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Player Sanctioned: BATTLESHIPs - Printable Version

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Player Sanctioned: BATTLESHIPs - Hawk - 06-09-2015

BATTLESHIPs has been sanctioned for:

Quote: 1.2 Disconnecting from the server in any situation involving player interaction is not allowed. If you lose server connection, you should get back in game as soon as possible to continue the interaction. If that is not possible, post a note here.

You got caught by the police with naughty cargo. Yeah, that's bad. Disconnecting from the server to get out of the consequences is really bad. It's always cheaper to pay the fine. You can change the name of the ship, but we can still find it. I also removed some cash from a few other ships since you didn't have enough to pay the fine.

Link to original report (Admin use only)