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To: <DSLE> From: DSE) - Deep Space Engineering - 06-16-2015

[Image: CvyMCae.png]


Our latest records report an increase in activity around the Humboldt System, and we would like to formally extend an offer to provide any referrals, consultation, or resources at our disposal. From Platinum Incorporated, Swellendam Inc., Deep Space Engineering's policy has always been to support any subsidiaries and contractors, since they all contribute to the bottom line and, in turn, the overall health of Liberty.

Please let us know if there is anything we can do to work together in furthering our organizational goals, especially as Q2 draws to a close!


Jordan Landers
Communications Director
Deep Space Engineering

RE: To: <DSLE> From: DSE) - Castor Black - 06-17-2015

[Image: DSLELOGOFINAL_zpsgpmtgv33.jpg]

Greetings Jordan Landers~

Hello there sir and thank you for your kind communication. Yes we are a new Corporation that just started mining in the Humboldt System. However we also do a lot more like for example running supplies to bases that are loyal to Liberty. I like to ask a question.... i Don't see a lot of DSE employees in liberty is it that you don't have a lot of employees or are they on vacation because to make this work I need to know if there is enough to work with or not. I'm sorry to be somewhat blunt and hope you will not be offened by this question.

I believe we have some of the same goals in liberty and hope you would also agree that more communications is a must to work together for a better future for liberty. Now I have contacted the junkers congress and hammer out an agreement to work together, however some of the agreement was not very clear so i ask for a contract to be written up and sent to me so I can agree to it or not.

I am a straight forth and strong minded man but also I am fair. Business you might agree is ruthless and cutthroat and to make money sometimes you have to be a hard ass to get things done. Time is money and I make a lot of it. I think we both can make lots of money working together. We welcome your experience in liberty and hope future experience between our two great Corporations will be profitable.

Thank you


CEO Castor Black

//*Explosion* Too wide, you need to resize it. ~ Cashew

RE: To: <DSLE> From: DSE) - Deep Space Engineering - 06-17-2015

[Image: CvyMCae.png]

Hi there,

Jordan went ahead and passed this correspondence up to me. A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Black. Do you prefer Castor? Anyway, where the heck did my manners go? I'm Daniel White, recently voted in by the board - but please, just call me Dan! As we wrap up our quarterly reports, take inventory, plan or various itineraries, ensure everything's properly balanced, and make the rounds in the usual financial news, yadda yadda, it's always a busy time of year. However, we've been looking mostly on ops in the Alberta System, the border with Rheinland, the gate/lane networks, and our shipyard.

Enough about bookkeeping though! In what ways were you hoping to put our heads together, and what sort of goals are you setting? It's gotten real quiet in recent times, but the Humboldt System has traditionally been a pretty volatile place. Still, the trade of copper and silver have always been a boon and I sure won't dissuade you from mining, though you may want to ensure you've got some protection ready as your operations become more regular.

I'm right there with you in appreciating the fact that it all comes down to the bottom line, though as I mentioned before, lately we've been looking into stuff outside mining and logistics. Still it's always good to hear about gumptious go-getters out there working the other fields, and those space station crews sure do know how to burn through their supplies. What I mean to say is, I always was a fan of specialization so this'll work out great!

Looking forward to hearing all about it Cast-o!

Have a good one,

Daniel White
Deep Space Engineering

RE: To: <DSLE> From: DSE) - Castor Black - 06-19-2015

[Image: DSLEINPROGRESS_zps7s2rzusl.jpg]

Greetings President White,

Glad to hear from the main man of DSE. I'm a businessman so Mr. Black would do fine. I am sorry for the late response but like you I have been really busy lately. We have been running all day and night mining operation in humbolt, and to tell you the truth it is taking a toll on everyone including myself.

But enough of that, let's talk business shall we. Now we both know we are here to make money and what is a great way to make it, is teaming up with someone like yourself and pounding the space dust to get it. Now all on my mind nowadays is to make lots of money and make it as fast as I can, am i right? Lately I have been putting all my resources into mining but due to heavy pirate activity and the lack of Congress ability to tell the truth we are now reducing our mining operations within that system. We are now looking for trading routes, bases to run supplies and other means to make a quick buck. If you have any information I would like to hear some.

Encryption Reinforced...........

Now I heard a nasty rumor that you like to repair DSE and Congress relationship. If you like my advice Congress can't be trusted and should never be trusted. They would sell your mother to be a slave in a heartbeat. We tried to work with them and they treated us like slaves and in my book that will never happen. I have decided to not accept their agreement. Our spies in their ranks and their slaves are telling us they can't be trusted. Details will come later when I have more time to get into details. If you choose to go this route you will do it alone and with great danger to your life.

Now with that said, I would like to work with you on trade routes, or any other money making scheme that you or I can come up with. I think we can make major money working together not against each other because we do have some of the same goals. Well I it is time to sign off for now don't really want this transmission to be intercepted. Think about it Mr. White and please get back with me as soon as possible but don't wait to long time is money.


CEO Castor Black

[Image: tramissiondone_zpsiz25ruzj.jpg]

RE: To: <DSLE> From: DSE) - Deep Space Engineering - 06-21-2015

[Image: CvyMCae.png]

Hello again,

Well Mr. Black, that's quite a bit to take in at once, where's the fire at, partner?

It sure sounds like you've got your mind on your money - maybe even your money on your mind, but you can squeeze credits out of dang near anything with enough gumption. Now, around Houston where my family started off hammering out hull panels, we got where we are today not just by the sweat of our brow, but through shaking hands and having a few drinks. Pirates move in, fields dry up, but favors and deals are priceless. Still, I'll definitely see if I can round up some transports not already swamped with a backlog of orders to fly alongside you fellas.

Anyhow, your rumor mill might be a little outdated and busted. I can recommend a good technician to fix it up. If you've managed to somehow, some way, slip in spies and meet some slaves, I'd say you're sitting pretty on better intel than I am. Just so you know, I haven't even met their new Orbiter or whatever the guy's title is. Things have been pretty lukewarm with them because we've got engineering to take care of. I'm not sure what those folks did to get you mad, but I'd be interested to hear all about it.

So, we've laid down some of our plans and objectives, discussed where the money's going, and I'm hoping you'd be willing to return the gesture by hearing more about yourselves, maybe some hard goals. Sure, I hear tell plenty of stuff about money, but then what? Even dining with Interspace executives, you hear all sorts of smart ways the guys and gals put their credits to work.

Anyway, don't run yourself too ragged now, you hear? In Kusari they've got this thing called Karoshi that you might want to read up on if you get the free time.

See you soon,

Daniel White
Deep Space Engineering