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Leaving aswell - Caribe - 07-23-2006

Im leaving Disco not because I found a better place to go to but its more like this: I am one of those game freaks you call hardcore gamers. Its a horrible addiction especially at young age. This addiction has made me alot more lazy than I would enjoy being. It also seriously hurt me in highschool. Fortunatly after failing 10th I realized that gaming was killing me in such a way that has let me with a deep failure scar. This doesnt mean Im quitting the internet, this just means Im quitting the gaming community as a whole. So yes I will visit the fourms offten (maybe once a week unless something more interesting happens).

I would like to say that this freelancer mod was the first and last one I have been to and it has been an interesting 7 months (i think its 7). I would also like to say good bye to a few people that i actually talked to: Wolf (and our first conversation im never going to forget, might give me nightmares for the rest of your life :P jk), Korrd (we talked little but it was somewhat enjoyable), Virus (you should really forget those dead family member conversations we had), Hyperwave (nice flying with you in kusari and causeing havoc :P , and Teaboy (we really didnt talk much but o well). I guess thats it so see you on the fourms rather than in space.


Leaving aswell - Hyperwave22 - 07-23-2006

I'll cya around man. It was nice flying w/ you too and I hope you have a good time w/ whatever you do.

Hyperwave22 :(

Leaving aswell - onca - 07-23-2006


Game addiction... a real addiction, as bad as any drug.

If you feel you need to go cold turkey, this may be some help...

They have some great stories. Like guys leaving rubbish to pile up in the houses, losing their jobs and peeing in buckets because they could not leave the PC! They advise literally cutting your CDs in half or burning them if you can't stop gaming. One guy actually shot his!!

Best of luck for the future dude.


Leaving aswell - Chucc - 07-23-2006

Fare thee well mate. we never talked, but i've seen you in game a few times, and seen your posts as well. Lady Luck smile apon you and your path. Godspeed.


Leaving aswell - kiggles - 07-23-2006

Great everyone is leaving again. :(

Oh well cya and don't shot the PC. (just sell it on Ebay :P )

Kiggles :mellow:

Leaving aswell - Dab - 07-23-2006

kiggles,Jul 23 2006, 06:35 AM Wrote:Great everyone is leaving again. :(

Oh, not everyone is leaving. Only 3 people, 1 to RL, 1 to another server, and 1 I think said he would be on from time to time. So some people are leaving, not all of them.

Leaving aswell - kiggles - 07-23-2006

It was a figure (spelling?) of speach I did not mean it literaly but it still sucks when aload of people leave. :(

Kiggles :mellow:

Leaving aswell - Kane - 07-23-2006

There does seem to be a starting trend...

Well, good luck to ya. Just remember, if you ever feel you can come back, Homework FIRST, then Freelancer. Trust me, I have the same problem. :P
Perhaps not quite to the extent you do, but very similar.

Leaving aswell - Fire-Fly - 07-23-2006

Kane,Jul 23 2006, 05:45 PM Wrote:There does seem to be a starting trend...

yeah, but tbh, i can't blame people wanting to leave atm....

i mean, i'm rarely on now (mostly because the server is down, it crashed, its had something else happen) always something wrong lately and its just no fun.

i mean, i'll still try to get on as it is cool flying with some of you guys but i have to say i do feel it has gone downhill since igiss stepped down :(

anyway, that was me randomly passing by.

might try to get online for an hour or so tonight if everythings running ok but good luck to the guys leaving, and don't forget us :mellow: :lol:

Leaving aswell - Dab - 07-23-2006

Fire-Fly,Jul 23 2006, 12:27 PM Wrote:i mean, i'll still try to get on as it is cool flying with some of you guys but i have to say i do feel it has gone downhill since igiss stepped down  :(

Well with Wolfpack its less laggy, but less reliable. I think I'd rather play most of the time with no lag, and all of the time with lag.