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To: Apollo Venkman - Printable Version

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To: Apollo Venkman - Shiki - 06-19-2015

Incoming transmission...
From: Enmalia Loyola.
To: Apollo Venkman.
Signal origin: Hidden.
Video stream detected, loading...
Audio stream detected, loading...

Enma sits in the cockpit, it seems her ship docked somewhere. Shes turn on the recording and leaned back in her chair. Enma looks pretty tierd, as always she wearing inhaler, but the dose is much lower then at the last weeks. She talking faster, but still monothonic.

'Saluti, Apollo. It is not so much time have passed since our first and last meet and you said that you will contact with me. But for the number of personal reasons I wish not to wait for long. You put me in strange position, you know it well, I believe. I'm sure you have a good reasons for it, I understand it and ask you to do well and understand me. You are like black cat in a black room, black room is all of this story. And now you are gone. I want to make the basic things clear, because if not I will have a good reason to forget all of it and your existance as well. So are you alive there?.. Out. '

Enma rose up and turn off the record.

End transmission.

RE: To: Apollo Venkman - Venkman - 06-19-2015

Incoming Transmission
ID: Apollo Venkman
Encryption: High

[Image: DdwDoaV.jpg]
Enma... Enma... Enma. *he started walking back and forth in his room as he plugged a microphone to record a message* Enma, don't think that I forgot about you, because I didn't it's just... the time passes so fast and yet I am waiting for " someone" and for "someting" , I hope that you are alright, because I am not quite.... *he stopped walking and sat in his chair leaning back in order to relax* I suggest we meet in Inverness soon, we'll discuss there, I am not comfortable in talking trough comm channel...
I'll be expecting you.

Transmission Terminated

To: Apollo Venkman - Shiki - 06-20-2015

Incoming transmission...
From: Enmalia Loyola.
To: Apollo Venkman.
Signal origin: Not specified. Approximately Omicron Alpha.
Video stream detected, loading...
Audio stream detected, loading...

Enma piloting the ship recording this, so her attention is scattered.

'Something? Someone? Don't want to talk using comm? As I expected from you, Apollo. I will not even ask why you are -not- alright, because I'm sure I'll not get an answer... for now at least. If you are really interested about me I was never be "alright" and something tells me I will not be in nearby future.

Inverness? Again? Khm, can't say I'm happy to fly to this Spirits forsaken place, but it seems you don't left me other choice. Yet I have to spend few days here on Malta, so you have your time to prepare a welcome. *she forcing a short smile* I think I shall to bring you some cardamine there and if you need something else let me know. '

Enma turning off the transmitter.

End transmission.

RE: To: Apollo Venkman - Venkman - 06-29-2015

Incoming Transmission
ID: Apollo Venkman
Encryption: High

[Image: DdwDoaV.jpg]
*coughs* Enma, hey... when you get this message, prepare your ship and come to Inverness as soon as possible. Remember that system, where I gave you ''the stuff'' ? You do remember right?
Anyway, try not to be followed. When you arrive, make your way towards [ 3B ], there is a small Moon, a ''rocky" one named Cromarty, you will recognize it as it has a white color. I will be there, waiting for you.
-- out --

Transmission Terminated