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The LWB Needs A Poster - Printable Version

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The LWB Needs A Poster - BaconSoda - 10-15-2008

We need a propaganda poster. Like, one of them fancy ones Synth has.

Well, here are the rules:
  • Make it pretty
  • No bigger than 700 wide.
  • No taller than 500.
  • First Prize is 75 million.
  • Second is 50 million.
  • Third is 25 million.
  • First Prize goes on Faction Status Post.
  • Second Prize goes on Recruitment Thread.
  • Third Prize goes on the Message Dump.
  • Winners will be voted on in the LWB.
  • Contest ends: October 31st.
Any questions, ladies? Basically, be creative, and make it pretty. October 31st is the deadline, basically because it's Halloween, and it's like 3 weeks from now and it gives you artists a lot of time. We're not in any rush, so take as much as you want, as long as all applications are in by the 31st.

So, that's pretty much it. Get going, guys. Win some of Baconator's cashola.

The LWB Needs A Poster - farmerman - 10-15-2008

LWB! Things SHOULD be obvious, but since they're not, here's one!

[Image: lwb_prop1.jpg]

The LWB Needs A Poster - pchwang - 10-15-2008

In this submission, I tried to go for something simple, yet complex at the same time. Again, as you mentioned before, this is more of a poster than a signature, and as a result, I tried to capture certain motifs in the picture itself, such as:

- An engulfing sense of darkness
- Planet Stuttgart
- The LWB as a weak, but emerging "light at the end of the tunnel"

Although the entirety of planet Stuttgart would have fit inside the allotted range, I decided to crop off the two poles of it, as it seemed to add more panache to the picture. I also felt that the poster may look clumsy if it were more squarish than rectangular.

I may have delved too deep into it, but here is the direct link to it from photobucket. If you want the actual picture, contact me in Skype, and I'll send it to you.

[Image: LWB1.png]

At first, I did not even have the three points underneath the "Landwirtrechtbewegung." I felt that it was too simple, however, and added three points, "For Stuttgart. For Justice. For life," below. Personally, I still prefer the version without the three points, but that's up to you.



I just found Linkero's render thread, and threw an edited eagle in the background as well. I don't know how well it fits in however, it's just another option if you would like to consider it.

[Image: LWB2.png]

Goddarn my memory...

Here is the original without the three points.

[Image: LWB3.png]

The LWB Needs A Poster - Xing - 10-15-2008

[Image: bannercopiexa8.png]

The LWB Needs A Poster - BaconSoda - 10-15-2008

Hmm, that was quick. Time for refinement, I guess?

Ktayn - It's real silly, and quite plain. Mayhaps put something into the background that emphasizes that this is Freelancer.

Elgatodiablo - Very nice, but very dark. In all honesty, I couldn't tell a difference between the three of them. The contrast is great, and the idea is good, but there isn't much that the picture conveys without much explanation at this point. Maybe make it lighter without changing the contrast.

Xing - It's very nice. In fact, upon inspecting it further, I really have nothing to say about it. If you want to change anything at all, it's at your digression.

So, anyone else planning on entering? Even if you hate me, you can always take my money...

EDIT: Also, kudos to anyone who does do Photoshop/Microsoft whatever, etc work. If I could do it like this, or at all, you can be guaranteed that this thread would not be here, but you really are awesome.

The LWB Needs A Poster - pchwang - 10-15-2008

I'm not sure what you meant by saving the contrast, but here is an edit:

[Image: LWB4.png]

The LWB Needs A Poster - Dopamino - 10-16-2008

You're even giving money to the runner ups? Heck yes I'll make a submission!:D

The LWB Needs A Poster - Tinky57 - 10-16-2008

I'm definitely going to try. Money to runner ups woot!.

The LWB Needs A Poster - farmerman - 10-16-2008

Here's another idea! The synth paste crop is grey, right?

[Image: lwb_prop2.jpg]

The LWB Needs A Poster - Dopamino - 10-16-2008

Purple I think.