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BBC: Bordeworld Exports celebrate opening of "Canary Wharf Station" - Printable Version

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BBC: Bordeworld Exports celebrate opening of "Canary Wharf Station" - TheProphet - 06-01-2015

[Image: 9md2RSf.png?2]

Bowex personnel throughout Bretonia mark today as a special occasion, as the construction of a new station comes to a close. Located in orbit of Planet New London, “Canary Wharf Station” is currently planned to house storage facilities for BMM ore mining operations, but Borderworlds Exports officials have implied that they have further-reaching purposes in mind for the station’s future.

At their press conference, newly appointed station manager, Ms. Emily Hope had this to say:

“It brings me the greatest of pleasure to announce the grand opening of Bowex’s brand new orbital facility, Canary Wharf Station. After some time in construction, we can finally say that the station is now open to the public for use!

We have a multitude of plans for this station’s future including basing our Headquarters there; our brand new convoy command vessel that is in construction will be based there; we have a storage depot so we can work in conjunction with BMM a lot easier, with much more on the way.

Station command positions will remain undisclosed until further notice as we are just finishing the last sections off. All will be revealed in due course.”

When queried on their thoughts about the new installation, Gateway CEO Miles Stuart commented “That ugly, floating t--d is ruining my view of New London.” Mr Stuart also noted, “I wouldn’t be surprised if the incompetent management at Bowex manages to run Canary Wharf Station into the ground the way they did King’s Cross.”

King’s Cross, Bowex's previous trade centre, met an unfortunate end after it had to be decommissioned following an attack last year.

HAVE YOUR SAY: Are you a Bretonian citizen living in New London? Or do you regularly travel through the New London system? What does the deployment of a new station mean to you? Please let us know in the comments below.

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