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PFI Internal Memo to Lincoln Caldwell. Another Planetform company. - Printable Version

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PFI Internal Memo to Lincoln Caldwell. Another Planetform company. - ghostrunner - 06-16-2015

[Image: Harold.gif]
*Reviews a couple of reports that have come across his desk*
Okay Lincoln time to wake up and start watching whats going on in the business world. There is a rumor going around that there is possibly a rival Planetform company. If this is rumor is true.... it would mean they are stealing business from us and it has got to stop! ASAP!.

*reaches over and takes his cigar from the ashtray and clamps it between his teeth, puffing on it rather agitatedly as he types in a couple things on his data pad*

Im forwarding the information to you and I hope you see fit to send it up the chain to Clarissa, since I am fairly certain she would like to hear that someone is siphoning profits from us, running around representing Planetform and who knows what else.

*Punches the send button and then sits back and blows a rather large cloud of smoke before continuing*

I have reviewed the our roster and see no where on any form this Michael Cussack, nor any record that we, Planetform, Inc. has a vessel named "Minority". I take it as a personal affront that someone would be running around doing business as Planetform, aka PFV and without ever contacting us.

*settles back and looks at the camera, taking another health puff on his stogie before continuing*

It is items like this that can interrupt the progression of a company that was once on the brink of financial ruin and is just now digging itself out from under the load of debt that it accumulated. If more attention was paid to the financial dealings going on around us and less time with the "dick-tation" of memos with your personal assistant Ruth, then we just might be able to become a financial power again. If.. uh.. personal maneuvers are more important, then it would probably be best to let me know. Then I can at least sell of my Planetform stock before it goes back in the crapper and either retire, or put my resume out there in the market place.

Signing off..
Harold M Lewis, S.T.O of Planetform, Inc

*reaches over and flips the power switch, turning off the camera. Settling back in his chair he takes a sip of the 15 year old scotch he had bought over ten years ago and contemplates the wheelings and dealings going on over the last couple years. With a sigh he turns to his electronic rolodex and goes searching for a couple numbers he filed away in here as a just in case*

RE: PFI Internal Memo to Lincoln Caldwell. Another Planetform company. - Planetform Incorporated - 06-22-2015

[Image: BxYQpFa.gif]

Clarissa appeared on screen with a slightly annoyed look.
”Good morning Mr. Lewis. It seems if I leave Mr. Caldwell to deal with a number of issues while I’m out of Bretonia with inter-house meetings all he does is has everyone believing he’s taken my job”
She cracks a smile and lets a small laugh slip before catching herself.
”You brought this to Mr. Caldwell and insisted he brought me into it but it seems his assistant Miss Marshall was smart, or cunning, enough to bypass him and send this directly to me.”
A wry smile broke before she continued.
”Like yourself I was alarmed to hear of a company trying to compete with us on our own grounds. Having someone else take our name, identity and operations from us is deeply troubling.
Hence I set to work to investigate this further. My team investigated all control tower logs of the movements of the vessel…”

She checks the name of the vessel once more.
”…Minority…and it’s comings and goings from our installations. And we also acquired manifest reports that the captain, Mr. Cussack, logged. One of the team searched video feeds of the vessel and traced the movements of the captain and the crew as they moved around California Minor. Well long story short Mr. Lewis we talked to the PFI employees they interacted with and from there I organised a meeting with Mr. Cussack himself for when he next returned to Liberty.”
She paused for a second.
”So I am pleased to inform you Mr. Lewis that while your worry and diligence to get this matter fixed is greatly appreciated the issue with Mr. Cussack and his crew is that he has been subcontracting to us through our Californian work office and he is considering joining us completely once his short term contract concludes later this year.”
She smiled a thankfully looking smile to Harold before concluding the message.
”Thankyou once more Mr. Lewis for bringing this to the attention of myself and the other members of the board.”

[Image: yUOYS9Q.png]

RE: PFI Internal Memo to Lincoln Caldwell. Another Planetform company. - ghostrunner - 06-22-2015

[Image: Harold.gif]
*Ignoring the chime indicating a waiting message from his data pad he continues the important video conference with the managers of Methyr-Tydfill, Cold Bay, Cali Minor and Harris about emergency measures. Finishing the call, he sits back, takes a couple puffs on his cigar and flips on the data pad to see about the message. Opening the message, mid puff he inhaled and started coughing on the smoke as Clarissa came into camera view, surprising the hell out of him. He reviews the message, chuckling softly to himself about Lincoln and then his the reply function.*

Greetings Miss Carrington. It came as a bit of a shock to me when your face popped up on my video screen as I was not expecting you to personally handle this matter. In fact, I was, as were several other colleagues, beginning to wonder if somehow Mr Caldwell hadn't contrived a way to get you to "retire" like our former CEO, since it had been so long since anyone had heard from or even seen you in public.

*chuckles softly as he wonders to himself if Lincoln even knows that Clarissa is even back*

I am going to have to give Miss Marshall more credit then I was expecting from her for actually forwarding the my message on to you like I had requested of Mr Caldwell. Seems she is more then just a pretty brunette with a wonderful looking package. I am sure that there is a perfectly good explanation for why you never got a copy of my message from Mr Caldwell.. possibly something along the lines of it was sent but the internal server buffered it.. or possibly a pack of ravenous Gaian Wildlife got loose and ate the server and technicians attending said server. *smiles at that* Well.. whatever the reason I am just glad that you received my message, and actually took the time to look into it.

*Sits back and takes a couple more puffs on his cigar as he gathers his thoughts*

It is a reassurance to this old duffer that you were able to work out exactly what was going on with Mr Cussack and his vessel the Minority. Im also glad that Mr Cussack has enjoyed his employment to Planetform as a contractor enough that he is considering signing on for a permanent position. Unfortunately this brings up another matter in relation, indirectly, to Mr Cussack and his employment. Before ever "putting pen to paper" as they say, to contact Mr Caldwell about this matter, I had a team look into the matter. I reviewed the material that they had gathered on Mr Cussack and no where was there mention of a contract to us. I am not doubting that you, yourself have viewed and verified the contract to Planetform from Mr Cussack and I have no question about its validity.

*He again pauses to take a couple puffs on the cigar, mentally organizing to be able to choose the right way to put this...*

The problem that is getting my boxers in a bunch is communication or lack thereof. If the contract was entered into our data base I would never have had to contact anyone about this. More and more paperwork is being fouled up, lost or just never entered... part of this is laziness and part of it isn't. Fouled paperwork problems seem to be running rampant at the moment. Just the other day I fielded a complaint from one of our captains *looks through some paperwork*ah, here it is... a Mr Odum of the vessel Barrow. His manifest that he got from central dispatch stated 3 million filters to one of our customers. As I am sure that you are aware, each of our captains gets a bonus based on the size of contract they are delivering. When he contacted the customer after making the first couple deliveries, and pointed out his concerns about the size of the order compared to the amount of cargo space allotted on the customers station for the order, he was informed that the order was wrong and it was only 30 thousand filters. Mr Odum was rather upset about this as having the order cut from 3 million to only 30 thousand put a rather large dent in the size of the bonus he would receive so he filed a complaint about it and it filtered up to me since no one else wanted to deal with it. I have since dealt with the situation and all parties are happy, but this is just one example of the problem.

*Hitting the pause on the recording he get up and pours himself a couple fingers worth of good scotch to wet his parched throat. Sitting he starts recording again, taking a sip before resuming.*

Now to get to the meat of my concerns here Miss Carrington. Paperwork foul ups are one thing, for someone to lose the paperwork on a valuable contractor like Mr Cussack is another thing all together. It makes me wonder if there were not an ulterior motive for it not being entered into our systems properly. Since I know that you have taken care of Mr Cussack and have personally looked into it, I would like to know if you know who it was that signed the contract for Mr Cussack. I know its not my place but I would also suggest a small audit of the books on the manifests from Mr Cussack.

I do hope that this is all just ramblings of an old fool but as they say "Better safe than sorry" and I would rather be proven wrong on something then to one day wake up and find that the company accounts have been drained or worse yet, the company itself no longer a Bretonian entity.

*He gives a nod before turning the camera off, hoping this is nothing more then an honest mistake before turning his attention back to the mountain of paperwork in front of him*