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Iron Will Broken ( // Core| only ) - SMI-Great.Fox - 06-05-2015

--- Dabadoru Station - Omicron Delta ---
--- 45 Minutes after declaration of surrender to Core forces ----
--- Bridge of the 141|Liberty Lost ---

A firm sigh came from Agatha's lips as she finished sending her message to whoever was left tof the 141 Task Force, knowing while it was a futile message, that at least one or two of her once proud group would read it, including the fool Golanski. "... It's done.." she said, pulling her worn hat down into her lap as she sat alone upon her bridge, a lukewarm cup of tea giving off one of its last few wisps of steam before the sound of rapid clicking came rounding back behind her her, along with the firm clacks of armed rifles, knowing they were pointed to the last soul on the bridge. Her.

"Hands up!.. Don't make any sudden moves! Came from one of the Core troopers as Agatha slightly turned her head, taking a brief moment to look at them before she took ahold of her cup, downing the rest slowly before placing it back onto the armrest of her chair, adjusting her eye cover and slowly standing up with her arms raised. Turn!.. Move away from the console!" Giving a full turn, she could tell by the moment she showed her face the reactions from her guests had changed, slightly mumbling a bit under their breath as their stances seemed to tensen up, in disbelief or perhaps in disgust. One of them, rifle lowered, came up to her and took both arms down, tying them behind her back and started to push her towards the doorlock.

The others of the squad kept their rifles raised and on her the whole walk through the causeways of the carrier and down the lifts onto the main flight deck. Crowded about in groups were the last of her crew aboard. Friends and comrades that had remained loyal with her through the rough times that had gone through them all the past week. As she was walked across the deck, multiple crewmen began to turn, some mumbling, others pointing, and several saluting her as she was walked up towards another group of armed men, with one however not sporting a gun, but instead a suit.. "Nodtviet... I assume?..

RE: Iron Will Broken ( // Core| only ) - Lythrilux - 06-07-2015

The man in the black suit grins "Mhm, that is me. I am Erik Nodtviet, Guildmaster of The Core. Welcome to Dabadoru Station" said the Guildmaster, power in his voice. He spies her eyes looking at his clothing. "I see you've taken notice of my attire?" He chuckles "Of course, when I'm flying I'll wear something else but otherwise I'll always prefer a suit when I'm not flying" .

He pauses and smiles. "Suits are worn by people who have power. Businessmen, leaders, rulers and so forth. I doubt you've ever seen Golanski wear such attire. There's a reason why I wear a suit, and he wears whatever cheap rags the Order might be able to buy" he brags.

"Anyway..." He turns his attention to the troopers "Take her to the holding cell on the next level down. Specifically, the one with the interrogation equipment" He smiles somewhat darkly at Agatha "Lets see if she has any useful information" he announces, as The Core troops begin to take her away towards the elevator the cells. Nodtviet holds back and does not follow them.

"Paladin Hawken will assist with the interrogation, I have other matters to attend to" He says, before turning and leaving for the hangar.

RE: Iron Will Broken ( // Core| only ) - SMI-Great.Fox - 06-21-2015

Giving Nodtviet a bit of a surprised look as he spoke of interrogation equipment. "..Not going to personally see to torture of a former Order operative? Pity.. Besides you wont need it. I have nothing to hide..." Looking back to the rest of her corraled officers, she decides it best to give them at least a bit of hope,forcibly yanking at her cuffs to test their strength. They held tight without a budge. Well.. Seems the cuffs wont come off that way..", she said under her breath, rolling her shoulders once more as she looked around with her good eye, walking with the remainder of Core troopers as they pushed her along..

Forcing a stop before she entered the lift, her torso turned back enough to get a good look at Nodtviet.. .."For what its worth.. I'd rather talk to you over these interrogations.. You look a lot better than Golanski in his monday dragfest.." The sound of a few laughs was heard from several of her crewman as she was forced into the lift, both doors shutting quickly from what hopefully wouldnt be the last time she would see her crew. Cutting her laughter aside, she grew serious once more as the sound of metal upon metal hummed into her ears, lowering her head slightly as she repeatedly whispered to herself.. "...Agatha.. ID code 1-7-1-19-8-1-UXT.... DOR.. 8-19-818 AS...... Agatha.. ID code 1-7-1-19-8.1-UXT.... DOR.. 8-19-818 AS.." Agan and again she spoke until the lift came to a sudden stop, the doors to the lift opening up to reveal a single person with a smile.. "..And you must be Paladin Hawken... I expected someone in white armor wielding a giant blade and spikey blonde hair.."

RE: Iron Will Broken ( // Core| only ) - Lythrilux - 06-26-2015

As Erik departs down the corridor he catches Agatha's statement about requesting his presence "Maybe Later, Agent" He says as he finally leaves the area.

Paladin Hawken stood above Agatha like a statue. She was a well-built, burly looking woman with blonde hair. A single scar crept over her left eye, however her vision was otherwise intact. She wasn't an ugly woman, although not exactly the nicest looking either. Her cold blue eyes started at the Agent, her gaze not breaking off. She wore a very fine looking gold and black uniform with various medals over it, representative of her status as a Paladin.

A black boot hit the floor hard a mere inch from Agatha's foot. "I hope you can entertain me, Agent" she said with a Libertonian accent. "This way!" She said sharply as she instructed the Core troopers to bring the prisoner to the interrogation room.

Upon arriving at the room the door opened and the Marines threw Agatha onto the floor before quickly departing and sealing the door shut. The room was dark, with no clear walls which made the room seem almost infinite in size. A single white fluorescent light hung above the center of the room. In the middle were two chairs. On one chair, Paladin Hawken was already sat down with the back of the chair facing forward and her arms leaning on it.

"Sit" She said, barking the instruction at the Prisoner. "Don't try to escape. Make any attempt and I can kill you before your next hearbeat. I am an aide of Nodtviet for a reason." She said icily.

RE: Iron Will Broken ( // Core| only ) - SMI-Great.Fox - 06-27-2015

As she laid upon the flooring, slightly distressed, she slowly got back up to her feet and traded looks between her and the chair. "..Well. Looks like I don't have much of a choice do I then Paladin.." She trailed off for a moment as she looked around the dim lit room, not finding anything out of the ordinary with her sole eye. Taking a seat she raised both arms and signaled without a word about her cuffs, giving them a shake.. "...I've come this far without a fuss. May I request the removal of my cuffs to make this talk between women more open considering how things have been without incident?"

She waited for several moments with her hands stil raised slightly before lowering them down into her lap, knowing that such wouldn't happen, taking the iniative to play things safe. "...Alright.. Where would you like to start then?..."

RE: Iron Will Broken ( // Core| only ) - Lythrilux - 07-06-2015

Hawken brushes her golden hair back over her shoulder, revealing her devlish grin. "Tell me who you are, I want to know how you came to be in The Order and what you've done for that organization. I also want as much military, personnel, economic, political, diplomatic and logistical data that you can provide me as possible".

She fumbles around briefly in her pocket before pulling out a small gun-like object. "This is the 'Shocker'. Give me answers I don't like and, well, you get the idea" She presses softly on the trigger and a small blue bolt of electricity shoots out. "Hopefully you'll cooperate and I won't need to use this" she says as she puts it back into her pocket.

RE: Iron Will Broken ( // Core| only ) - SMI-Great.Fox - 07-06-2015

The sight of a blue arcs from the small hand weapon made her g ive a momentary smirk as she shook her head, feeling a bit of surprise. Cocking her head back, she could only bout out a short laugh before looking back at Hawken. " No! I wont tell you anything[!.. You can't make me betray the Order!.., she mockingly said to her, raising her hands in definance before taking off her cap, strumming through her hair as she adjusted the patch on her left eye, taking in a deep breath and slowly letting it out.. "Hell have'th like a woman scorned Golanski... You earned this..."

"...My name is Agatha.. No I don't have a last name so don't bother looking.. Order ID code 1-7-1-19-8-1-UXT.... DOR.. 8-19-817 AS.. Rank.. Field Major under promotion by Major Erikisson on 4-25-818 A.S. and assigned to Bretonia under observation of Chester and surrounding systems.. Placed in service within the Task Force 141 under Recon Command and Logisitcs... Commended for discovery of Nomad installations within Omicron 94. Details of the event are onboard the Liberty Lost under access by myself only..Let's see.. I was picked up in Alaska via small Order patrol in early 817 A.S.. Before Toledo's fall the Order was very.. lenient.. with outsiders. I was placed upon observation for 3 months before taken before their council on my fate.. Most wanted me dead, including Golanski at that time but considering the personnel shortages at that time they considered myself to be acceptable. Regardless of how some felt that day they knew the chances of my survival were very low. So they got their wish in a sense. But. Here I am.." She took a moment of pause before leaning her head back once more, placing a hand upon her forehead as she thought more on which topic to discuss..

"Let's see.. Military standing I would say... After Toledo....Akabat reserves would be about..17 thousand..and 3 thousand spread about several installations give or take... I never did take a head count so my numbers could be way off... Economic wise most of our materials, such as metals, we gain from the Zoner populace. Fuel wise we get it from the GMG. I myself have actually taken a small transport, Nightingale, and shipped a few bits of tonnage from Sigma 19... A few smuggler's from the Hessian's have come by with their material goods now and then... The rest we gain from several mining operations upon Akabat and a few asteroid fields within Omicron 100.. May I have a glass of water? This is going to take us a while to get over everything.." she said with a smile, crossing a leg over to get comfortable.

RE: Iron Will Broken ( // Core| only ) - Lythrilux - 07-26-2015

Hawken rolls her eyes at Agatha's request. She pulls out a communicator from her pocket and speaks into the mic. Moments later a guard comes through the door with a glass of water and places it next to Agatha's feet. She doesn't bother to try and make it any easier for Agatha to drink the water.

Hawken smiles. "Thank you for your information Agent, it's very useful to our organization. Please, continue" she motions with her hand, asking Agatha to proceed with her information.

RE: Iron Will Broken ( // Core| only ) - SMI-Great.Fox - 08-09-2015

Looking down at the glass she was both thankful and ammused at once, reaching down with both hands to raise it up and took a slow sip. "Thank you for not putting it in a bowl.. Shows how more human you all are... Now then.. where were we?.." She took pause for several seconds while taking thought into the measure of what next to speak about. Pondering for several moments she took a collective of what was spoken so far.. "Let's see...We can go with relations in Kusari.. or RHheinland considering how close they are to us.. Bretonia is very little aside from the Atum there... Not sure where they had her bearth on the top of my head..THey didn't speak much on it to my ears.. ANd Liberty you know how much work is done there at least...Any particular regional choice in favor Paladin?..."

RE: Iron Will Broken ( // Core| only ) - Lythrilux - 08-14-2015

Hawken pauses momentarily, before giving her response. "Tell me about Rheinland. There are some other parties who would be interested in gathering information regarding Order activity there". She pulls out a datapad from her pocket and begins to read it. "Let's see... is there anything you can tell me specifically about The Order's ties to the organization known as the Bundschuh? Provide as many details as you can, try not to cut corners" She stares back at Agatha coldly.