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Player Sanctioned: HMS~Valiant - Printable Version

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Player Sanctioned: HMS~Valiant - Garrett Jax - 06-09-2015

HMS~Valiant has been sanctioned for:

Quote:Server Rule 4.1 All attacks in Connecticut must be preceded by an agreement to such by all parties that will be involved in the combat.

Consequences: Since you like trolling players in Conn by blasting their shields repeatedly without permission, you have lost your Battleship shield from off your ship. You are now no longer allowed to have a shield of any sort on your Terrorist ID'd ship and if we find one on there we will delete your ship immediately.

If we catch you trolling another player we may remove your armor next time.

Admin Link



If you post in this sanction and are not directly involved or a leader of the accused person's faction be advised that you are consenting to be subjected to the reprisal of my choice which may involve in game repercussions up to a ban.
Blaming members of your immediate family, neighbours, friends, pets, and assorted Orcs, Trolls and any other legendary creatures may result in the use of Admin Right #CTE 750AE

RE: Player Sanctioned: HMS~Valiant - MonkeyMan - 06-09-2015

This is a joke I haven't been in conn in ages haha plus isn't a attack one that lowers HULL below 50%. It's a game treat it like one and ease up kinda ruining it

RE: Player Sanctioned: HMS~Valiant - Jansen - 06-09-2015

This report was a tad bit older, we didnt get to process it until now.

3.1 An attack is any hostile action that drains shields to less than 50%.

I do not see where you take your information from.

Connecticut is not a roleplay system and does not exist within roleplay. It's for the purpose of PvP practice and training. Treat other players there with respect and avoid any sort of conflict while in that system.

4.1 All attacks in Connecticut must be preceded by an agreement to such by all parties that will be involved in the combat.

This means that if someone tells you to stop, because you are annoying them, you stop and dont just shoot them again and again and again.
You are right, its supposed to be a game that is supposed to be fun, the issue starts then when you decide to value your fun higher than that of others, which usually results in you breaking rules and you getting slapped for it.

RE: Player Sanctioned: HMS~Valiant - MonkeyMan - 06-09-2015

Ahh I musta read the server messages wrong my bad also if that's the case I have about 20 SS's for you of players "attacking" and not at all very one need to have fun just just wrecking mine but hey least I did it in conn and didn't kill the dude gotta have some credit for thatWink

Anyway arnt sanctions reports meant to be dealt with in order??? I just think your doing your best rule wise to delete valiant, lighten up lift the restrictions and make him a hessian... Already got the rep for it Wink

RE: Player Sanctioned: HMS~Valiant - Garrett Jax - 06-09-2015

Well, considering your ID violations of shooting at a Bowex POB with a BAF ID, as well as your chat logs which stated your intent to do so, your trolling behavior, even in the Sigma 13 event where you showed up and were firing flaks at ships way outside your ZOI, trying to bait them to attack you, and now this violation which shows you having fun breaking rules and causing grief to others, you are lucky to even have your ship still.

RE: Player Sanctioned: HMS~Valiant - MonkeyMan - 06-09-2015

Aye but cmon its all in a bit of fun and added excitement to the server for afew days Smile

RE: Player Sanctioned: HMS~Valiant - Garrett Jax - 06-09-2015

It added upset players and time wasted processing sanction reports. But that's okay. We are all having fun now, right?

RE: Player Sanctioned: HMS~Valiant - MonkeyMan - 06-09-2015

It's not like I destroyed the base or players...all harmless banter plus arnt they meant to be done in order...just thinking