hostilities. The Core, defenders of the weak and protectors of the innocent, will not stand for this. The Order are to be eradicated. They were given their chance and they failed.

The Nomad threat will be stopped. We will wipe out those alien scum off the face of Sirius by targeting the systems in which they are most active. We will destroy every Nomad, and make sure their evil never comes to harm another Sirian civilian.

However, The Core in all its glory, is not invincible. AP Manufacturing can only do so much to supply us, we require external assistance to pursue our goals. Therefore, we are pitching to all those who fight for a better tomorrow in Sirius to help supply The Core. Only through humanity banding together, can we protect Sirius.

Only through you, can The Core crush the Red Hessian Revolution
Only through you, can The Core destroy the Communist Threat
Only through you, can The Core stop the Orange Dream
Only through you, can The Core halt the Corsair Armada
Only through you, can The Core exterminate the Order terrorists and their allies
Only through you, can The Core wipe out the Nomads

Enlist in The Core supplies board. Bonuses will be paid for various commodities.

Remember Sirius: United we stand, divided we fall.

RE: To: All Sirian Corporations, Freelancers, Zoners, Junkers - Jack_Henderson - 05-29-2015

[Image: jack.png]

**** SENDER: Jack Henderson, IMG Operations Coordination ****

**** TO: The Core - Trade Administration ****

Dear Trade Administrator,

Reading your message, I could not help thinking: We share a lot of enemies with you. Personally, I wouldn't want to be in your boots with all these hostiles, out there in the far regions of the Omicrons, but I am convinced that The Core adds security for civilized space by battling the enemies out there, before they can get closer to civilized space.

I'll see what we can send your way. Expect a few transport loads the next few days.

Jack Henderson
IMG Operations

[Image: end.png]

RE: To: All Sirian Corporations, Freelancers, Zoners, Junkers - FynnMcScrap - 05-30-2015

[Image: TampTtb_zps38c4b146.png]

Greetings, out there at the Border.

This is FynnMcScrap speaking, for Tinker & Transport.

We have noticed your broadband transmission, and I will discuss it with the board of Trustees. Our traders are free to take any contracts offered by you but I doubt we will be regularily flying supplies out that far. Urgent deliveries or the occasional offer for a special delivery is something else though,
feel free to pass a call if you need something.

At the same time let me express some reservations, please.

While we admire and merit your stance against Outcast and Corsair misdoings and are gratefull towards your defense against the alien threat we do not share your mistrust of certain revolutionary groups. And the omittance of any Zoner groups making their home bases in the outer systems in your message is ominous too.

Please understand that while we seek to have a good trading relationship with the Core,
we will not support political mooves or take sides in a power struggle between different resident groups. Both our trading services and our services as medical relief suppliers or MedEvac SaR specialists will be offered to all those who call upon us. And any attack on one of our unarmed Ambulances because we have picked up a patient for excemple would not be met with understanding from our side.

That being stated , I am happy to offer our services to you.

Well met

Foreman at Tinkers Haven / Texas
Representative of Tinker&Transport

[Image: TampTte_zpse12cde9d.png]

RE: To: All Sirian Corporations, Freelancers, Zoners, Junkers - Yoshi.Sato - 05-31-2015

[Incoming Transmission]
[To: The Core, Logistical Division]
[From: Yoshi Sato, Kishiro Technologies]
[Subject: Far reaching supplies]
[Encryption: HIGH]

Konnichiwa Warriors,

After reading you transmission, I have to say that it has triggered a strong impulse and compelled me to assist you. Your cause is quite noble, and our corporation doses struggle on the daily basis from some of the organizations that you are taking a stand against. Regardless the remote reaches of the delivery destinations, Kishiro will do it's very best to aid your cause.
For now all i would like to ask as a condition that our trade relations with Zoners shall not be impacted by any means, and our transport/escort vessels to be able to freely travel through the following systems:
Omicron Minor
Omicron Theta
Omicron Delta

Kishiro would like to extend a helping hand to The Core, and who knows, one day we might need yours...

Yoshi Sato
Vice President,
Director of HR & Public Relations
Kishiro Technologies

[End of transmission]

RE: To: All Sirian Corporations, Freelancers, Zoners, Junkers - The Core - 06-02-2015

:::[Initiating Rho Signal]:::
:::[Searching Bases...]:::
:::[Freeport Relays Found, Saar Relay Found, Amplifying Signal...]:::
:::[Signal Successfully Amplified Sending to Sirian Corporations, Freelancers, Zoners, Junkers across Sirius:::[/align]

Thank you all for responding and heeding our call. Through all of you, we will work towards a better Sirius.

Mr. Sato,
You have my word that your trade relations with Zoners will not be impacted - not that they would anyway - and your transports and escorts are permitted to freely move through those systems. Our pilots will keep a watchful eye over where you tread, so that any hostiles that arise can be crushed immediately so that your safety can be ensured.

:::[Ending Transmission]:::