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RepEx Employee start up guide - Printable Version

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RepEx Employee start up guide - mwerte - 10-13-2008

You are about to embark on an exciting new journey with RepEx. To begin please follow these instructions.

1. Register your new ship with the name RepEx-Shipping|###
2. Type /restart Rheinland
3. Send a Secure Message (PM) to Mwerte or Ivr56 to get your funding and purchase a Behemoth from Hamburg.
4. Go to Planet Hamburg and get a Behemoth.
5. Wait while RepEx-SecurityAdvisor does a few missions to get your IFF sorted out.
6. Get the Republican ID at Alster Shipyard in Hamburg.

After that begin making lots of credits. Any RepEx member can set you up with a profitable trading run.

If you are pirated please report it in our Corporate Office and we will take care of the pirate.

We also use the Secure Key-encrypted Ybeam Personal Enrouter (//SKYPE//) to facilitate faster communication. Please post your address (if you have one) and we will message you.

Any questions can be sent to the Corporate Office or any other RepEx member online.

Welcome to the company.

Michael Richter
5000 RepEx Way
Republican Express Headquarters
Planet Hamburg
Chief Executive Officer


RepEx Employee start up guide - mang109 - 01-09-2010

***Incoming Transmission***
*** Comm ID: Oscar Eberstark ***

Republican vessel RepEx-Shipping|109 reporting for duty. I am already set up with a "Crane" Class vessel from my independant days, so unless you feel it vital, there is no need to provide me with a Behemoth class vessel.

My Secure Key-encrypted Ybeam Personal Enrouter ID is : ross.harding.148

*** Out ***

RepEx Employee start up guide - Jansen - 04-02-2010

Com ID: Akina Nagao
Location: Hamburg

Its me Akina, I just received the keys for the Behemoth class vessel RepEx-Shipping|247. I will move out in a few minutes, just wanted to send you my Secure Key-encrypted Ybeam Personal Enrouter ID, it would be jansen122. You should be able to contact me over this one.

-Akina Nagao

RepEx Employee start up guide - Reacher - 06-29-2010

***Incoming Transmission***
***ID: Dow Jones***

Republican vessel RepEx-Shipping|359 reporting for duty. I'm already set up with a Behemoth class vessel and ready to rock.

My Secure Key-encrypted Ybeam Personal Enrouter ID is : j.r.defiant

***End Transmission***

RepEx Employee start up guide - Serendipity - 09-17-2010

Incoming Transmission:
To: RepEx Headquarters
From: Reeve Corleone, RepEx-Shipping 014

Vessel RepEx-Shipping 014 Reportin in amigos. Need to get my boat setup still, but will get it done soon.

The secure Key Encrypted thingy for my personnal channel is : Vinced14.

Ahrigth. Im out.

End Transmission

RepEx Employee start up guide - Vasuv - 09-23-2010

***Incoming Transmission***
*** Comm ID: Oscar Eberstark ***

Republican vessel RepEx-Shipping echo 419 reporting for duty. I am already set up with a colosuss Class vessel from my independant days, so unless you feel it vital, there is no need to provide me with a Behemoth class vessel

*** Out ***

RepEx Employee start up guide - mang109 - 09-23-2010

***Incoming Transmission***
*** Comm ID: Oscar Eberstark ***

' Wrote:***Incoming Transmission***
*** Comm ID: Oscar Eberstark ***

Republican vessel RepEx-Shipping|109 reporting for duty. I am already set up with a "Crane" Class vessel from my independant days, so unless you feel it vital, there is no need to provide me with a Behemoth class vessel.

My Secure Key-encrypted Ybeam Personal Enrouter ID is : ross.harding.148
*** Out ***

' Wrote:***Incoming Transmission***
*** Comm ID: Oscar Eberstark ***

Republican vessel RepEx-Shipping echo 419 reporting for duty. I am already set up with a colosuss Class vessel from my independant days, so unless you feel it vital, there is no need to provide me with a Behemoth class vessel.

My Secure Key-encrypted Ybeam Personal Enrouter ID is : ross.harding.148
*** Out ***

Whoever you are,you appear to have hacked my comms and Copied and Pasted my response, and kept most of the information.

I am not amused. :nono:

*** Out ***

RepEx Employee start up guide - Sabru - 01-04-2012

RepEx-Shipping|117 here.

all ready for work.

RepEx Employee start up guide - toru - 03-03-2012

Incoming Transmission
To: RepEx Headquarters
From: Drake Sato, Republican Shipping Faction

Guten Tag,

This is RepEx-Shipping|375. I already set up a Rheinland Train from my independant time. So there's no need to provide a Behemoth.

My Personal Enrouter ID is: Drake.Sato (// My extra Skype Account for Freelancer)

End of Transmission

RepEx Employee start up guide - mwerte - 03-04-2012

Initiate Transmission

From: Michael Richter
To: Drake Sato

Herr Sato, could you please file an application with the Human Resources Department so that we can get your paperwork in order?


Michael Richter
5000 RepEx Way
Republican Headquarters
Planet Hamburg
Senior Advisor

Transmission Terminated