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Ryukyu Guild - Announced Mandate - Printable Version

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Ryukyu Guild - Announced Mandate - Ryukyu Guild - 06-29-2015

Ryukyu Commonwealth Mandate


Commonwealth’s Sovereign Territory is defined as Okinawa, Sigma-13, Sigma-19, Sigma-17, Sigma-59, 10k around Aomori Station

The Ryukyu Mandate is the overarching law within the Commonwealth’s space, and is enforced by those in the Ryukyu Guild (RG|) or Gas Miners hailing from the Sigmas.

Section 1 - Authority of the Guild

1.1 Guild pilots have the authority to:
Maintain the security of the Sovereign Territory.
Restrict access to secure areas.
Stop vessels for standard scanning and ship investigation

1.2 Guildsmen can impose punishments and restrictions on pilots and organizations for violating the Commonwealth Mandate or any actions that could be deemed illegal or harmful to the Guild or its interests, at the enforcing Guildsmen discretion.

Section 2 - Commerce

2.1 Cargo cannot be moved to or from locations controlled by those considered unwelcomed by the Guild and will be confiscated.

2.2 The following items are considered contraband and are thus outlawed within Guild space.
Black Market Munition
Human Organs
Nuclear Devices

2.3 Mining within the Commonwealth’s sovereign space is restricted to members of the Guild and Kishiro.

Section 3: Technology

3.1 The ships and equipment produced by the following groups are banned within the Commonwealth’s sovereign space:
Farmer’s Alliance
Unlicensed Guild assets
All ships and equipment constructed using Nomad technology

3.2 Capitals vessels are not allowed within Commonwealth’s sovereign space, excluding those piloted by the Guild or by Zoners.

Section 4 - Code of Conduct

4.1 All persons within Guild-controlled space are required to behave in a polite and civil manner towards all other persons.

4.2 Any individual insulting or showing disrespect to a member of the Guild may be fined and / or deported from Commonwealth space.

4.3 Through prior action these organizations are outlawed from Commonwealth space:
Farmer’s Alliance

4.4 The Kofu Dust Cloud and ten klicks around Namura Research Station is off limits. Ships found within the cloud or around the station will be asked to leave or be destroyed.

[Image: RGFooter.png]

RE: Ryukyu Guild - Announced Mandate - Ryukyu Guild - 06-30-2015

Updated 6-30-15. Added section 4.4