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To : LR- - Printable Version

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To : LR- - Junker Marauders - 06-28-2015

[img float=left][/img]
Transmission feed OPEN
► Sender ID: Deputy Marauder Cash Ivankov
► Location: Beaumont Spire, Texas
► Destination ID: The Liberty Rogues
► Encryption: HIGH
► SUBJECT: Been awhile


Just what the subject header says, it's been awhile. My guys have been trying to avoid Coronado as much as they can to avoid drawing any undue attention to your project in the area, so some kind of update on that would be nice, or if anything else is needed at least.

Aside from that, I'm mostly contacting you for a somewhat interesting deal. I've recently managed to get my hands on an old working Hel class Cruiser, the kind used by the guys down in Rheinland. This is kind of where it's a problem for us, because while it's all relatively operational we cant really be seen crewing it for diplomatic reasons. The ship is fairly distinct and mostly utilized by two groups, of which I'm assuming you're already familiar. I'm not particularly concerned with what the houses think about this kind of thing as they rarely concern themselves about things outside of their own house, but certain other groups may not be so fond of it.

This is where you might be able to help out. I've seen your particular group of Rogues flying these cruisers in the past, so at the very least you're able or were able to operate them. With that in mind, i'd like to propose a simple trade. My Hel for one of your Scylla class cruisers. From what I've seen the Rogues maintain fairly good ties with a lot of the other underground groups, so at the very least there's a bit of wiggle room if someone asks us where we got it. I'm not sure how difficult these things are for you to make or if this is even really a fair trade for either of us, so if there's more needed on our end let me know and i'll make it happen, supplies, favors and even simple credits are all fine with me.

Transmission feed CLOSED

RE: To : LR- - sindroms - 06-29-2015

The Liberty Rogues Wrote:
[Image: 0eqCBjn.png]

Mort appears on the screen, viewed behind the rather tattered wooden desk, encircled by a mix of messy stacks of papers of various importance, a rather messy coffee cup in front of him and an ashtray (just as dirty as the coffee cup) to his left.

Ah..good day, Marauders.

Yeah, the project. It has approached the point where work has crawled to a near standstill. The workers you provided us were very useful initially, but as you might no doubt understand, some of the more integral systems should be left to be built by people, who do not secretly want your death.

We are busy hooking up all the needed control and safety systems. We would usually skimp out on the later due to the temporary nature of our usual outposts, but I doubt the visitors of the shipyard will be thrilled to find out otherwise. After we are sure everything is held together, we will finally start producing the engines itselves. The mockup plan is done and should not be too hard to implement, especially with the alloys you have provided us with, so at this point everything just depends on how

Mort takes a quick swig of the brew from his cup, his expression giving the faintest of twitches as he continued, slowly setting the near-empty cup back down on its usual spot- as indicated by the rings of brown stains underneath it.

The Hel? Oh, those things...yeah, we had a few employed at the time. Not so much anymore, because while you can fix a Scylla with swearwords, you need a manual for a Hel. Needless to say, we also do not have many of the parts to fix them with in the first place.

We stopped using them around at the same time, when getting in and out of Rheinland became a wee bit problematic due to the Liberty-Rheinland war. At that point even the jumpholes had frequent patrols belonging to the special forces from either side and any transport carrying components for ship building was quickly returned, forcefully of course, back to Rheinland by the Military or captured and repossessed by the Navy.

Considering the Hel platform did not offer all that more usefulness over our homebrews during the odd situation where we would need destroyers, we decided to simply stick to what we had.

We do still have a few of them, but most are in such a sorry shape, we use them as stationary platforms. A spare Hel platform would be good for spare parts if nothing else, so feel free to bring us one. I will get someone to assign a Scylla conversion on the Nonsense Factory and keep you updated as soon as we get the needed parts for it. We already have a couple of Bullmastiffs ready to be converted for that purpose.



RE: To : LR- - Junker Marauders - 07-22-2015

[img float=left][/img]
Transmission feed OPEN
► Sender ID: Deputy Marauder Cash Ivankov
► Location: Beaumont Spire, Texas
► Destination ID: The Liberty Rogues
► Encryption: HIGH
► SUBJECT: Hel yeah


Sorry it's been so long, as you yourself mentioned moving stuff between Rheinland and Liberty right now is fairly difficult, probably even more-so with the current situation with the gates and I felt it would be bad manners to respond empty handed so to speak.

I am glad to hear about the progress of the shipyard in Coronado, I hope to see it churning out ships and other nonsense soon. In regards to the more immediate matter our crew onboard the Hel has managed to avoid detection and entered Cassini, they should have been moored off of San Quentin for about a week at this point preparing to hand over control to your guys. Let me know when you're ready to fulfill your end of the arrangement so I can have the crew transferred over. In the meantime I do actually have another business proposal, if you or your guys feel you'd like to make some extra credits.

Due to a variety of circumstances involving other Junker groups having frequent unpleasant run-ins with the law, we've had to step twice as fast to avoid any possible issues ourselves. Unfortunately this means we aren't quite bringing in the quantity of goods we once did, and with the long running artifact trade this has ended up causing a bit of a shortage on our end. With both of these facts in mind, i'd like to make you an offer.

The Corsairs frequently require salvaged ship parts to keep their ships flying, which we can provide at our Beaumont installation. If you haul them down, they should be willing to pay a nice amount for them when you get there. On the return trip, our guys at Beaumont could take care of the Artifacts that you bring back. If you can manage to bring in about fifty-thousand of them by the end of next month, that should be enough to satisfy the market for awhile. I'm willing to offer an extra five hundred credits for each one, once the cargo has been confirmed to be authentic. Not that I particularly distrust you, but I'd be an idiot if I trusted every transport captain hoping to get ahead, and I dont particularly have a fondness for a crate full of rocks that someone might try to sell off instead of the real thing.
Transmission feed CLOSED

RE: To : LR- - sindroms - 07-27-2015

The Liberty Rogues Wrote:
[Image: 0eqCBjn.png]

Good day, Mr. Ivankov.

It looks like as though I will be the one asking pardon for the late reply this time, but for a good reason. Or so I would think it is. First of all, I will consider the offer regarding the Artifacts. I might have a few people free for such a trip. I will keep you updated on that one. Anyway. Yes, I was made aware of the arrival of your vessel as its presence made the docking operators at San Quentin rather squirmy, but overall, I hope that your crew had something to occupy themselves with during their visit. I cannot personally say that I've visited the bar on that station myself, but I can imagine it is not as well stocked as the ones in, say, Rochester or Alcatraz are.

As for the current deal, I am glad to say that my boys found a rather innovative solution to your order. Instead of waiting for the two Bullmastiffs to arrive to the Nonsense Factory, one of the two destroyers in Coronado - the LR-Tug2 has been re-purposed once more. Since we disassembled it into makeshift propulsion platform earlier, which required us to pretty much remove the front half of the ship, my guys upon being asked to salvage it sort it back together.

It does not look too elaborate, but sufficed to say, I suppose it counts as the first of our gifts to you straight from the Goose Creek. Make of that what you will.

The ship itself was tested by running it from Coronado to Cassini, which involves going through six different navigation hazards. The only thing that the crew reported was that due to a small error during the assembly, the stitched on front is just slightly inclined towards the left.

In other words, as long as you do not attempt planetary landing, the ship should serve you well.

You will find the LR-Only.Slightly.Bent moored on the Nonsense Factory in Cassini.
