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System-Owning Factions - Printable Version

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System-Owning Factions - pieguy259 - 10-17-2008

OK, you can't join more than two system-owning factions at one time on the same account. But suppose you're in three factions already, two of which already own systems (say, GC and LN), and one of which (say, I dunno, RepEx) doesn't. Supposing RepEx then gets their own system well after you've joined it. Would you have to leave one of the factions?

System-Owning Factions - Zelot - 10-17-2008

I dont think this rule is actually enforced. If it were, I know a good number of people who would be in violation of the rule.

System-Owning Factions - Salvager - 10-17-2008

Well, I have Junker, Liberty Navy and Xeno characters on my account, each of which own at the least a guard system.
I'm a bit hazy on that rule, but if it's a no no I'd happily dump the Xeno character.

System-Owning Factions - Orin - 10-17-2008

Enforcing that rule now would be akin to witch hunting.

System-Owning Factions - Saigo.Watanabe - 10-17-2008

Hm good question there pieguy, eventhough i wouldnt be in violation of this rule, i would like to know for myself in the future.

System-Owning Factions - Lucend - 10-17-2008

' Wrote:Enforcing that rule now would be akin to witch hunting.



(And no duck-weighing this time)

System-Owning Factions - Akumabito - 10-18-2008

If the rule isn't deemed appropriate it should be removed from the rules.

System-Owning Factions - n00bl3t - 10-18-2008

' Wrote:If the rule isn't deemed appropriate it should be removed from the rules.

It seems to have slipped through the cracks each time it is brought up.

System-Owning Factions - farmerman - 10-18-2008

Quote:If the rule isn't deemed appropriate it should be removed from the rules.

I am inclined to agree with this.

System-Owning Factions - AdamantineFist - 10-18-2008

' Wrote:If the rule isn't deemed appropriate it should be removed from the rules.
For once, you've made a very good point. It should be removed, as it is pointless and not even enforced. In fact, due to the wording, you merely need to have another account to get around it.