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To: Captain Nikolle Fischer of the BDM - Printable Version

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To: Captain Nikolle Fischer of the BDM - TheProphet - 06-19-2015

Incoming Transmission from Canary Wharf Station, New London
19/06/822 A.S.
[Image: 1HWlf.png]
To: Captain Nikolle Fischer
Priority: Sangria
Topic: Jelly-ship info

Message Contents:

BDM Captain,

One of the lads from Trade reported you needed some information on the blue jelly infestee who attempted to shoot our shipment of Uncut Diamonds. I hope that you lads understand as well that all this lot wants is to cause instability. What with that Hudson disaster and the Gallic invasion, I think we both would benefit from peace.

Attached Scans

We might have additional information about this group, and especially about their infiltrators in Rheinland. If you request, I'll have it forwarded to you. I understand this is possibly the fourth time within the quarter they've tried to shoot at my lads.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix.

Jonathan McCarthy
Director of Exploration & Security
Borderworld Exports
Transmission End

RE: To: Captain Nikolle Fischer of the BDM - SkyNet - 06-20-2015

Büro der Marineintelligenz
Secured military channel

...RECIPIENTS: Jonathan McCarthy
...SENDER: Kapitän Nikolle Fischer - BDM Seekriegsleitung
...LOCATION: U-201, Stuttgart System
...PRIORITY: Medium
...SUBJECT: Re: Jelly-ship info

Guten tag Director McCarthy,

I've spoken to my superior officers in the Oberkommando about this incident in Omega-11, and they decided, to launch an investigation. I'd be glad, if you could provide me with more information. Every single detail can help, even if it appears to be less important. I will submit all data to the Kommissariat. They are responsible for all "extraordinary things" and will take care of this case, from now on.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Kapitän Nikolle Fischer
Büro der Marineintelligenz, Seekriegsleitung

[Image: kapitnazbrx.png]

Message End